Title Koncentracije matriks metaloproteinaza 3 (MMP3) u pretile djece
Author Matea Govorko
Mentor Daniela Šupe-Domić (mentor)
Committee member Esma Čečuk-Jeličić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mario Podrug (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Daniela Šupe-Domić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2018-07-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract CILJ:
Osim što na pretilost gledamo kao veliki javno zdravstveni problem današnjice, višak kilograma možemo pojmiti kao ogromno opterećenje na tijelo, koje može dovesti do ozbiljnih bolesti i poremećaja. Naša pretpostavka je da tokom tog opterećivanja organizma, organizam pruža određeni odgovor i to na razini razgradnje izvanstaničnog matriksa. U vezu s tim se dovodi općenito porodica matriks metaloproteinaza. Stoga glavni cilj ovog istraživanja je izmjeriti koncentracije matriks
... More metaloproteinaze 3 kod kontrolne skupine od tridesetero zdrave djeca i tridesetero ispitivane, pretile, djece, te prikazati je li postoji statistička značajnost.
Nakon što su odrađena antropometrijska mjerenja, standardiziranim postupcima kao i laboratorijski testovi, koristili smo se imunokemijskom metodom koja nas je dovela do koncentracija MMP-3 , metoda se zove ELISA i to BG MMP-3 ELISA kit, za kvantitativno određivanje humanog MMP-3. Kit koji je korišten rabi se samo za svrhu istraživanja. Princip rada ELISA sastoji se od takozvane ''sendvič'' enzimske imunoanalize, te se temelji se na reakciji antigen-protutijelo. Nakon dobivenih rezultata, slijedila je statistička obrada pomoću T tablica te hi kvadrat testa.
Dobiveni rezultati za tjelesnu težini, opseg struka, ITM vrijednosti i sistoličkom arterijskom tlaku, HDLte vrijednosti koncentracije glukoze i inzulina, pokazuju statistički značajnu razliku u usporedbi sa kontrolnom skupinom (P˂0.05).
Nismo uspjeli utvrditi statistički značajnu razliku u dobi spolu, visini, trigliceridima, LDL-u, ukupnom kolesterolu , dijastoličkom tlaku kao i najbitnije ni u koncentraciji MMP-3 proteina između dvije skupine (P˃0,05).
Možemo zaključiti da za antropometrijske mjere,HDL, sistolički tlak, glukozu i inzulin postoji statistički značajna razlika, Za visinu, dob, spol dijastolički tlak,trigliceride, LDL, ukupni kolesterol i koncentraciju MMP-3 nismo uspjeli dokazati statistički značajnu razliku. Potrebno je uzeti veći uzorak ispitanika i provesti detaljnije istraživanje. Less
Abstract (english) GOAL:
Besides interpreting obesity as one of the major public health problem, excess of kilos can also be seen as huge burden on our body, that can lead to some serious diseases and disorders. Our assumption is that during that burden, organism responds in a certain way, by degrating extracellular matrix. Matrix matealloproteinasis are responsable for that. That being said, the main goal was to measure concentrations of matrix matelloproteinasis 3 (MMP-3)in control group od 30
... More healthy children and in the examination group that was consisted of 30 obese children, then see if there is statistically meaningful difference.
After proceeding anthropometric measurements and standardized laboratory tests, we used a immunochemistry method that led us to concentration od MMP-3. The method is called ELISA, and we used BG MMP-3 ELISA kit, for quantitative determination of Human MMP-3. Kit that was used is for research use only. The way this works is known as ''sandwich method'' and is based on reaction of antigen-antibody. After given results, we used T-table and hi square test to statistically process the results.
Collected results for body weight, waist circumference, body mass indeks, High Density Cholesterol (HDL), systolic arterial pressure, as well as values of glucoses and inzulin, total cholesterol and triglyceride show that there is statistically meaningful difference in comparation with controls group (P˂0.05).
We haven't been able to determine statistically meaningful difference in sex, height, Low Density Cholesterol (LDL), diastolic pressure nor in concentration of MMP-3 protein between two groups (P˃0,05).
We can conclude that for anthropometric, as well as systolic pressure, glucosis, inzulin, HDL, there is meaningful statistical difference. For height, age, sex, diastolic pressure, LDL,total cholesterol and trygliceride and MMP-3 concentration, we haven't been able to determine statistically meaningful difference. Further researches are to be done. Less
višak kilograma
matriks metaloproteinaza (ključne riječi unio urednik)
Keywords (english)
matrix metalloproteinase (ključne riječi unio urednik)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:540195
Study programme Title: Medical Laboratory Diagnostics (university/undergraduate) Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) medicinska laboratorijska dijagnostika (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) medicinska laboratorijska dijagnostika)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-05-14 07:59:19