Abstract | Cilj: Provedeno istraživanje ima za cilj istražiti pojavnost nuspojava citostatske terapije u hematoloških bolesnika. Istraživanjem se želi utvrditi: koje su se nuspojave pojavile kod bolesnika koji su liječeni citostatskom terapijom; koje su najčešće nuspojave kod bolesnika koji su liječeni citostatskom terapijom; koje su najčešće nuspojave kod bolesnika koji su liječeni citostatskom terapijom s obzirom na pojedini protokol liječenja. Metode: Istraživanje je provedeno na slučajnom uzorku bolesnika na Zavodu za hematologiju KBC-a Split u razdoblju od siječnja do prosinca 2015. godine. Podatci za istraživanje su se dobili uvidom u medicinsku dokumentaciju i povijesti bolesti. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo ukupno 94 ispitanika. Prikupljeni podatci su uneseni u Microsoft Excel tablice prema unaprijed prikupljenom kodnom planu.
Rezultati: Najveći broj bolesnika koji su ušli u istraživanje se liječi pod dijagnozom non-Hodgkin limfoma (60%). Najzastupljenija dobna skupina je između 60-69 godina života. Niti jedan bolesnik nije bio mlađi od 18 godina niti stariji od 89 godina. Veća je bila zastupljenost ženskog spola (52,13%). Nuspojave koje su se javile nakon apliciranja citostatske terapije bile su: hematološke nuspojave, umor i slabost, mučnina i povraćanje, infekcije, opstipacija, kardiotoksičnost, gastrointestinalne nuspojave, sepsa, alergije, neuropatije, bolovi u trbuhu, akutno bubrežno zatajenje, oštećenje sluha, duboka venska tromboza, jetrena oštećenja, te upale sluznice. Najčešći kemoterapijski protokoli bili su: RCHOP, RCOP, RCNOP, COP i RFC. Za kemoterapijski protokol RCHOP pet najčešćih nuspojava su bile anemija, umor i slabost, neutropenija, mučnina i vrućica. Za kemoterapijski protokol RCOP to su bile anemija, umor i slabost, mučnina, vrućica te febrilna neutropenija. Za kemoterapijski protokol RCNOP najčešće nuspojave su anemija, umor i slabost, vrućica, neutropenija i ataksija. Za kemoterapijski protokol COP najčešće nuspojave su anemija, umor i slabost, vrućica, neutropenija i ataksija. Nuspojave koje su se javile kod protokola RFC su anemija, vrućica, mučnina, trombocitopenija te umor i slabost.
Zaključak: Kod hematoloških bolesnika koji su primili hematološku terapiju pojavile su se 24 nuspojave. Najčešća nuspojava bila je anemija. Najčešće primjenjeni kemoterapijski protokol bio je „RCHOP“, a nuspojava koja se najčešće pojavljivala po primjeni ovog protokola bila je anemija. |
Abstract (english) | Introduction and aim: This research aims to investigate the side effects of chemotherapy in hematologic patients. The research is to determine: what are the side effects occurred in patients treated with chemotherapy; which are most common side effects in patients treated with chemotherapy; which are the most common side effects in patients treated with chemotherapy with regard to a particular treatment protocol.
Material and methods: The study was conducted on a random sample of patients at the Department of Hematology KBC Split in period from January to December 2015. Data for the study were obtained by examining the medical records and medical history. The study included a total of 94 respondents. The data were entered into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to advance collected the code level.
Results: The majority of patients who entered the study treated with the diagnosis of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (60%). The most common age group is between 60-69 years of life. No patients were younger than 18 or older than 89 years. The higher the representation of females (52.13%). Side effects that occurred after application of chemotherapy were: hematologic adverse reactions, fatigue and weakness, nausea and vomiting, infections, constipation, cardiotoxicity, gastrointestinal side effects, sepsis, allergies, neuropathy, abdominal pain, acute renal failure, hearing loss, profound venous thrombosis, liver damage and inflammation of the mucous membranes. The most common chemotherapy protocols were: RCHOP, RCOP, RCNOP, COP and RFC. For chemotherapy protocol RCHOP five most common side effects were anemia, fatigue and nausea, neutropenia, nausea and fever. For chemotherapy protocol RCOP it were anemia, fatigue, weakness, nausea, fever and febrile neutropenia. For chemotherapy protocol RCNOP most common side effects were anemia, fatigue and nausea, fever, neutropenia, and ataxia. For chemotherapy protocol COP most common side effects were anemia, fatigue and nausea, fever, neutropenia, and ataxia. Side effects that occurred with the protocol RFC anemia, fever, nausea, thrombocytopenia and fatigue and weakness.
Conclusion: In hematological patients receiving hematological therapy appeared 24 side effects. The most common side effect was anemia. The most commonly applied chemotherapy protocol was "RCHOP", a side effect that usually appeared after the implementation of this protocol was anemia. |