Abstract | Uvod: Najvažniji čimbenici koji se javljaju svakodnevno, a važni su za funkcioniranje kirurškog tima su radni
stresori: psihološki, fizički, emocionalni, financijski, organizacijski, uzrokovani izostankom edukacije, lošim
međuljudskim odnosima i komunikacijom.
Cilj istraživanja: Istraživanje se bavi utjecajem radnih stresora na razinu zadovoljstva poslom
Ispitanici i metode: U istraživačkom radu sudjelovala su 251 zdravstvena djelatnika iz kirurških timova
zavoda/klinika KBC-a Split. Istraživanje je provedeno anonimnom anketom sa 78 tvrdnji, a ispitanici su imali
ponuđenih pet odgovora (1-u potpunosti se ne slažem do 5- u potpunosti se slažem).
Rezultati: Prosječna razina zadovoljstva je: rad u kirurškom timu (M=2,89), prisutnost emocionalnih stresora
(M=2,68), stresori uzrokovani međuljudskim odnosima i komunikacijom (M=2,62), financijski stresori
(M=4,07) koji ukazuju na visoku razinu stresa. Prosječne razine su: fizičkih stresora (M=3), nedostatkom
edukacije (M=2,91) te psiholoških stresora (M=3,16). Najzadovoljniji su specijalizanti anestezije (M=3,98), a
najmanje operacijske sestre/tehničari. Osoblje koje radi smjenski rad u odnosu na osoblje koje radi dežurstva i
rad po pozivu su zadovoljnije poslom (t=2,44; P=0,015). Sociodemografske varijable tumače 3% varijance
zavisne varijable zadovoljstva radom u kirurškom timu, a uvođenjem varijabli stresora protumačenost raste za
42 postotna boda na 45% varijance. Procijenjeni model koji sadržava sociodemografske varijable i varijable
stresa su statistički značajni (F=30,53; P<0,001). Prema procijenjenom modelu muškarci su manje zadovoljni
organizacijom i vođenjem u kirurškom timu (P=0,016), a uvođenjem stresora statistički je značajan negativan
utjecaj stresora međuljudskih odnosa (P<0,001), pri čemu financijski stresori (P<0,001), fizički
stresori/fiziološke promjene (P=0,045) i stresori nedostane edukacije (P<0,001) umanjuju zadovoljstvo radom
u kirurškom timu. Najveća protumačenost zadovoljstva organizacijom i vođenjem uz korigiran efekt ostalih
nezavisnih varijabli je utvrđena kod stresora međuljudskih odnosa i komunikacije (8,41%), te od strane stresora
nedostatne edukacije (5,29%).
Zaključak: Učestalost emocionalnih stresora uzrokovanih lošim međuljudskim odnosima i komunikacijom,
nedostatnom edukacijom, fizičkih i psiholoških stresora izražena je u umjerenom stupnju. Najnezadovoljnije
su operacijske sestre/tehničari, najzadovoljniji specijalizanti anestezije. Veće zadovoljstvo je među osobljem
koje radi smjenski rad u odnosu na one koji rade dulje. Veza između sociodemografskih čimbenika i radnih
stresora sa zadovoljstvom radom ukazuje da sociodemografske varijable tumače 3% varijance zadovoljstva
radom, dok uvođenjem varijabli stresora protumačenost raste na 45%. |
Abstract (english) | Introduction: The most important factors that occur on a daily basis, and are important for the functioning of
the surgical team, are work stressors: psychological, physical, emotional, financial, organizational, caused by
the lack of education, poor interpersonal relationships and communication.
Research objective: The research deals with the impact of work stressors on the level of job satisfaction
Subjects and methods: 251 health professionals from surgical teams of the Institutes/Clinics of the University
Hospital Center Split participated in the research work. The research was conducted by an anonymous survey
with 78 statements, and the respondents were offered five answers (1-strongly disagree to 5-strongly agree).
Results: The average level of satisfaction is: working in the surgical team (M = 2.89), the presence of emotional
stressors (M = 2.68), stressors caused by interpersonal relationships and communication (M = 2.62), financial
stressors (M = 4.07) indicating a high level of stress. Average levels are: physical stressors (M = 3), lack of
education (M = 2.91) and psychological stressors (M = 3.16). The most satisfied are anesthesia residents (M =
3.98), and the least are operating nurses/technicians. Staff who work shifts compared to on-call and on-call staff
are more satisfied with their jobs (t=2.44; P=0.015). Sociodemographic variables interpret 3% of the variance
of the dependent variable of job satisfaction in the surgical team, and with the introduction of stressor variables,
the interpretation increases by 42 percentage points to 45% of the variance. The estimated model containing
sociodemographic variables and stress variables are statistically significant (F=30.53; P<0.001). According to
the estimated model, men are less satisfied with the organization and leadership in the surgical team (P=0.016),
and the introduction of stressors has a statistically significant negative impact of interpersonal relationship
stressors (P<0.001), with financial stressors (P<0.001), physical stressors/physiological changes (P=0.045) and
stressors of lack of education (P<0.001) reducing satisfaction with work in the surgical team. The highest
interpretation of satisfaction with organization and leadership with the corrected effect of other independent
variables was found in stressors of interpersonal relationships and communication (8.41%), and by stressors of
insufficient education (5.29%).Conclusion: The frequency of emotional stressors caused by poor interpersonal
relationships and communication, insufficient education, physical and psychological stressors is expressed in a
moderate degree. The most dissatisfied are the operating nurses/technicians, the most satisfied anesthesia
residents. Greater satisfaction is among staff who work shifts compared to those who work longer. The
relationship between sociodemographic factors and work stressors with job satisfaction indicates that
sociodemographic variables interpret 3% of the variance of job satisfaction, while with the introduction of
stressor variables, the interpretation increases to 45%. |