Title Sociometrijski status djece s posebnim potrebama u vrtićkoj skupini
Author Marijana Strukan
Mentor Slavica Kozina (mentor)
Committee member Slavica Kozina (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ante Buljubašić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Diana Aranza (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2023-03-31, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Cilj: Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi sociometrijski status djece s posebnim potrebama u predškolskoj
vrtićkoj skupini radi planiranja inkluzivnih programa i sustavnog poticanja njihove interakcije s vršnjacima
s tipičnim razvojem.
Metode: U provedeno retrospektivno kohortno istraživanje bilo je uključeno 68 predškolske vrtićke djece
s otoku Brača, grad Supetar od čega je 8 djece imalo poteškoće u razvoju. Djeca su smještena u 8 vrtićkih
skupina sa nejednakim brojem djece. Primijenjeni su anketni upitnik o djeci i strukturirani upitnik 5-15R
(Kadesio B, Janols L-O, Korkman M, Mickelsson K, i sur. Questionnaire for evaluation of development
and behaviour (QEDB), 2017.) koje su popunjavali odgajatelji. U radu je korištena deskriptivna analiza
podataka: izračunate su mjere apsolutne i relativne učestalosti smetnji koje su prezentirane tabelarno i
grafički. Korištene su apsolutne i relativne postotne frekvencije koje su prezentirane tabelarno i grafički.
Zadatak je bio na temelju anketnog upitnika razvrstati djecu u jednu od 6 kategorija: kategorija popularne
djece, kategorija djece koja imaju više pozitivnih nego negativnih biranja, kategorija djece koja imaju više
negativnih nego pozitivnih biranja, kategorija kontroverzne djece, kategorija odbačene djece i kategorija
izolirane djece.
Rezultati: Osmero djece sa teškoćama u razvoju čine skupinu djece slabo socijalizirane u vrtiću: dvoje
djece svrstano je u skupinu izoliranih, petero djece je u skupinu odbačenih, jedno dijete u skupinu
kontroverznih. 7 od 8 djece sa teškoćama u razvoju bila su odbačena ili izolirana.
Zaključak: Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazali su da su djeca s teškoćama u razvoju najčešće odbačena
ili izolirana od svojih vršnjaka iako je riječ o manjim vrtićkim skupinama u otočkoj sredini s većom
mogućnosti interakcije. Interakcija djece s posebnim potrebama s vršnjacima nije spontan proces već mora
biti obuhvaćena unaprijed planiranim inkluzivnim predškolskim programom.
Abstract (english) Objective: The objective of the research is to determine the sociometric status of children with special
needs in kindergarten groups for the purpose of planning inclusive programs and systematic encouragement
of the interaction with their peers having typical development.
Methods and respondents: 68 kindergarten children were a part of this research, and 8 of them has
developmental disabilities. . The children were placed in 8 kindergarten groups with an unequal number of
children. Descriptive data analysis and a structured one 5-15 R Questionnaire for evaluation of
development and behaviour ( QEDB ), 2017.), which werwb filwd in by educators. ( Kadesio B, Janols LO, Korkman M, Mickelsson K, i sur. ) was used in the study : the absolute and relative frequency methods
were calculated and presented both tabulary and graphically. The task was based on the questionnaire for
mapping a group of children in one of the six categories: the category of popular children, the category of
children who have more positive then negative choices, the category of controversial children, the category
of rejected children, and the category of the isolated children. The questionnaire offers data about the
interactions children with special needs with their peers.
Results: 8 children with developmental disabilities were at a low level of socialization : two children were
in the category of isolated children , five children were in the category of rejected ones and one child was
in the category of controversial children. So, 7 about 8 children with developmental disabilities were either
rejected or isolated.
Conclusion: The resul ts of this research have shown that the children with developmental disabilities have
most often been rejected or isolated by their peers, although in this instance they have been in smaller
kindergarten groups on the island with a greater possibility of interaction. The interaction of children having
special needs with their peers is not a spontaneous process and needs to be included in a pre-planned
inclusive preschool program.
Sociometrijski status
djeca s posebnim potrebama
vrtićka skupina.
Keywords (english)
Sociometric status
children with special needs
kindergarten group
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:298579
Study programme Title: Nursing (university/graduate) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2023-04-11 10:51:17