Abstract | Cilj: Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj životnog stila i navika na razinu stresa i mentalno blagostanje ispitanika.
Metode i ispitanici: Presječno istraživanje je provedeno u razdoblju od travnja do srpnja 2024. godine. Za prikupljanje podataka je korištena dvostruka metoda anketiranja i to izravno anketiranje pomoću papiranate ankete i on-line anketiranje metodom snježne grude. Uzorak ispitanika N=753 sačinjavala je opća odrasla populacija Splitsko-dalmatinske županije. Upitnik u ovom istraživanju se sastojao od nekoliko odjeljaka te je obuhvaćao sljedeće sastavnice: (i) opći demografski podatci, (ii) tjelesna aktivnost, (iii) navike spavanja, (iv) prehrambene navike, (v) Indeks konzumiranja mediteranske prehrane, (vi) upitnik PSS 10, (vii) Warwick-Edinburgh subjektivna skala blagostanja (WEMWBS), (viii) ljestvice samoprocjene: zdravlja, kvalitete života, osjećaja sreće, osjećaja tjeskobe, optimizma prema budućnosti, potrebe za dodatnom edukacijom o uravnoteženoj prehrani te zadovoljstvu dobivenih informacija od strane liječnika i medicinskih sestara / tehničara.
Rezultati: Rezultati multivarijantne linearne regresije utvrđivanja povezanosti doživljenog psihološkog stresa i ispitivanih varijabli ukazuju kako je u statistički značajnoj pozitivnoj korelaciji sa stresom: ženski spol (β=0,110; 95% CI 0,515-1,9190, P=0,001), brojem međuobroka tijekom neradnih dana (β=0,092; 95% CI -0,002-0,891; P =0,051), samoprocjenjenim osjećajem tjeskobe (β= 0,308; 95% CI 0,441-0,714; P ˂0,001), zadovoljstvom informacijama od strane liječnika (β=0,085; 95%CI 0,036-0,250, P =0,009), a u statistički značajnoj negativnoj korelaciji s vrijemenom provedenim za računalom (β=-0,069; 95%CI -0,207 - 0,008, P =0,034), pridržavanjem uravnotežene prehrane (β=-0,124; 95%CI -0,390 - 0,110, P ˂0,001), WEMWBS zbrojem (β=-0,086; 95% CI -0,091- 0,001, P =0,050), samoprocjenim osjećajem sreće (β=-0,158; 95%CI -0,575-0,134; P =0,002). Također, rezultati multivarijantne linearne regresije povezanosti blagostanja i ispitanih čimbenika ukazuju na statistički značajnu pozitivnu korelaciju blagostanja sa: samoprocjenim osjećajem sreće (β=0,192; 95%CI 0,472-1,166; P ˂0,001), optimizmom prema budućnosti (β =0,373; 95%CI 1,293-1,923, P ˂0,001), samoprocjenjenom koristi od dodatne edukacije (β=0,068; 95% CI 0,042-0,404, P =0,016) te zadovoljstvom informacijama od liječnika (β=0,058; 95% CI 0,012-0,355; P =0,036), a u statistički značajnoj negativnoj korelaciji s: vremenom provedenim za gledanje TV-a (β=-0,090; 95% CI-0,840- -0,212; P =0,001), PSS zbrojem (β=-0,069; 95%CI-0,244- -0,018; P =0,023) i samoprocjenom osjećaja tjeskobe (β=-0,199; 95%CI -0,931- -0,484; P ˂0,001).
Zaključak: Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju kako je potrebno uložiti dodatne napore u provedbu različitih intervencija s ciljem poboljšanja prehrambenih navika populacije u smjeru promicanja i poticanja zdravih životnih navika, što bi rezultiralo zaštitom zdravlja populacije. |
Abstract (english) | Objective: The main objective of this research was to examine the influence of lifestyle and habits on the stress level and mental well-being of the respondents.
Methods: Cross-sectional studywas conducted in the period from April to July 2024. A double method of surveying was used for data collection, direct surveying using a paper survey and online surveying using the snowball method. The sample of examinees N=753 consisted of the general adult population of Split-Dalmatia County. The questionnaire in this research consisted of several sections and included the following components: (i) general demographic data, (ii) physical activity, (iii) sleeping habits, (iv) eating habits, (v) Mediterranean diet serving score, (vi ) PSS 10 questionnaire, (vii) Warwick-Edinburgh subjective well-being scale (WEMWBS), (viii) self-assessment scales: health, quality of life, feelings of happiness, feelings of anxiety, optimism toward the future, need for additional education on balanced nutrition and satisfaction with the information received by doctors and nurses.
Results: The results of the multivariate linear regression to establish the association between the perceived stress and the examined variables indicate that there is a statistically significant positive association with female gender (β=0.110; 95% CI 0.515-1.9190, P=0.001), the number of snacks during non-work days (β=0.092; 95% CI -0.002-0.891; P =0.051), self-assessed feeling of anxiety (β= 0.308; 95% CI 0.441-0.714; P ˂0.001), satisfaction with information from the doctor (β=0.085; 95 %CI 0.036-0.250, P =0.009), and in a statistically significant negative association with time spent at the computer (β=-0.069; 95%CI -0.207 - 0.008, P =0.034), adherence to a balanced diet (β=-0.124; 95%CI %CI -0.390 - 0.110, P ˂0.001), WEMWBS sum (β=-0.086; 95% CI -0.091- 0.001, P =0.050), self-reported feeling of happiness (β=-0.158; 95%CI -0.575-0.134; P =0.002). Also, the results of the multivariate linear regression of the association between well-being and the examined factors indicate a statistically significant positive correlation of well-being with: self-assessed feeling of happiness (β=0.192; 95%CI 0.472-1.166; P ˂0.001), optimism towards the future (β =0.373; 95% CI 1.293-1.923, P ˂0.001), self-estimated benefit from additional education (β=0.068; 95% CI 0.042-0.404, P =0.016) and satisfaction with information from the doctor (β=0.058; 95% CI 0.012-0.355; P = 0.036), and in a statistically significant negative correlation with: time spent watching TV (β=-0.090; 95% CI-0.840- -0.212; P =0.001), PSS total (β=-0.069; 95%CI-0.244 - -0.018; P =0.023) and self-assessment of anxiety (β=-0.199; 95%CI -0.931- -0.484; P ˂0.001).
Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that it is necessary to invest additional efforts in the implementation of various interventions with the aim of improving the dietary habits of the population in the direction of promoting and encouraging healthy lifestyle habits, which would result in the protection of the population's health. |