Title Važnost određivanja Rh(D) antigena kod trudnica
Author Doris Radić
Mentor Mirela Zec (mentor)
Committee member Sonja Koren (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Franić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirela Zec (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2016-02-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Uvod
U uvodu se objašnjava da krvne grupe predstavljaju nepromjenljive biološke karakteristike koje se po Mendelovim zakonima, faktorima nasljeđa, genima, prenose s generacije na generaciju (nalaze se na: eritrocitima, leukocitima, trombocitima i na proteinima plazme). Suština podjele na krvne grupe sastoji se u tome što eritrociti pokazuju izoantigenske osobine, sadržavajući mnoge antigene koji se pomoću antitijela mogu dokazati. Pored podjele na ABO grupe, postoji i rhesus faktor (Rh
... More faktor), koji je dobio naziv po Rhesus majmunu kod kojega je i prvi put otkriven. Svi ljudi se dijele na Rh+ (rh pozitivne) i Rh- (rh negativne). Ljudi sa Rh+ krvlju stvaraju rhesus protein, dok ga ljudi sa Rh- krvlju ne stvaraju. Kod trudnoće, Rh faktor se nasljeđuje. Ako je majka Rh-, postoji šansa od 50% do 100% da će dijete biti Rh+ (pod uvjetom da je otac Rh+). Tijekom poroda, plodova krv može doći u kontakt sa krvlju iz posteljice te se može pokrenuti stvaranje imunog odgovora kod majke. Majka će poslje poroda stvoriti antitijela i trajno će biti imunizirana.
Cilj ovog rada je ukazati na važnost određivanja Rh(D) antigena kod trudnica u svrhu izbjegavanja ozbiljnih zdravstvenih posljedica za majku i plod.
Izvori podataka i metode
U svakom laboratoriju postoji točno određeni protokol koji se mora slijediti kod određivanja Rh(D) antigena, a važno je pravilno i potpuno pridržavati se pravila. Kako bi se izbjegla imunizacija trudnica testiranja se moraju provoditi u propisanim vremenskim razmacima sukladno navedenom protokolu. Ukoliko se ipak razvije imunizacija, na laboratoriju je da istu pravovremeno dijagnosticira a kada dođe vrijeme za intervenciju da poduzmu potrebne korake u daljnjem liječenju. U dijagnostici se moramo služiti najboljom dostupnom opremom i metodama, a sve u svrhu uspješnog praćenja i liječenja trudnica i novorođenčadi.
Određivanje Rh(D) antigena jedan je od imprerativa prenatalne dijagnostike. Samo testiranje je neinvazivno i potpuno sigurno za plod, a koristi od testiranja su mnogobrojne i velike. Bolesti koje uzrokuje Rh(D) imunizacija majke ozbiljne su sa čak mogućim smrtnim ishodom za plod i zato je bitno da se Rh(D)antigen majke odredi na vrijeme i da se daljnja trudnoća vodi u skladu sa rhesus faktorom majke. Jedino tako možemo pravovremeno reagirati ako dođe do porasta titra antitijela tijekom trudnoće, a tako možda i spasiti život djeteta i omogućiti sigurne naredne trudnoće pacijentice. Less
Abstract (english) Introduction
The introduction explains that blood types are immutable biological characteristics which, according to Mendel's laws, heritage factors, genes, passed from generation to generation (found at: erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets and plasma proteins). The essence of the division of the blood is to show that the erythrocytes isogenese properties, comprising, many antigens using the antibodies can be demonstrated. In addition to the division of the ABO groups, there is Rhesus
... More factor (Rh factor), which is named after the Rhesus monkey with whom he first discovered. All people are divided into Rh + (Rh positive) and Rh (Rh negative). People with Rh + blood created rhesus protein, while people with Rh blood does not create. In pregnancy, Rh factor is inherited. If the mother is Rh, there is a chance of 50% to 100% that the baby will be Rh + (providing that the father Rh +). During childbirth, the blood of mother may come in contact with blood from the placenta and can be initiated the creation of an immune response in the mother. Mother after giving birth can create antibodies and will be permanent immunized.
The objective of this paper is to point out the importance of determining the Rh (D) antigen in pregnant women to prevent serious health consequences for the mother and fetus.
Sources of information and methods
In each laboratory there is a specific protocol that must be followed in determining the Rh (D) antigen, and it is important to properly and fully comply with the rules. To avoid immunization of pregnant women testing must be carried out at prescribed intervals in accordance with said protocol. If, however, spread immunization, the laboratory is that the same timely diagnosed and when the time comes for the intervention to take the necessary steps to further treatment. The diagnostics have to use the best available equipment and methods all in favour of successful monitoring and treatment of pregnant women and newborns.
Determination of Rh (D) antigen is one of the imperatives of prenatal diagnosis. The testing is non-invasive and completely safe for the fetus, and the benefits of testing are numerous and large. Diseases caused by Rh (D) immunization of mothers are serious with even potentially fatal to the fetus, and therefore it is important that the Rh (D) antigen mothers determine the time and that further pregnancies are conducted in accordance with the Rhesus factor mother. The only way we can react if there is an increase in the antibody during pregnancy, and so you might as well save the life of a child and enable secure subsequent pregnancies of the patient. Less
Krvne grupe
određivanje Rh(D) antigena kod trudnica
prenatalna dijagnostika
Keywords (english)
Blood types
determining the Rh (D) antigen in pregnant women
prenatal diagnosis
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:179041
Study programme Title: Medical Laboratory Diagnostics (university/undergraduate) Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) medicinska laboratorijska dijagnostika (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) medicinska laboratorijska dijagnostika)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-05-06 06:40:25