Author Ivana Punda
Mentor Davorka Sutlović (mentor)
Committee member Ilza Salamunić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Merica Glavina Durdov (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Davorka Sutlović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2014-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology
Abstract Uvod - Epilepsija je bolest koju karakterizira pojava spontanih napadaja različitih oblika, a nastaju zbog epizoda električnog izbijanja neurona. Suvremeni antiepileptici učinkoviti su u kontroli napadaja,ali nuspojave ograničavaju njihovu upotrebu. Budući da bolesnici te lijekove troše redovito tijekom više godina, važno je da imaju što manje nuspojava. Lamotrigin je lijek koji spada u „novije“ antiepileptike i svakako je postao jedan od lijekova bez kojih je danas nemoguće zamisliti liječenje epilepsije. Danas se redovito, rutinski određuju koncentracije lamotrigina u serumu da se provjeri je li pacijent uzima redovito terapiju ili u slučaju kada se vrši promjena doziranja lijeka.
Cilj – Prikazati prednosti primjene HPLC- metode, tekućinske kromatografije s UV-detektorom kod kvantitativnog određivanja koncentracije lamotrigina u pacijenata na svakodnevnoj terapiji ovim lijekom.
Metode – Tekućinska kromatografija s UV detektorom, HPLC-UV najčešće je primjenjivana metoda za određivanje koncentracije antiepileptika novije generacije, lamotrigina. Uzorci su pripremljeni ekstrakcijom na čvrstim nosačima, SPE u alkalnoj sredini uz dodatak natrijeve lužine, te zatim podvrgnuti analizi na HPLC instrumentu. Lamotrigin je detektiran na valnoj duljini od 306 nm i pri protoku od 2 mL/min.
Rezultati – U radu su analizirani uzorci seruma pacijenata koji su sadržavali određenu količinu lamotrigina. Uzorci su propuštani kroz kolonu pri protoku od 2mL/min i pri valnoj duljini od 306 nm. Upravo su visokom valnom duljinom izbjegnute interferencije koje potječu iz uzorka. Pri pH od 6,9 dobiven je najbolji kromatografski odgovor.
Zaključak – Nakon provedene analize može se zaključiti da je HPLC-UV metoda dovoljno osjetljiva i precizna za određivanje koncentracije lamotrigina u serumu pacijenata. Prednost metode je u bržoj predanalitičkoj pripremi uzorka i kratkom vremenu trajanja analize s pouzdanim rezultatima što je posebno važno kod hitnih slučajeva.
Abstract (english) Introduction - Epilepsy is a disease characterized by the occurrence of spontaneous seizures of various shapes, and these seizures are due to an outbreak of neuronal electrical episodes. Modern antiepileptics are effective in controlling the seizures, but their using is limited by side effects. Because patients consume these drugs regularly over years, it's important to have as few side effects. Lamotrigine is a drug that belongs to the "newer" antiepileptics which certainly has become one of the important drugs and the treatment of epilepsy it's impossible without it today. Today, the serum concentrations of lamotrigine are routinely determined to check if the patient takes a regular treatment or when the dose of the drug is changed.
Aim – To show the advantages of using HPLC method, liquid chromatography with UV detection at a quantitative determination of the concentration of lamotrigine in patients on daily treatment with this medicine.
Methods - Liquid chromatography with UV detection, HPLC-UV is the most commonly used method for determining the concentration of the new generation of antiepileptic drugs, lamotrigine. Samples were prepared by extraction of the solid carriers, SPE in alkaline solution with the addition of sodium hydroxide solution and then injected to HPLC analysis instrument. Lamotrigine was detected at a wavelength of 306 nm and a flow rate of 2 mL / min.
Results – In this study, samples of patients that contained a certain amount of lamotrigine, are being analyzed. The samples were passed through the column at at a flow rate of 2mL/min and at a wavelength of 306 nm. It was the high wavelength avoided interference which may be present in the sample. We obtained the best chromatography response at pH of 6.9.
Conclusion – Following the analysis it can be concluded that the HPLC-UV method is sufficiently sensitive and accurate for the determination of serum concentrations of lamotrigine in patients. The advantage of this method is quicker sample preparation and short time duration of analysis with reliable results which is especially important in emergencies.
uzorci seruma
tekućinska kromatografija visoke djelotvornosti (HPLC)
Keywords (english)
serum samples
high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:128976
Study programme Title: Medical Laboratory Diagnostics (university/undergraduate) Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) medicinska laboratorijska dijagnostika (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) medicinska laboratorijska dijagnostika)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2017-10-12 10:37:15