Abstract | Cilj: Istražiti povezanost sociodemografskih karakteristika ispitanika sa zadovoljstvom poslom te razlike u zadovoljstvu aspektima posla kod ljekarnika zaposlenih u privatnim ljekarnama, ljekarničkim ustanovama i ljekarničkim lancima na području SDŽ.
Izvori podataka i metode: U presječnom istraživanju sudjelovalo je 100 ljekarnika s područja Splitsko-dalmatinske županije. Korištena su dva upitnika: Upitnik općih podataka koji sadrži podatke o sociodemografskim karakteristikama ispitanika i Upitnik o zadovoljstvu poslom (JSS, Spector, 1994) koji opisuje zadovoljstvo aspektima posla.
Rezultati: Utvrđen je doprinos sociodemografskih karakteristika zadovoljstvu poslom. Zadovoljniji poslom su ljekarnici starije životne dobi (p<0,05), s više djece (p<0,05), te oni koji imaju više staža kod trenutnog poslodavca (p<0,05) i ukupnog staža (p<0,05).
Testiranjem razlika u zadovoljstvu poslom između vlasnika ljekarni, voditelja ljekarni i ljekarnika u smjeni utvrđeno je:
Ljekarnici u smjeni značajno su manje zadovoljni poslom od vlasnika (p<0,05) i voditelja ljekarni (p<0.05) . Vlasnici ljekarni su zadovoljniji mogućnostima napredovanja i neposrednim nadređenima u odnosu na voditelje ljekarni (p<0,05) i ljekarnike u smjeni (p<0,05).
Voditelji ljekarni (p<0,05) i ljekarnici u smjeni (p<0,05) pokazuju manje zadovoljstvo povlasticama nego vlasnici ljekarni. Zadovoljstvo pohvalama je manje kod voditelja ljekarni (p<0,05) i ljekarnika u smjeni (p<0,05) u odnosu na vlasnike ljekarni. Vlasnici ljekarni iskazali su veće ukupno zadovoljstvo poslom od voditelja ljekarni (p<0,05) i ljekarnika u smjeni (p<0,05).
Testiranjem razlika u zadovoljstvu s obzirom na vrstu ljekarne u kojoj su ispitanici zaposleni utvrđeno je sljedeće:
Zaposlenici privatnih ljekarni pokazuju veće zadovoljstvo povlasticama od zaposlenih u većim ljekarničkim ustanovama (p<0,05) i zaposlenih u županijskim ljekarnama (p<0,05), dok zaposleni u županijskim ljekarnama pokazuju veće zadovoljstvo povlasticama od zaposlenih u većim ljekarničkim ustanovama (p<0,05).
Zaposleni u većim ljekarničkim ustanovama nezadovoljniji su pohvalama od zaposlenih u privatnim ljekarnama (p<0,05), malim ljekarničkim ustanovama (p<0,05) i županijskim ljekarnama (p<0,05). Radnim uvjetima i procedurama zadovoljniji su zaposleni u županijskim ljekarnama od ispitanika u privatnim ljekarnama (p<0,05) i većim ljekarničkim ustanovama (p<0,05).
Zaposleni u većim ljekarničkim ustanovama su nezadovoljniji poslom od zaposlenih u privatnim ljekarnama (p<0,05), malim ljekarničkim ustanovama (p<0,05) i županijskim ljekarnama (p<0,05).
Zaključak: Poslom samim po sebi zadovoljniji su stariji ljekarnici, s većim brojem djece i s dužim radnim stažem i stažem kod trenutnog poslodavca.Vlasnici ljekarni iskazuju veće zadovoljstvo plaćom, mogućnošću napredovanja, nadređenima i povlasticama te su općenito zadovoljniji poslom od voditelja ljekarni i ljekarnika u smjeni. U odnosu na ljekarnike u smjeni, voditelji ljekarni zadovoljniji su plaćom. Najmanje ukupno zadovoljstvo poslom izrazili su ljekarnici zaposleni u većim ljekarničkim lancima. |
Abstract (english) | Aim: To research the relation between sociodemographic characteristics of the examinees and the job satisfaction, and the differences in the satisfaction related to job aspects with pharmacists employed in private pharmacies, pharmacy chains and Pharmacies of Split-Dalmatia County.
Data and methods resources: The research included 100 pharmacists from the area of Split-Dalmatia County. Two questionnaires were used: General Data Questionnaire that contains data about the sociodemographic characteristics of the examinees, and Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (JSS, Spector, 1994) that describes the satisfaction related to job aspects.
Results: It was proved that sociodemographic characteristics contribute a lot to job satisfaction. The pharmacists in the older age group (p<0,05) with more children (p<0,05) and the ones who have more work experience and service at the current employer (p<0,05) and general work experience as well (p<0,05) are more satisfied with their job.
Testing the differences in job satisfaction among the pharmacy owners, pharmacy supervisors and staff pharmacists identifies that the staff pharmacists are significantly less satisfied with their job than the owners (p<0,05) and pharmacy supervisors (p<0,05). Pharmacy owners are more satisfied with the professional development possibilities and with the direct authorities in comparison to pharmacy supervisors and staff pharmacists (p<0,05).
Pharmacy supervisors (p<0,05) and staff pharmacists (p<0,05) are less satisfied with the job benefits than the pharmacy owners. Pharmacy supervisors (p<0,05) as well as staff pharmacists (p<0,05) are less satisfied for receiving compliments in comparison to pharmacy owners. Pharmacy owners have shown greater general satisfaction with their job than the pharmacy supervisors (p<0,05) and staff pharmacists (p<0,05).
Testing the differences in job satisfaction in relation to the type of pharmacy the examinees are employed at, identifies the following:
Private pharmacies employees are more satisfied with the benefits than the ones employed in bigger pharmacy chains (p<0,05) and Pharmacies of Split-Dalmatia County( p<0,05), whereas employees of the Split-Dalmatia County Pharmacies show greater satisfaction with the job benefits than the ones employed in bigger pharmaceutical chains (p<0,05).
Pharmacists employed in bigger pharmaceutical chains are less satisfied with the compliments from the ones employed in private pharmacies (p<0,05), small pharmaceutical chains (p<0,05) and Split-Dalmatia County Pharmacies (p<0,05). Pharmacists employed in Split-Dalmatia County Pharmacies are more satisfied with working conditions and procedures than he ones employed in private pharmacies (p<0,05) and bigger pharmaceutical chains (p<0,05).
Pharmacists employed in bigger pharmaceutical chains are less satisfied with their job than the employees of private pharmacies (p<0,05), small pharmaceutical chains (p<0,05) and Pharmacies of Split-Dalmatia County (p<0,05).
Conclusion: Pharmacists in the older age group, with more children and longer work experience and service at the same employer are generally more satisfied with the job itself.
Pharmacy owners show greater satisfaction with the salary, opportunities for professional development, the direct authorities and job benefits, and are generally more satisfied with the job than the pharmacy supervisors and staff pharmacists. In comparison to staff pharmacists, pharmacy supervisors are more satisfied with their salaries. Pharmacists employed in bigger pharmaceutical chains are generally the least satisfied with their job. |