Title Znanje učenica V. razreda osnovne škole o menstruaciji
Author Nela Židić
Mentor Matea Dolić (mentor)
Committee member Ante Obad (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Rahela Orlandini (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Matea Dolić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2016-07-04, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Cilj: Glavni cilj istraživanja je utvrditi razinu znanja djevojčica petog razreda o menstruaciji i higijeni prije provođenja zdravstvenog odgoja na istu temu. Specifični cilj istraživanja je dokazati opravdanost formalne edukacije na navedenu temu od strane zdravstvenih profesionalaca.
Metode: Istraživanje je provedeno na učenicama V. razreda osnovne škole u ordinaciji školske medicine u Kaštel Sućurcu. Sudjelovalo je 36 ispitanica. Istraživanje je provedeno u veljači 2016. godine u ordinaciji školske medicine u Kaštel Sućurcu, u suradnji sa liječnikom i medicinskom sestrom školske medicine, prije održavanja sata zdravstvenog odgoja na temu „Menstruacija i higijena“. Istraživanje se provelo pomoću upitnika od dvadeset i devet pitanja, koji je sastavljen pomoću priručnika „O tebi“. Prikupljeni podatci iz upitnika uneseni su u Microsoft Excel tablice prema unaprijed pripremljenom kodnom planu. Za obradu je korištena deskriptivna statistika.
Rezultati: Najzastupljenija dobna kategorija ispitanica je 11 godina. Ispitanice su bile dobi od 12 godina (N=3), 10 godina (N=8) i od 11 godina (N=25). Više od polovice ispitanica ispravno je navelo prvi znak puberteta kod djevojčica. Ukupno 8% ispitanica ovog istraživanja dobilo je menstruaciju. Jedna ispitanica je dobila menstruaciju s 10 godina, a dvije ispitanice su dobile s 11 godina. Više od polovice ispitanica, odgovorilo je da sjemenici nisu vanjski dio ženskog spolovila, dok ih je 39% dalo netočan odgovor. Ukupno 89% ispitanica točno je navelo dijelove tijela koji ne spadaju u unutarnji dio ženskog spolovila. Izbacivanje jajašaca iz jajnika, 58% ispitanica smatra da je menstruacija, a 17% ejakulacija. Menstruacijski ciklus je period između dvije menstruacije smatra 83% ispitanica. Menstruacija traje između 3 i 6 dana smatra 78% ispitanica, dok 11% smatra da traje između 1 – 10 dana. Ukupno 86% ispitanica smatra da se kosa za vrijeme menstruacije smije prati.
Zaključci: Rezultati provedenog istraživanja ukazuju na srednje nisku razinu znanja ispitanica petog razreda osnovne škole o menstruaciji i održavanju higijene. Ukupno 75% ispitanica je odgovorilo krivo na pitanje što je ovulacija i to na način prepoznavanja točnog odgovora, bez obzira što su to učile na satu biologije; 14% ispitanica je odgovorilo da se za vrijeme menstruacije ne smije prati kosa, 11% ispitanica je odgovorilo da se za vrijeme menstruacije ne smiju tuširati. Istraživanje je napravljeno na malom broju ispitanika, stoga ne možemo dobiti stvarnu sliku znanja i edukacije kod djevojčica petog razreda osnovne škole. Trebalo bi provesti detaljnije istraživanje na većem broju ispitanica kako bi se mogao donijeti konačan zaključak o znanju ispitanica o menstruaciji i higijeni.
Abstract (english) Introduction and Aim: The main objective of the research is to determine the level of knowledge of fifth grade girls about menstruation and hygiene before the implementation of health education on the same subject. The specific objective of the research is to prove the justification of formal education on this subject by the health professionals.
Material and methods: The research was conducted on pupils of fifth grade in doctor's office of the school of medicine in Kaštel Sućurac. The research included 36 respondents. The research was conducted in February 2016 in the doctor's office of the school of medicine in Kaštel Sućurac, in collaboration with a doctor and nurse School of Medicine, before the hour of health education on the topic of "Period and hygiene". The research was conducted through a questionnaire of twenty nine questions, which is made using manual "O tebi". Collected data from the questionnaire were entered into a Microsoft Excel table to the code previously prepared plan. For processing is used descriptive statistics.
Results: The most represented age categories of respondents was 11 years. The respondents were aged 12 years (N = 3), 10 years (N = 8) and 11 years (N = 25). More than half of respondents correctly stated the first sign of puberty in girls. A total of 8% of the respondents of this research were given period. One participant got her period age of 10 years, and two participants have received period age of 11 years. More than half of the respondents answered that testes is not external part of the female genitals, while 39% gave an incorrect answer. 89% of respondents correctly identified the body parts that do not belong to the inner part of the female genitals. Ejecting the eggs from the ovary, 58% respondents considered that is the period, and 17% respondents considered that is the ejaculation. The menstrual cycle is the period between two periods is considered 83% respondents. Period lasts between 3 and 6 days, 78% is considered, while 11% is considered to be between 1-10 days. Total 86% respondents considered that the hair may wash during the period.
Conclusion: Results of the research indicate medium high level of knowledge respondents of fifth grade about period and hygiene. A total of 75% respondents answered incorrectly the question of ovulation and a way of recognizing the correct answer, no matter what they are taught in biology class; 14% respondents said that must not be washed hair during period, 11% respondents said that must not take a shower during period. The research was conducted on a small number of respondents, so we can get a real picture of knowledge and education in girls fifth grade. Should be carried more detailed research on a larger number of respondents to be able to make a definitive conclusion about the knowledge of respondents about period and hygiene.
zdravstveni odgoj
Keywords (english)
health education
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:539106
Study programme Title: Nursing (university/undergraduate) Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-05-26 09:29:22