Abstract | Napretkom digitalnih tehnika snimanja (digitalni receptori slike, CT, MR) računala, računalni programi, računalne mreže i digitalne baze podataka su postali jedan od temelja suvremen radiologije. Radiološki odjel ima specifičan način rada te postoje standardi kao što su DICOM za medicinske slikovne zapise, PACS za arhiviranje i komunikaciju te HL7 za razmjenu informacija medicinskom sustavu. Kako radiologija postaje ekonomski zanimljiva grana, postaje meta za cyber napade. Ujedno, radiološki sustavi sadrže mnogo osobnih podataka koji mogu biti interesantni pojedincima. Razlozi za napade su često ostvarivanje financijske koristi, ali mogu biti i politički, ideološki ili osobni. Početak napada može biti fizički pristup radiološkim uređajima ili mrežni pristup, i same DICOM datoteke mogu biti početak napada. Napade dijelimo na one koji izravno utječu na pacijente i one koji imaju utjecaj na samu infrastrukturu. Najpoznatije vrste su denial-of-service, malware, kriptografički napadi i promjene na postavkama uređaja. Kod obrane od cyber napada bitno je osiguranje komunikacije elektroničkom poštom jer je česta kod malware napada a na računalima i uređajima održavati programe ažuriranima prema uputama proizvođača, osobito antivirusne i firewall programe. Informatička služba radiološkog odjela treba paziti na račune svih korisnika i provjeravati ovlasti sukladno radnim mjestima kako ne bi došlo do zlouporabe. Mreže moraju imati ograničenja pristupa te podijeljena prema radilištima i namjeni kako bi se otežali neželjeni pristupi. Web proxy zaštita ograničava pristup Internet lokacijama koje su potencijalno opasne. Osnove mreže odjela kao što su serveri potrebno je i fizički osigurati od pristupa, najbolje prostorijom koja se zaključava a nalazi se pod video nadzorom i alarmom. DICOM datoteke trebaju biti enkriptirane najsigurnijim dostupnim algoritmima. Kao odgovor na cyber napade potrebno je imati dogovorene postupke i takav sustav mora uvijek biti spreman. Poznati napadi na radiološke sustave su Kwampiris, Petja/NotPetya, Ryuk, Wannacry, Conti skupina i BianLian. |
Abstract (english) | One of the basis of today's radiological devices are computers and networks. The radiology department has a specific way of working, and there are standards such as DICOM for medical image records, PACS for archiving and communication, and HL7 for information exchange in the medical system. As radiology becomes an economically interesting branch, it becomes a target for cyber-attacks. At the same time, radiological systems contain a lot of personal data that may be of interest to individuals. The reasons for the attacks are often financial gain, but they can also be political, ideological or personal. The start of an attack can be physical access to radiological devices or network access. The DICOM files themselves can be the trigger of an attack. We divide attacks into those that directly affect patients, those that have an indirect impact, and those that affect the infrastructure itself. The most well-known types are Denial-Of-Service, malware, cryptographic attacks and making changes of device settings. When defending against cyber attacks, it is also important to secure communication by e-mail because it is common in malware attacks, and to keep programs on computers and devices updated according to the manufacturer's instructions, especially antivirus and firewall programs. The IT department of the radiology department should keep an eye on the accounts of all users and check the authorizations according to the workplaces so that there is no misuse. Networks must have access restrictions and division according to workplaces and purposes in order to make unwanted access difficult. Web proxy protection restricts access to Internet sites that are potentially dangerous. The basics of the department's network, such as servers, must also be physically secured from access, preferably with a room that can be locked and is under video surveillance and an alarm. DICOM files should be encrypted with the most secure algorithms available. In response to cyber-attacks, it is necessary to have agreed procedures and such a system must always be on standby. Known attacks on radiological systems are Kwampiris, Petja/NotPetya, Ryuk, Wannacry, Conti group and BianLian. |