Title Primjena alternativne i komplementarne medicine kod onkoloških bolesnika
Author Ksenija Romić
Mentor Tomislav Omrčen (mentor)
Committee member Mario Marendić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Ban (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Omrčen (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2022-10-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Cilj: Glavni cilj istraživanja je utvrditi koriste li pacijenti koji se liječe na Klinici za onkologiju i radioterapiju KBC-a Split alternativne i komplementarne metode liječenja. Ostali ciljevi su utvrditi najčešće korištene metode, razloge korištenja, razgovaraju li pacijenti o korištenju s liječnicima i medicinskim sestrama, iskustva pacijenata o dobrobiti i nuspojavama korištenja te reakcije zdravstvenog osoblja na izjave o korištenju.
Metode: Istraživanje je provedeno na Klinici za
... More onkologiju i radioterapiju KBC-a Split, anketnim upitnikom, na 200 ispitanika, glavni kriterij uključenja bio je da se radi o punoljetnoj osobi , onkološkom bolesniku u tijeku aktivnog onkološkog liječenja.
Rezultati: Istraživanjem je potvrđena glavna hipoteza da pacijenti na Klinici za onkologiju i radioterapiju KBC-a Split, koriste alternativne i komplementarne metode liječenja i to u 36 % slučajeva. Ako uzmemo u obzir i činjenicu da od 128 ispitanika čak njih 70 (54.6 %) navodi uzimanje nekog od ponuđenih pripravaka/metoda, možemo zaključiti da je ovim potvrđena i treća hipoteza. Većina ispitanika uz onkološke metode liječenja, kao komplementarne i alternativne dodatke koristi molitvu (65.7 %), vitamine i minerale (62.9 %) te biljne pripravke (55.7 %). Rezultati ovog ispitivanja potvrdili su i drugu hipotezu a ta je da se pacijenti odlučuju na primjenu alternativnih i komplementarnih metoda odmah nakon postavljanja dijagnoze maligne bolesti i to u 44.4 % slučajeva. Na pitanje o razlozima korištenja alternativnih metoda liječenja najčešći razlog je očekivanje povećanja imuniteta (75 %) i smanjenje nuspojava. Četvrta hipoteza ovog ispitivanja potvrđena je u 50 % slučajeva gdje ispitanici izjavljuju da se ne povjeravaju svom liječniku onkologu i u 87.1 % slučajeva u kojima se o korištenju KAM-a ne povjeravaju medicinskoj sestri. Najčešći razlog zbog kojeg se nisu povjerili liječniku onkologu/medicinskoj sestri, ispitanici navode kako nisu niti upitani (85.7 %). Reakcije onkologa/medicinske sestre na izjave ispitanika o korištenju alternativnih metoda liječenja su u 49.3 % slučajeva takve da su prepustili bolesniku odluku o daljnjem korištenju, dok su mu u 46.7 % slučajeva pružili podršku i razumijevanje.
Zaključak: Pacijenti koji se liječe na Klinici za onkologiju i radioterapiju KBC-a Split koriste alternativne i komplementarne metode liječenja na koju se odlučuju najčešće odmah nakon postavljanja dijagnoze. Najčešće koriste biljne pripravke te vitamine i minerale i molitvu. Pacijenti ne razgovaraju o korištenju alternativnih metoda liječenja sa zdravstvenim radnicima na Klinici u 50% slučajeva, najčešće jer nisu ni upitani. Glavni razlog korištenja KAM-a je očekivanje da im se poveća imunitet. Less
Abstract (english) Aim: The main goal of the research is to determine whether the patients treated at the Clinic for Oncology and Radiotherapy of KBC Split use alternative and complementary methods of treatment. Other objectives are to determine the most commonly used methods, reasons for use, whether the patients discuss use the with doctors and nurses, patients' experiences of benefits and side effects of use, and reactions of healthcare staff to statements about use.
Methods: The research was
... More conducted at the Clinic for Oncology and Radiotherapy of KBC Split, using a survey questionnaire, on 200 respondents, the main inclusion criterion was that they were adults, oncology patients undergoing active oncology treatment.
Results: The research confirmed the main hypothesis that patients at the Oncology and Radiotherapy Clinic of KBC Split use alternative and complementary treatment methods in 36% of cases. If we also take into account the fact that out of 128 participans, as many as 70 of them (54.6%) mention taking one of the offered preparations/methods, we can conclude that the third hypothesis is also confirmed. In addition to oncological treatment methods, the majority of participants use prayer (65.7%), vitamins and minerals (62.9%) and herbal preparations (55.7%) as complementary and alternative methods. The results of this study also confirmed the second hypothesis, which is that patients decide to use alternative and complementary methods immediately after the diagnosis of a malignant disease in 44.4% of cases. When asked about the reasons for using alternative treatment methods, the most common reason is the expectation of increased immunity (75%) and reduction of side effects. The fourth hypothesis of this study was confirmed in 50% of the cases where the respondents declare that they do not confide in their oncologist and in 87.1% of the cases in which they do not confide in the nurse about the use of CAM. The most common reason why they did not confide in an oncologist/nurse is that they were not even asked to do so (85.7%). The reactions of the oncologist/nurse to the respondents' statements about the use of alternative treatment methods are in 49.3% of cases such that they left the decision on further use to the patient, while in 46.7% of cases they provided them with support and understanding.
Conclusion: Patients who are treated at the Clinic for Oncology and Radiotherapy of KBC Split use alternative and complementary methods of treatment, which they decide on most often immediately after diagnosis. Most often they use herbal preparations and vitamins and minerals and prayer. Patients do not discuss the use of alternative treatment methods with health staff at the Clinic in 50% of cases, most often because they are not even asked. The main reason for using KAM is the expectation that their immunity will increase. Less
komplementarna i alternativna medicina
konvencionalna medicina
onkološki bolesnik
Keywords (english)
complementary and alternative medicine
conventional medicine
oncology patient
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:331663
Study programme Title: Nursing (university/graduate) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-10-18 07:40:04