Abstract | Uvod: Karcinom pluća najčešća je maligna bolest danas u svijetu i vodeća po smrtnosti. Kod muškaraca je na prvom mjestu po incidenciji malignih bolest, dok je kod žena na trećem. Citologija je jednostavna i brza dijagnostička metoda koja ima važnu ulogu u dijagnostici svih karcinoma pa tako i karcinoma pluća. Mikroskopskim pregledom može se otkriti tip i podtip karcinoma pluća te ima izrazitu važnost zbog razlike u prognozi i terapiji pojedinog tipa.
Cilj: Osnovni cilj ovoga rada je prikazati učestalost mikrocelularnog karcinoma pluća te njegovu raspodjelu po spolu među analiziranim plućnim uzorcima iz 2017. godine.
Metode: U istraživanju su analizirani uzorci pacijenata koji su u periodu od 1.1.2017. do 31.12.2017. doneseni na citološku analizu na Odjel za citologiju Kliničkog zavodu za patologiju, sudsku medicinu i citologiju KBC Split. Mikroskopskim pregledom uzoraka obojenih po MGG metodi napravljena je citološka analiza. Uzorci su analizirani po standardnim citomorfološkim kriterijima za analizu plućnih uzoraka. Svi su podaci obrađeni SPSS IBM V22 statističkim programom te su zaključci o postavljenim hipotezama rađeni po izračunatim P vrijednostima vjerojatnosti za određeni test.
Rezultati: Ukupan broj pretraga analiziran u ovom radu je 1726, od kojih je 328 bilo pleuralnih punktata (19%), a ostalo su uzorci dobiveni pri bronhoskopiji ili transtorakalnoj punkciji. Citološkom obradom tih uzoraka utvrdilo se da su 1153 uzorka bez znakova maligne bolesti (82,5%), 241 uzorak s dijagnozom karcinoma pluća (17,2%) i 4 metastaze neplućnih karcinoma (0,3%). Od 241 pacijenata s potvrđenom dijagnozom karcinoma pluća 70 (29%) ih je bilo s dijagnozom adenokarcinoma, 44 (18.3%) s dijagnozom planocelularnog karcinomom, 74 (30,7%) s dijagnozom nespecificiranog karcinoma nemalih stanica, 31 (12,9%) s dijagnozom mikrocelularnog karcinoma i 22 (9,1%) suspektnih na malignitet.
Zaključak: Citološki dijagnosticirani karcinomi pluća su prema vrsti raspodijeljeni sukladno podacima WHO, a udio muškaraca oboljelih od karcinoma (66,40%) je dvostruko veći nego kod žena (33,60%). Udio mikrocelularnog karcinoma pluća u ukupnom broju citološki dijagnosticiranih karcinoma pluća je 12,9%. Raspodjela mikrocelularnog karcinoma pluća po spolu značajno je na strani muškaraca (77,4%) naspram žena (22,6%).
Ključne riječi: citologija, citološka dijagnostika, karcinom pluća, mikrocelularni karcinom pluća |
Abstract (english) | Introduction: Lung cancer is the most common malignant disease in the world today and is leading by mortality. It takes the first place by the incidence of malignant disease in men while in women it takes the third. Cytology is a simple and fast diagnostic method that plays an important role in the diagnosis of all cancers, including lung cancer. Microscopic examination can reveal the type and subtype of lung cancer and it is of great importance due to differences in prognosis and therapy of a particular type.
Objective: The main aim of this thesis is to show the incidence of microcellular lung cancer and its distribution by gender among the analyzed lung samples from 2017.
Methods: The study analyzed samples of patients who were in the period from January 1 to December 31, 2017. brought on cytologic analysis at the Department of Cytology of the Clinical Institute of Pathology, Forensic Medicine and Cytology Clinical Hospital Split. The samples were stained by the MGG method and afterwards they were analyzed by standard cytomorphological criteria for the analysis of lung samples. All data was processed by the SPSS IBM V22 statistical program, and the hypothesis assumptions were made based on calculated P probability values for a given test.
Results: The total number of samples analyzed in this thesis is 1726, 328 of them were pleural punctures (19%), and the remaining samples were obtained by bronchoscopy or transthoracic puncture. Cytological analysis of these samples found 1153 samples without signs of malignant disease (82.5%), 241 lung cancer diagnosis samples (17.2%) and 4 metastases of non-lung carcinoma (0.3%). From 241 patients with confirmed lung cancer diagnosis, 70 (29%) were diagnosed with adenocarcinoma, 44 (18.3%) with planocellular carcinoma, 74 (30.7%) with unspecified carcinoma of non small cells, 31 (12.9% ) with of microcellular carcinoma and 22 (9.1%) suspected of malignancy.
Conclusion: Cytologically diagnosed lung cancers are classified by type according to WHO data, and the proportion of men with cancer (66.40%) is twice as high as in women (33.60%). The proportion of microcellular lung cancer in the total number of cytologically diagnosed lung cancer is 12.9%. The distribution of microcellular lung cancer by gender is significantly higher among men (77.4%) versus women (22.6%).
Key words: cytology, cytological diagnosis, lung cancer, microcellular lung cancer |