Abstract | Cilj: Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procijeniti učinak vježbi snage i ravnoteže na posturalnu ravnotežu, snagu mišića i kvalitetu života kod osoba starije životne dobi, s ciljem prevencije padova.
Metode: Istraživanje je provedeno od svibnja do rujna 2022. godine u Zdravstvenoj ustanovi Sano u Splitu. Uključeno je 50 ispitanika u dobi od 65-85 godina, od kojih je 25 ispitanika provodilo vježbe snage i ravnoteže, dok 25 ispitanika nije provodilo vježbe. Vježbe su se provodile u maloj grupi od pet osoba pod vodstvom fizioterapeuta. Tijekom 12 tjedana, vježbe su se izvodile tri puta tjedno, s trajanjem od 50 minuta po treningu. Trening je uključivao zagrijavanje i aerobne vježbe tijekom prvih 15 minuta, vježbe snage i ravnoteže tijekom sljedećih 30 minuta, te vježbe istezanja koje su trajale 5 minuta. Prije uključivanja u program vježbanja i nakon 12 tjedana provedena su testiranja mišićne snage i ravnoteže. Za testiranje mišićne snage korišteni su test uzastopnog ustajanja iz sjedećeg položaja i "time up and go" test, a za testiranje ravnoteže koristio se je Romberg test, Tandem stav test i Test ravnoteže u četiri faze. Za procjenu utjecaja vježbi na kvalitetu života ispitanika korištena je hrvatska verzija upitnika SF-36.
Rezultati: Nakon 12 tjedana provedenih vježbi, skupina koja je provodila vježbe pokazala je statistički značajno poboljšanje mišićne snage u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom. Također, primijećeno je značajno poboljšanje u izvedbi testova ravnoteže, uključujući Rombergov test, Tandem stav test i Test ravnoteže u četiri faze, kod vježbača u usporedbi s nevježbačima. Vježbači su doživjeli poboljšanje u fizičkom funkcioniranju te smanjenje ograničenja uzrokovanih fizičkim i emocionalnim poteškoćama, kao i smanjenje tjelesne boli.
Zaključci: Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju na povoljan učinak vježbi snage i ravnoteže na poboljšanje mišićne snage, ravnoteže i kvalitete života kod osoba starije životne dobi. Preporučuje se uključivanje vježbi snage i ravnoteže u redovnu tjelovježbu starijih osoba kao dio strategije prevencije padova. Unatoč ograničenjima ovog istraživanja, dobiveni rezultati pružaju osnovu za daljnja istraživanja koja bi mogla detaljnije istražiti optimalne kombinacije vježbi, broj ponavljanja i vrste vježbi za prevenciju padova kod starijih osoba. |
Abstract (english) | Objective: The main objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of strength and balance exercises on postural balance, muscle strength and quality of life in elderly people, with the aim of preventing falls.
Methods: The research was conducted from May to September 2022 at the Sano Health Institution in Split. 50 subjects aged 65-85 were included, of which 25 subjects performed strength and balance exercises, while 25 subjects did not perform exercises. The exercises were performed in a small group of five people under the guidance of a physiotherapist. During 12 weeks, the exercises were performed three times a week, with a duration of 50 minutes per training session. Training included warm-up and aerobic exercises during the first 15 minutes, strength and balance exercises during the next 30 minutes, and stretching exercises lasting 5 minutes. Before joining the exercise program and after 12 weeks, tests of muscle strength and balance were performed. To test muscle strength, the test of consecutive standing up from a sitting position and the "time up and go" test were used, and to test balance, the Romberg test, the Tandem stance test and the four-phase balance test were used. The Croatian version of the SF-36 questionnaire was used to assess the impact of exercises on the quality of life of the respondents.
Results: After 12 weeks of exercises, the exercise group showed a statistically significant improvement in muscle strength compared to the control group. Also, a significant improvement in the performance of balance tests, including the Romberg Test, the Tandem Stance Test, and the Four Phase Balance Test, was observed in exercisers compared to non-exercisers. Exercisers experienced an improvement in physical functioning and a reduction in limitations caused by physical and emotional difficulties, as well as a reduction in physical pain.
Conclusions: The results of this research indicate a beneficial effect of strength and balance exercises on improving muscle strength, balance and quality of life in elderly people. It is recommended to include strength and balance exercises in the regular exercise of older adults as part of a fall prevention strategy. Despite the limitations of this study, the obtained results provide a basis for further research that could investigate in more detail the optimal combinations of exercises, the number of repetitions and the types of exercises for the prevention of falls in the elderly. |