Title Specifičnosti zdravstvene skrbi umirućeg pacijenta u kući
Author Katarina Radnić
Mentor Ante Buljubašić (mentor)
Committee member Rahela Orlandini (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Matea Dolić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ante Buljubašić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2017-07-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Velik broj oboljelih svakodnevno umire od posljedica terminalnih bolesti, poput malignih bolesti, kroničnih nezaraznih i zaraznih bolesti. Svi smo svjesni da su smrt i umiranje posljednji i sigurni događaj života, te da je ljudski život jedan i neponovljiv. Zato svako ljudsko biće ima pravo da dostojanstveno završi svoj život.
Vrlo važna komponenta suvremene medicine jest palijativna medicina koja se brine za optimalnu kvalitetu života pacijenta sve do smrti i područje je liječničkog ineresa. Palijativna medicina obuhvaća tri osnovna područja: smirivanje simptoma (bol), psihosocijalnu potporu bolesniku, njegovoj obitelji i njegovateljima tijekom bolesti i nakon smrti pacijenta te etičke probleme vezane uz umiranje. Za razliku od palijatvine medicine, palijativna skrb se odnosi na aktivnosti interdisciplinarnog palijativnog tima. U timu rade razni stručnjaci te skrbe o pacijentovim fizičkim, psihičkim, socijalnim i duhovnim potrebama.
Osnovni tim pružanja palijativne skrbi u kući čine liječnik obiteljske medicine i patronažna medicinska sestra. Ovisno o potrebama pacijenta i obitelji u skrb se uključuju i drugi stručnjaci. Patronažna sestra obzirom na razinu obrazovanja i kompetencije nezaobilazni je dio navedenih timova, integrirana u svim oblicima zdravstvene njege kako s oboljelim tako i s cijelom obitelji. Patronažna sestra je ključna suradnica i produžena ruka liječnika obiteljske medicine na terenu, te mu omogućava kontinuiran nadzor nad bolesnikovom okolinom u njegovom domu, te njegovim životnim i obiteljskim prilikama.
Veliki potencijal u napretku donijela bi edukacija zdravstvenih i nezdravstvenih djelatnika koji sudjeluju u procesu palijativne skrbi. Kolegij Palijativna skrb treba biti obvezan na fakultetima medicine, zdravstvenim studijima te na fakultetima socijalnog rada, teologije i psihologije. Važno je educirati sve koji rade u timu kako bi osigurali jednaku kvalitetu na svim poljima.
Abstract (english) A large number of patients die every day as reslut of terminal illness, such as malignant disease, chronic non-infectious and infectious diseases. We are all aware that death and dying is last and sure part of life, and that human life is one and unrepeatable. Because of that, every human being has the right to a dignified finish his life.
A very important component of modern medicine is palliative medicine that takes care for optimal quality of patient’s life until death and it is a domain of medical interest.
Palliative medicine includes three main areas: calming the symptoms (pain), psychosocial support for the patient, his family and carers during the illness and after patient’s death and the ethical problems associated with dying. Unlike palliative medicine, palliative care refers to the activities of interdisciplinary palliative team. In team work different experts and take care of the patient's physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs.
Main team who providing palliative care in patients home make family physician and a visiting nurse. Depending on the needs of patients and families in care can be including other experts. Visiting nurse given the level of education and competence is an essential part of the above teams, integrated in all aspects of health care to the ill and with the whole family. Visting nurse is a key collaborator and the long arm of family physicians in the field and enables continuous control over the patient's environment in his home, and his life and family circumstances.
The great potential for progress would be to educate health and non-health workers involved in the palliative care process. Subject Palliative care should be obliged to faculties of medicine, health studies and faculties of social work, theology and psychology. It is important to educate all who work in teams to ensure the same quality in all fields.
zdravstvena skrb
umirući pacijent
patronažna sestra (ključne riječi unio urednik)
Keywords (english)
health care
dying patient
community nurse (ključne riječi unio urednik)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:240978
Study programme Title: Nursing (university/undergraduate) Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-05-11 07:26:17