Title Strah i uzroci straha kod majki prvorotki
Author Lucia Delonga
Mentor Matea Dolić (mentor)
Committee member Ante Buljubašić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Rahela Orlandini (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Matea Dolić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2015-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Gynecology and Obstetrics
Abstract Cilj: Provedeno istraživanje ima za cilj istražiti zastupljenost i uzroke straha kod majki prvorotki.
Metode: Istraživanje se provodilo u specijalističkoj pedijatrijskoj ambulanti dr.med. spec. ped. Velinka Jukić u Sinju u vremenskom periodu ožujak . travanj 2015. godine. Prilikom prvog pregleda dojenčeta u pedijatrijskom ordinaciji, majke su dobile upitnik kojeg su ispunile i odložile u za to predviđeno mjesto. Istraživanje je bilo potpuno anonimno i dobrovoljno. Istraživanje je provedeno pomoću modificiranog upitnika koištenog u izradi zavšnog rada studentice Blaženke Špike iz 2014. godine. Prikupljeni podatci iz upitnika uneseni su u Microsoft Excel tablice prema unaprijed pripremljenom kodnom planu. Za obradu je korištena deskriptivna statistika.
Rezultati: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 37 ispitanica prosjećne životne dobi od 27 godina (16-41). Najveći broj ispitanica ima srednješkolsko obrazovanje. Jedna ispitanica ima osnovnoškolsko obrazovanje. Zanimljivo je da je tu riječ o najstarijoj ispitanici. Jednaki broj ispitanica je zaposleno i nezaposleno, dok jedna ispitanica je u mirovini. Najveći broj ispitanica je u formalnoj ili neformalnoj bračnoj zajednici. Najveći broj ispitanica (N=11) živi u vlastitom stanu ili kući sa supružnikom. Ukupno 10 ispitanica živi u podstanarstvu, isti broj ih živi u kućanstvu partnerove/suprugove obitelji, dok 2 ispitanice žive sa svojim roditeljima.Nijedna ispitanica nije procijenila svoj seocioekonomski status lošim, odnosno, nijedna ispitanica ne prima socijalnu pomoć.Ukupno 76% ispitanica svoju trudnoću opisuje urednom, dok je 19% ispitanica povremeno imalo iznimno jake strahove, mučnine, povraćanja... Ukupno 5% ispitanica (N=“) imale su zdravstveni problem u trudnoći i to se radilo o gestacijskom dijabetesu (N=1) i infekciji (N=1). Sve ispitanice su kao dominantni majčinski osjećaj navele sreću. Ukupno dvanaest ispitanica je uz osjećaj sreće i radosti navelo i osjećaj sraha, zabrinutosti. Najveći uzrok straha u majki je izazivalo prvo kupanje djeteta (N=21), zatim toaleta pupčanog batrljka (N=14), dojenje (N=12) i majčina prehrana (N=16) (slika 9).
Zaključci: Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da iako je samo dvanaest ispitanica uz dominanti osjećaj sreće i radosti navelo i osjećaj sraha, zabrinutost, ipak 97% ispitanica (N=36) je u ponuđenim odgovorima pronašlo što ih je brinulo u skrbi za novorođenče. Najveći uzrok straha u majki je izazivalo prvo kupanje djeteta (N=21), zatim toaleta pupčanog batrljka (N=14), dojenje (N=12) i majčina prehrana (N=16). Budući je istraživanje provedeno na relativno malom broju ispitanika (37), preporučivo je istraživanje provesti na većem uzorku.
Abstract (english) Aim: This study is carried out in order to investigate occurence of fear in primiparas as well as to determine the causes of that fear.
Methods: The study was carried out from march 2015 til april 2015 in specialistic pediatric ambulance dr.med.spec.ped. Velinka Jukić in Sinj. Upon the first examination of an infant, the questionnaire was given to the mothers. After fullfilling the questionnaire they were supposed to dispose it on for that purpose provided spot. This survey was completely anonimous and participation was volountary. Questionnarie was modified and previously used for the purposes of writing a thesis by student Blaženka Špika in 2014. Data provided by the questionnaires was entered in Microsoft Excel tables according to the previously prepared code plan. Descriptive statistics was used for processing of the results.
Results: Thirty seven examinees of mean age being 27 years (16-41) participated in this study. Most of the examinees has graduated from high school, while one examinee has graduated from elementary school. The number of employed and unemployed examinees was the same, while one examinee is retired. Most of the examinees is in formal or informal marital union and most of them (N=11) live in their own apartment or house together with their spouse. Ten examinees live in rented apartments, the same number lives together with the family of the spouse, and two of them live with their own parents. None of the examinees did not estimate her socioeconomic status as being bad, in the other words – none of them is receiving dole from the state. 76% of examinees describe their pregnancy as being normal, while 19% experienced fear, nausea, vomiting... 5% of examinees (N=2) had some health issue during pregnancy (gestational diabetes (N=1) and infection (N=1)). All of them said that dominant maternal feeling is happiness. Twelve examinees mentioned fear and concern together with happiness and joy. The most important cause of fear was child's first bath (N=21), hygiene of umbilical stump (N=14), breast feeding (N=12) and diet of a mother (N=16) (figure 9).
Conclusion: Results of this study have shown that, even though only 12 examinees mentioned fear and concern together with dominant feeling of happiness and joy, 97% (N=36) managed to recognize one of the aswers from the questionnaire as being the matter of concern when it comes to the infant care. The major causes of fear were first bath (N=21), hygiene of umbilical stump (N=14), breast feeding (N=12) and diet of a mother (N=16). Taking into account that this study included relatively small number of examinees (37), it is advisable to carry it out including a bigger sample.
zdravstvena zaštita trudnice i djeteta
antenatalna zaštita
Keywords (english)
pregnant and child health care
antenatal protection
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:467485
Study programme Title: Nursing (university/undergraduate) Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2019-11-21 09:27:43