Title Potrebe starijih osoba za uslugama gerontoloških centara izvaninstitucijske skrbi u odnosu na njihovu funkcionalnu sposobnost
Author Marina Tičinović
Mentor Nada Tomasović Mrčela (mentor)
Committee member Vesna Antičević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ante Buljubašić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nada Tomasović Mrčela (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2022-06-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Uvod: U diplomskom radu istraživane su samoprocijenjene potrebe starijih osoba za uslugama gerontoloških centara izvaninstitucijske skrbi u odnosu na njihovu funkcionalnu sposobnost. Istraživanje je provedeno u studenom 2021. godine u decentraliziranom Domu za starije i nemoćne osobe Split u okviru institucijskog projekta pod naslovom: „Samoprocijenjena potreba starijih osoba za uslugama gerontoloških centara (izvaninstitucijske skrbi) u Splitu“ (SOZS-IP-2020-5).
Metode i ispitanici:Funkcionalna samostalnost starijih osoba je procijenjena pomoću Indeksa po Barthelovoj modificiranog prema Shah S., Vanclay F. i Cooper B. (MBI) u ispitivanju telefonskom anketom koje je uslijedilo nakon obavještavanja o istraživanju i pozivu za sudjelovanjem te njihovu dobrovoljnom pristanku uz osiguranu anonimnost. Korišteni su i upitnici o sociodemografskim obilježjima i samoprocjeni starijih osoba o potrebi i odabiru ponuđenih usluga izvaninstitucijske skrbi. U uzorak je konsekutivno uključena svaka druga osoba (u dobi od 65 i više godina) sa službene liste čekanja doma za starije osobe, kojoj se ponudilo učešće u istraživanju u vremenu trajanja ispitivanja u studenom 2021. godine.
Cilj:gerontološko – javnozdravstvenom analizom utvrditi postoje li i koje su potrebe starijih osoba za uslugama Gerontološkog centra dok čekaju smještaj u decentralizirani Dom za starije osobe u Splitu.
Rezultati i rasprava:Istraživanje je pokazalo da su ispitanicima (N=182) najpotrebnije „usluge pomoći u kući“ / prosječan broj bodova 2.22 (SD 1.01), potom „usluga dnevnog boravka“/ prosječan broj bodova 1.38 (SD 1.22) te „zdravstvene, socijalne i psihološke usluge“/ prosječan broj bodova 1.11 (SD 1.00). Pokazalo se da postoji statistički značajna razlika (p= <0.001) u prioritetnim samoprocijenjenim potrebama ispitanika za ponuđenim uslugama Gerontološkog centra u odnosu na njihovu dobnu skupinu, osim u iskazanoj potrebi i odabiru prioriteta ispitanika za Programima zdravstvene, socijalne i psihološke usluge gerontološkog centra (p=0.156). Rezultati prezentiraju statistički značajnu razliku u prioritetnim samoprocijenjenim potrebama ispitanika za uslugama Gerontološkog centra s obzirom na kategoriju funkcionalne samostalnosti ispitanika (p= <0.001), kao i prema stupnju socijalnih usluga smještaja (1-3) u koju su raspodijeljeni (p= <0.001) dok se nije pokazala statistički značajna razlika u odnosu na spol ispitanika, kao niti za razdoblje čekanja ispitanika za smještaj u dom za starije osobe.
Zaključak: : Na temelju provedenog istraživanja zaključuje se da je procjena funkcionalne sposobnosti starijih osoba važan gerontološko-javnozdravstveni pokazatelj u planiranju izvaninstitucijske skrbi osoba starije životne dobi. Rezultati ovog istraživanje upućuju na nužan intersektorski i interdisciplinarni gerontološki pristup u zaštiti zdravlja starijih osoba te potrebu osnivanja gerontoloških centara izvaninstitucijske skrbi za starije osobe u gradu Splitu.
Abstract (english) Introduction: This paper investigated the self-assessed needs of the elderly for the services of gerontological centers of non-institutional care in relation to their functional ability. The research was conducted in November 2021 in decentralized Nursing home Split as part of an institutional project entitled: „Self-assessed need of the elderly for the gerontological centers' services (non-institutional care) in Split“ (SOZS-IP - 2020 - 5).
Methods and subjects: The functional independence of the elderly was assessed using the Barthel Index modified according to Shah, S., Vanclay, F. and Cooper, B. (MBI) in a telephone survey following the notification of the research and the invitation to participate and their voluntary consent guaranteed anonymity. Questionnaries on socio-demographic characteristics and self assessment of the elderly on the need and choice of offered non-institutional care services were also used. We consecutively enrolled every 2nd participant (aged 65 or older) from the official nursing home waiting list during the period of November 2021.
Objective: By gerontological-public health analysis to determine whether there are and what are the needs of the elderly for the gerontological center's services while waiting for accommodation in a decentralized nursing home in Split.
Results and discussion: The research showed that the respondents (N=182) most needed „home help services“/average number of points 2.22 (SD 1.01), then „living room service“/average number of points 1.38 (SD 1.22) and „ health, social and psychological services“/average number of points 1.11 (SD 1.00). Also, the researh showed that there is a statistically significant difference (p = <0.001) in the priority respondents' self-assessed needs for the services offered by the gerontology center in relation to their age group, except in the stated need and choice of priority respondents for the Programs of health, social and psychological services (p = 0.156). The results present a statistically significant difference in the priority respondents' self-assessed needs for the gerontology center's services regarding the category of respondents' functional independence (p = <0.001) and regarding the level of social accommodation services (1-3) in which they are distributed (p = < 0.001), but a statistically significant difference wasn't shown in relation to the respondents' sex, as well as regarding the respondents' waiting period for accommodation in a nursing home.
Conclusion: Based on the conducted research, it is concluded that the assessment of the functional independence of the elderly is an important gerontological-public health indicator in the planning of non-institutional care for the elderly. The research's results refer to the necessary intersectoral and interdisciplinary gerontological approach in the health protection of the elderly and the need to establish gerontological centers of non-institutional care for the elderly in the city of Split.
funkcionalna sposobnost
izvaninstitucijska skrb
starije osobe
usluge gerontoloških centara
Keywords (english)
functional ability
non-institutional care
the elderly
services of gerontological centers
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:280252
Study programme Title: Nursing (university/graduate) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access Embargo expiration date: 2023-06-15
Terms of use
Created on 2022-06-15 11:55:37