Title Edukacija o spolnosti - uloga primalje
Author Matea Mihić
Mentor Ivan Fistonić (mentor)
Committee member Matea Dolić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Rahela Orlandini (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Fistonić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2016-07-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Cilj: Provedeno istraživanje ima za cilj utvrditi koliko su zapravo adolescenti educirani o seksualnosti. Istraživanjem se želi utvrditi educiraju li roditelji svoju djecu o seksualnosti, te kakve su posljedice nedovoljne educiranosti. Specifični cilj ovog istraživanja je naglasiti važnost pravovremene edukacije mladih ponajprije od strane roditelja, a zatim primalje, ginekologa i ostalih zdravstvenih djelatnika.
Metode: Istraživanje je provedeno putem anonimnih online upitnika za spolno aktivne djevojke iz Splitsko – Dalmatinske županije koje spadaju u dobnu skupinu od 16 do 25 godina. Sudjelovala je ukupno 71 ispitanica, a upitnik je bio objavljen na mrežnoj stranici ''Žena.hr''. Kriterij isključivanja je bio davanje nepovezanih odgovora. Izostavljena je 1 ispitanica, a ukupno 70 ispitanica uključeno je u obradu. Konačni uzorak na kojem je izvršena obrada podataka sačinjavao je 70 ispitanica. Istraživanje je provedeno u razdoblju od 19.5.2016. do 12.6.2016. pomoću samostalno sastavljenog upitnika koji se sastoji od 8 pitanja koje su popunjavale same ispitanice. Prikupljeni podaci iz upitnika uneseni su u Microsoft Excel tablice prema unaprijed pripremljenom kodnom planu. Za obradu je korištena deskriptivna statistika.
Rezultati: Najveći broj ispitanica tvrdi da njihovi roditelji nisu s njima razgovarali o seksualnosti (N=55). U prosjeku su ispitanice prvi put stupile u spolne odnose između šesnaeste i sedamnaeste godine (N=28). Najviše ispitanica je imalo nezaštićeni spolni odnos s jednim muškarcem (N=20) i sa manje od tri muškarca (N=20). Najviše ispitanica koristi kontracepciju samo ponekad (N=23). Najmanje ispitanica je navelo da uvijek koriste kontracepciju i da nikada nisu imale spolni odnos bez zaštite (N=5). Ukupno 47 ispitanica je barem jednom u životu imalo određene simptome. Najviše ispitanica navodi promjene iscjetka- količine, boje, mirisa ili konzistencije (N=27). Dvadeset i jedna ispitanica navodi da ima samo jedan simptom, a ostale ispitanice navode da imaju dva ili više simptoma. Dvadeset i tri ispitanice tvrde da nikada nisu imale simptome. Ukupno trideset i osam ispitanica tvrdi da imaju ili su imale neku spolnu bolest, upalu ili infekciju. Najviše ih navodi da su imale infekciju uzrokovanu Candidom Albicans (N=26). Najveći broj ispitanica je posjetio ginekologa tek nakon prvog spolnog odnosa (N=47), od toga su dvadeset i četiri ispitanice posjetile ginekologa tek kada su se pojavili određeni simptomi. Velik broj ispitanica još nije posjetio ginekologa (N=12). Najveći broj ispitanica odlazi na ginekološki pregled jednom godišnje ili češće (N=23). Velik broj ispitanica odlazi na ginekološki pregled samo kada osjeti određene simptome (N=11). Rezultati upitnika pokazali su da osobe s kojima su roditelji razgovarali o seksualnosti kasnije stupaju u spolne odnose, imaju manji broj partnera, manje ginekoloških problema (spolnih bolesti, infekcija i upala), češće koriste kontracepciju te češće odlaze na ginekološke preglede.
