Title Rehabilitacija nakon operativne rekonstrukcije distalne tetive dvoglavog mišića nadlaktice kod ekstremnog sporta (powerlifting).
Author Rina Elez
Mentor Jure Aljinović (mentor)
Committee member Dinko Pivalica (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Poljičanin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jure Aljinović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2018-07-03, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Postoperativna rehabilitacija je razdoblje oporavka nakon kirurškog zahvata. Samo trajanje i način rehabilitacijskog procesa ovise o ozljedi i o prirodi kirurškog zahvata. Kod profesionalnih sportaša se pribjegava operacijama kako bi se ubrzao proces oporavka i povratak u natjecanje. Rehabilitacija kao takva je veoma bitna za dugoročan oporavak i buduće zdravlje sportaša. Učinkoviti program rehabilitacije može ubrzati oporavak, poboljšati samu izvedbu sportaša, te spriječiti nastanak ozljeda u
... More budućnosti. Sportska ozljeda u užem smislu je ozljeda koja je tipična tj. specifična za pojedinu sportsku granu: prema mehanizmu i učestalosti. Rupture bicepsa brachii u području lakta su neuobičajene. Najčešće su uzrokovane iznenadnom ozljedom i obično rezultiraju većom slabošću ruke od ozljeda tetive bicepsa u području ramena. Da bi se snaga ruke vratila što bliže uobičajenoj razini, obično se preporučuje operacija rupturirane tetive. Ozljede distalne tetive bicepsa obično se javljaju kada je lakat ispružen prema otporu. Kirurški zahvat pripajanja tetive treba izvesti tijekom prvih 2 do 3 tjedna nakon ozljede. Dvoglavi mišić nadlaktice (m. biceps brachii) spada u mišiće nadlaktice. To je dvoglavi mišić koji izvodi kretnje u lakatnom zglobu, supinaciju i fleksiju podlaktice. U lakatnom zglobu m.biceps brachii djeluje kao fleksor kad je lakat ispružen, a kad je lakat flektiran djeluje kao jaki supinator. U powerliftingu dizači pokušavaju podignuti maksimalni iznos težine u jednom ponavljanju, ali u powerlifting natjecanju tri podizanja koja se izvode su: čučanj, bench-press i mrtvo dizanje. Zbog radnji tijekom treninga i natjecanja koji se izvode s intenzivnim težinama, te jakih sila koje mogu biti proizvedene tijekom istih smatra se kako su ove aktivnosti opasne, te rezultiraju brojnim ozbiljnim ili dugotrajnim ozljedama. Tri najčešća mjesta na kojima nastaju ozljede kod powerlifting natjecatelja, a to su poredani po učestalosti: rame, lumbalni dio leđa, koljena. Tri najčešća tipa ozljeda u powerliftingu su: mišićna naprezanja, tendinitis i artritis. Počecima powerliftinga u Hrvatskoj smatra se osnivanje Odbora za discipline snage pri Savezu Jugoslavije za dizanje tegova u bivšoj Jugoslaviji, 1969.godine. Trenutno u Hrvatskoj broj natjecatelja koji se powerliftingom bave ozbiljnije iznosi oko 200. Najčešće ozljede u Hrvatskoj su ozljede SI područja. Operativna rekonstrukcija u ovom slučaju izvedena je u Poliklinici Akromion, te je rehabilitacija provođena prema protokolu određenom od strane klinike. Rehabilitacija je započeta pasivnim vježbama, vježbama cirkulacije, preko aktivno potpomognutih vježbi, pa sve do vježbi s otporom. Pacijent se nakon 6 mjeseci rehabilitacije uspješno vratio treninzima i sportskim natjecanjima. Postignut je puni opseg pokreta. Pacijent je dobio upute i savjete za daljnji rad i izvođenje vježbi. Less
Abstract (english) Postoperative rehabilitation is a period of recovery after a surgical procedure. The duration and the way of rehabilitation depends on the injuries and on the nature of the surgical procedure. A professional athlete is used to operate in order to speed up the recovery process and return to the competition. Rehabilitation as such is very important for long-term recovery and future athlete health. An effective rehabilitation program can accelerate recovery, improve the athlete's performance,
... More and prevent future injuries. Sports injuries are, in the narrow sense, a typical injury specific to a particular sporting branch: by mechanism and frequency. Rupture of the biceps brachii in the area of the elbow is unusual. They are most often caused by sudden injury and usually result in increased hand weakness due to biceps tendon injuries in the shoulder area. In order to restore the strength of the arm as close to the normal level, it is usually recommended that the operation of the ruptured tendon be recommended. Biceps distal tendon injuries usually occur when the elbow is extended to resistance.
The surgical procedure for joining the tendon should be performed during the first 2 to 3 weeks after the injury. The double muscle of the upper arm (m. Biceps brachii) belongs to the upper arm of the arm. It is a bilious muscle that performs movements in the elbow, supine and flexion of the forearm. In the bare joints of m.biceps brachii acts as a flexor when the elbow is stretched, and when the elbow is flattened acts as a strong supinator. Powerlifting competitors are trying to raise the maximum weight in one replay, but in the powerlifting competition, the three raises are: squat, bench press and dead lift. Due to workouts during training and competitions that run with intense weights, these strong forces that can be produced during these activities are considered to be dangerous and result in a number of serious or long-lasting injuries. The three most common places where injuries occur in powerlifting competitors, which are ranked by frequency: shoulder, lumbar back, knee. The three most common types of injury in powerlifting are: muscular strains, tendinitis and arthritis. The beginning of powerlifting in Croatia is considered to be the establishment of the Founding of the Federation of Forces of Power in the Yugoslavia for the Weighing of Weights in the Former Yugoslavia in 1969. Currently in Croatia, the number of competitors competing with powerlifting is more serious than 200. The most common injuries in Croatia are SI injuries. Operational reconstruction in this case was performed at the Polyclinic of Akromion, and rehabilitation was carried out according to protocol determined by the clinic. Rehabilitation has begun through passive exercises, circulatory exercises, through actively assisted exercises, all the way to resistance training. After six months of rehabilitation, the patient successfully returned to training and sports competitions. The full range of movement has been achieved. The patient received instructions and advice for further work and exercise. Less
dvoglavi mišić (ključne riječi unio urednik)
Keywords (english)
biceps (ključne riječi unio urednik)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:988371
Study programme Title: Physiotherapy (university/undergraduate) Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) fizioterapije (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) fizioterapije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-05-29 08:18:06