Title Fizioterapijske intervencije u oštećenja radijalnog živca
Title (english) Physiotherapy interventions in radial nerve damage
Author Ante Lasić
Mentor Mladenka Parlov (mentor)
Committee member Ivanka Marinović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sandra Kuzmičić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mladenka Parlov (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2024-09-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Nervus radialis je mješoviti živac koji nastaje iz stražnjeg snopa ručnog spleta. Osjetno inervira kožu stražnje strane nadlaktice i podlaktice, hrbat šake i djelomično kožu prstiju. Glavne motoričke funkcije su ekstenzija
podlaktice, ručnog zgloba i prstiju, ekstenzija i abdukcija palca, supinacija podlaktice, te pregibanje podlaktice u položaju između supinacije i pronacije. Kao posljedica oštećenja živca ovisno o mjestu ozljede mogu nastati kljenuti svih mišića koje inervira ili su
... More pošteđene grane za pojedine mišiće. Najčešće
se manifestira visećom šakom. Oštećenje je najčešće u razini spiralnog žlijeba humerusa, a rjeđe u razini m.supinatora. Liječenje ovisi o uzroku, lokalizaciji i stupnju oštećenja, a može biti konzervativno ili kirurško. Uz prikladnu i preciznu dijagnostiku potreban je stručan plan i program rehabilitacije pacijenta koji mora biti individualno prilagođen. Fizioterapijske intervencije kao dio rehabilitacije uključuju kineziterapiju, termoterapiju, elektroterapiju, biofeedback, magnetoterapiju, hidroterapiju, laser, radnu terapiju, masažu, akupunkturu, primjenu ortoza. Fizioterapijskim intervencijama poboljšava se opseg pokreta zglobova, snaga i fleksibilnost mišića, smanjuje bol, preveniraju se ili korigiraju kontrakture te ubrzava oporavak živca. Učinkovitost fizioterapijskih procedura je dokazana u brojnim istraživanjima, ali su potrebna i daljnja istraživanja koja bi uspoređivala različite fizioterapijske intervencije. Less
Abstract (english) Nervus radialis is a mixed nerve that arises from the posterior bundle of the manual plexus. It sensibly innervates the skin of the back of the upper arm and forearm, the back of the hand and partially the skin of the fingers. The main motor functions are extension of the forearm, wrist and fingers, extension and abduction of the thumb, supination of the forearm, and flexion of the forearm in a position between supination and pronation. As a result of nerve damage, depending on the
... More location of the injury, numbness of all the muscles it innervates may occur, or branches for individual muscles may be spared. Most often is manifested by a hanging fist. The damage is most often at the level of the spiral groove of the humerus, and less often at the level of the supinator m. Treatment depends on the cause, localization and degree of damage, and can be conservative or surgical. In addition to appropriate and precise diagnostics, a professional plan and program of rehabilitation of the patient is needed, which must be individually adapted to the patient. Physiotherapy interventions as part of rehabilitation include kinesitherapy, thermotherapy, electrotherapy, biofeedback, magnetotherapy, hydrotherapy, laser, occupational therapy, massage, acupuncture, application of orthoses. Physiotherapy interventions improve joint range of motion, muscle strength and flexibility, reduce pain, prevent or correct contractures, and accelerate nerve recovery. The effectiveness of physiotherapy procedures has been proven in numerous studies, but further research comparing different physiotherapy interventions is needed. Less
nervus radialis
fizioterapijske intervencije
Keywords (english)
nervus radialis
physiotherapy interventions
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:652724
Study programme Title: Undergraduate University Study Programme of Physiotherapy Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) fizioterapije (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) fizioterapije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Embargoed access Embargo expiration date: 2025-03-20
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Created on 2024-09-20 07:39:41