Zaključci: Ovo istraživanje je pokazalo da ispitanice s kojima su roditelji razgovarali o seksualnosti kasnije stupaju u spolne odnose, imaju manji broj partnera, manje ginekoloških problema (spolnih bolesti, infekcija i upala), češće koriste kontracepciju te češće odlaze na ginekološke preglede nego one koje stupaju u spolne odnose bez prethodne konzultacije s roditeljima. Rezultati ovog istraživanja ne odstupaju od ostalih istraživanja rađenih u Hrvatskoj. Istraživanje je pokazalo da mladi nisu dovoljno educirani i da se nalaze pod velikim rizikom od spolno prenosivih bolesti i neželjenih trudnoća. Zbog toga treba roditeljima prikazati važnost pravilnog seksualnog odgoja mladih i na vrijeme organizirati susrete sa primaljama koje bi trebale što kvalitetnije podučiti mlade o seksualnosti, seksualnom zdravlju i odgovornom spolnom ponašanju.
Abstract (english) Objective: The study aims to determine how much are adolescents educated about sexuality. We researched whether parents educate their children about sexuality and what are the consequences of insufficient education. Aim of this study is to emphasize the importance of education of young people primarily by parents, midwives, gynecologists and other health professionals.
Methods: The study was conducted via an anonymous online survey of sexually active girls in Split - Dalmatia County, who belong to the age group 16-25 years. A total of 71 subjects participated in this study, a questionnaire was published on the website of '' Žena.hr ''. The criterion of exclusion was giving unrelated responses. 1 subject is omitted from the processing. The final sample was done at the data consisted of 70 subjects. The survey was conducted in the period from 05.19.2016. to 12.06.2016. using self-composed questionnaire which consist of 8 questions that participants answered. The data collected from the questionnaire were entered into a Microsoft Excel table to the code previously prepared plan. Processing was done using descriptive statistics.
Results: Most respondents claimed that their parents do not talk to them about sexuality (N = 55). On average, the respondents for the first time entered into sexual relationships between sixteen and seventeen years of age (N = 28). Most respondents had unprotected sex with a man (N = 20) and with less than three men (N = 20). Most respondents use contraception only occasionally (N = 23). Small group of respondents stated that they always use contraception and have never had unprotected sex (N = 5). A total of 47 subjects at least once in their lifetime had certain symptoms. Most respondents had changes of discharge- quantity, color, odor or consistency (N = 27). Twenty-one respondents stated that there was only one symptom, and other respondents stated that they had two or more symptoms. Twenty-three respondents said they have never had symptoms. Total thirty-eight of the respondents claimed to have or have had a sexually transmitted disease, inflammation or infection. Most of them stated that they had an infection caused by Candida albicans (n = 26). Most respondents had visited a gynecologist after the first sexual intercourse (n = 47), of which twenty-four respondents visited a gynecologist only when they appeared certain symptoms. A large number of respondents had not yet visited a gynecologist (N = 12). Most respondents went to a gynecologist once a year or more often (N = 23). A large number of patients go to a gynecologist only when they feel a certain symptom (N = 11). Results of the questionnaire showed that the people with whom the parents discuss sexuality engage in sexual relationships later, have fewer partners, less gynecological problems (sexually transmitted diseases, infections and inflammation) and are more likely to use contraception and more likely to go to the gynecologist.
Conclusions: This study showed that the subjects with whom parents discuss sexuality engage in sexual relationships later, have fewer partners, less gynecological problems (sexually transmitted diseases, infections and inflammation), are more likely to use contraception and are more likely to go to gynecological examinations than those engage in sexual relationships without prior consultation with parents. The results of this study do not differ from other research done in Croatia. Research has shown that young people are not educated and that they are at high risk of sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies. Therefore, parents should show the importance of proper sexual education of young people and the time to organize meetings with midwives that should teach young people about sexuality, sexual health and responsible sexual behavior.
edukacija mladih
odgovorno spolno ponašanje
Keywords (english)
education of young people
responsible sexual behavior
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:229049
Study programme Title: Midwifery (university/undergraduate) Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) primaljstva (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) primaljstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-05-28 07:51:34