Abstract | Cilj istraživanja
Cilj ovog rada je analiza epidemiološke pojavnosti epidemijskog meningitisa u Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji u dvadesetogodišnjem razdoblju od 1995. do 2014. godine.
U ovom radu su se, kroz retrospektivnu analizu oboljelih, promatrale bitne epidemiološke osobitosti invazivne meningokokne bolesti. Bolesnici su razvrstani prema vremenu stjecanja infekcije, dobi i spolu. Analizirani su laboratorijski nalazi, manifestacije bolesti, incidencija obolijevanja i ishod liječenja.
Korišteni su podatci s prijava zaraznih bolesti/smrti Službe za epidemiologiju zaraznih bolesti Nastavnog zavoda za javno zdravstvo Splitsko-dalmatinske županije među kojima se nalaze i podatci iz knjige prijema i hospitalizacija Klinike za zarazne bolesti KBC-a Split.
U promatranom razdoblju, ukupno je oboljelo 138 osoba, od čega 76 (55%) osoba muškog te 62 (45%) osoba ženskog spola, što čini prosječnu incidenciju od 1,49/100 000 stanovnika. Šestoro pacijenata je umrlo te letalitet iznosi 4,35%.
Više od polovice oboljelih (50,72%) nalazi se u dobnoj skupini od 0-4 godine.
Meningokokna bolest najčešće je bila izazivana N. meningitidis seroskupine B.
Klinički se manifestirala kao sepsa u 51 (36,96%) bolesnika, zatim kao meningitis i sepsa 47 (34,06%) te kao meningitis u 40 (28,99%) bolesnika.
Bolest se najučestalije pojavljuje u hladnijim mjesecima godine, u veljači 23 (16,67%) te podjednako u siječnju 20 (14,49%) i travnju 20 (14,49%).
Meningokokna bolest još uvijek predstavlja javnozdravstveni problem. U nerazvijenim zemljama se javlja endemski, dok se u razvijenim najčešće pojavljuje sporadično. Smrtnost od invazivne meningokokne bolesti na svjetskoj razini iznosi prosječno 10-15%.
Rano prepoznavanje simptoma meningokokne bolesti od velike je važnosti. Obvezno je prijavljivanje, izolacija i liječenje oboljelih. U svrhu prevencije sekundarnih slučajeva potrebno je provoditi kemoprofilaksu najužih kontakata. Najbolja obrana od meningokone bolesti je preporučena imunizacija te opće higijenske mjere. |
Abstract (english) | Objectives
The aim of this study is to analyze the epidemiological characteristics of epidemic meningitis in the Split-Dalmatia County in the twenty - year period from 1995 to 2014.
In this paper were observed the important epidemiological features of invasive meningococcal diseases through the retrospective analysis of the patients. Patients are classified according to the time of infection, age and sex. Laboratory findings, disease manifestations, incidence of illness and treatment outcome were analyzed.
The data on infectious diseases/deaths of the Department of Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases of the Institute of Public Health of the Split-Dalmatia County were used, among which are data from the book of reception and hospitalization of the Clinical Center for Infectious Diseases of KBC Split.
In the observed period, the total number of people affected was 138, of which 76 (55%) men and 62 (45%) of women, making an average of incidence of 1.49/100.000 inhabitants. Six patients died and lethality was 4.35%.
More than half of the patients (50.72%) are in the age group 0-4 years.
Meningococcal disease was the most commonly induced N. meningitidis seroscopic B.
Clinically manifested as sepsis in 51 (36.96%) patients, then as meningitis and sepsis 47 (34.06%) and meningitis in 40 (28.99%) patients.
The disease is most common in colder month, in February 23 (16.67%), in January 20 (14.49%) and April 20 (14.49%).
Meningococcal disease is still public health problem. In the underdeveloped countries it appears endemic, while in the developed it usually occurs sporadically. Mortality from invasive meningococcal disease worldwide is 10-15%.
Early detection of the symptoms of meningococcal disease is very important. It is obligatory to report, isolate and treat the patients. For the purpose of prevention of secondary cases, it is necessary to conduct chemoprophylaxis of the closest contacts. The best protection against meningococcal disease is recommended immunization and general hygiene measures. |