Title Mamografski pregled: znanja, stavovi i iskustva žena u Republici Hrvatskoj
Title (english) Mammography examination: knowledge, attitudes and experiences of women in the Republic of Croatia
Author Vladimira Ugarković
Mentor Tonća Jukić (mentor)
Mentor Martina Mikulandra (sumentor)
Committee member Vesna Antičević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Leon Aličić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tonća Jukić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2024-07-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Mamografija je neinvazivna rendgenska metoda snimanja dojke na aparatu koji se zove mamograf. Mamografija omogućava uvid u tkivo dojke i otkrivanje kalcifikata, masa i drugih abnormalnosti. Najveća prednost mamografije nad drugim metodama je detekcija patoloških mikro kalcifikata. Mamografija može otkriti rak dojke dvije godine prije nego što se tumor može napipati te prije pojave bilo kojih simptoma ili znakova bolesti. U gotovo svim populacijama rak dojke je u samom vrhu vodećih uzroka smrtnosti kod žena. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi znanja, stavove i iskustva žena u Republici Hrvatskoj vezano za mamografski pregled kao zlatni standard u ranom otkrivanju raka dojke te ponuditi smjernice za osvješćivanje važnosti redovitih mamografskih pregleda u ranom otkrivanju karcinoma dojke. Zadaci istraživanja bili su utvrditi znanja, stavove i iskustva vezano za mamografski pregled te ispitati razlikuju li se ispitanice u znanjima, stavovima i iskustvima vezano za mamografski pregled s obzirom na dob, stupanj obrazovanja, mjesto stanovanja i socio–ekonomski status. Rezultati su pokazali nedovoljno znanja, ali pozitivan stav i pozitivna iskustva ispitanica. Utvrđeno je da ispitanice s višim obrazovanjem i iz grada više znaju i imaju pozitivnije stavove vezano za mamografski pregled od ispitanica sa sela i s nižim obrazovanjem te da ispitanice mlađe od 59 godina imaju pozitivnije stavove od ispitanica starijih od 59 godina. Nije utvrđena razlika u iskustvima mamografskog pregleda ispitanica s obzirom na ispitivane nezavisne varijable. Ovo istraživanje pridonosi boljem razumijevanju čimbenika koji utječu na odluke žena u vezi s mamografijom te pruža smjernice za poboljšanje programa ranog otkrivanja raka dojke. Postoje velike šanse za izlječenje ukoliko se otkrije na vrijeme, stoga su vrlo važna znanja o mamografiji, kao i pozitivni stavovi te pozitivna iskustva pacijentica vezano za mamografski pregled. U radu se naglašava potreba za daljnjim edukativnim kampanjama prilagođenim informiranju žena o važnosti mamografije i poticajima za sudjelovanje u ranoj dijagnostici raka dojke.
Abstract (english) Mammography is a non-invasive X-ray method of imaging the breast using a machine called a mammograph. Mammography enables insight into the breast tissue and the detection of calcifications, masses and other abnormalities. The biggest advantage of mammography over other methods is the detection of pathological microcalcifications. Mammography can detect breast cancer two years before the tumor can be felt, and before any symptoms or signs of the disease appear. In almost all populations, breast cancer is at the very top of the leading causes of death in women. The aim of this research was to determine the knowledge, attitudes and experiences of women in the Republic of Croatia regarding mammography as the gold standard in the early detection of breast cancer, and to offer guidelines for raising awareness of the importance of regular mammography in the early detection of breast cancer. The tasks of the research were to determine the knowledge, attitudes and experiences related to mammography examination and to examine whether the respondents differ in their knowledge, attitudes and experiences regarding mammography examination with regard to age, level of education, place of residence and socio-economic status. The results showed insufficient knowledge, but a positive attitude and positive experiences of the respondents. It was found that respondents with a higher education and from the city know more and have more positive attitudes about mammography examination than respondents from the countryside and with a lower education, and that respondents younger than 59 years have more positive attitudes than respondents older than 59 years. No difference was found in the test subjects' mammography examination experiences with regard to the examined independent variables. This research contributes to a better understanding of the factors that influence women's decisions regarding mammography and provides guidelines for improving breast cancer early detection programs. There are great chances for a cure if it is detected in time, therefore knowledge about mammography is very important, as well as positive attitudes and positive experiences of patients regarding mammography examination. The paper emphasizes the need for further educational campaigns adjusted to inform women about the importance of mammography and incentives for participation in early breast cancer diagnosis.
rak dojke.
Keywords (english)
breast cancer
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:719843
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study Programme of Radiologic Technology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra radiološke tehnologije (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra radiološke tehnologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-07-17 11:04:27