Title Važnost pravilnog izvođenja i osjetljivosti testa "Du" varijante kod dobrovoljnih darivatelja krvi
Author Katica Gavranić
Mentor Mirela Zec (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Franić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Esma Čečuk-Jeličić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirela Zec (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2016-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Uvod
Dobrovoljni darivatelji krvi (DDK) su osobe koje na principima dobrovoljnosti, solidarnosti, besplatnosti i anonimnosti daruju krv, plazmu ili stanične dijelove. Krv se ne može proizvesti na umjetan način i zato su bitni darivatelji kao jedini izvor krvi. Iz krvi darivatelja se rade razni krvni pripravci koji moraju biti sigurni za liječenje pacijenata. Zbog toga se svi krvni pripravci i doze krvi moraju testirati na uzročnike krvlju prenosivih bolesti. Određuju se još ABO i Rh (D) krvne
... More grupe i prisutnost iregularnih antieritrocitnih protutijela.
Krvne grupe su nasljedne karakteristike koje je bitno odrediti u transfuzijskoj medicini. ABO sustav krvnih grupa je najvažniji i u njemu spadaju četiri krvne grupe : A, B, 0 i AB. Rh sustav je najveći, a najvažniji antigen u njemu je antigen D. Osobe koje posjeduju antigen D su Rh (D) pozitivne, a one koje ne posjeduju Rh (D) negativne. Osobe koje su Rh (D) negativne mogu imati slabiju ekspresiju antigena D i zato se određuje Du da bi se utvrdilo da li je riječ o slabom D antigenu.
Cilj rada
Cilj rada je ukazati na važnost pravilnog izvođenja i osjetljivosti testa Du varijante kod dobrovoljnih darivatelja krvi.
Izvori podataka i metode
Pri svakom davanju krvi i krvnih pripravaka, iz uzorka krvi darivatelja se obavezno radi imunohematološko testiranje. U laboratoriju trebaju postojati radne upute i preporuke koje moraju biti pri ruci svim djelatnicima koji rade imunohematološka testiranja. Uzorci za imunohematološko testiranje moraju se uzeti u epruvete sa antikoagulantnom otopinom EDTA. Uzorci krvi mogu biti od novih i višestrukih darivatelja krvi. Novim DDK se obavezno određuje ABO i Rh (D) krvna grupa, Rh fenotip, Kell antigen i IAT. Višestrukim DDK se radi kontrola ABO i Rh (D) krvne grupe, a IAT, Rh fenotip i Kell antigen se određuju samo ako rezultati nisu zabilježeni. Darivateljima koji su Rh (D) negativne krvne grupe se određuje slabi D antigen (Du test). Slabi D antigen se određuje IAT-om u mikrokartici. Rezultati se očitavaju na principu aglutinacije i upisuju se u program e-Delphyn.
U raspravi su prikazani slučajevi Du pozitivnog i Du negativnog darivatelja.
D antigen je jako imunogeničan te može potaknuti stvaranje protutijela i jaki imuni odgovor. Zbog toga je izrazito važno kod DDK otkriti ako postoji slabija ekspresija D antigena i razlučiti radi li se o slabom ili parcijalnom D. Pravilnim izvođenjem i točnom interpretacijom rezultata Du testa sprječava se Rh imunizacija kod Rh negativnih primatelja. Less
Abstract (english) Introduction
Blood donors are individuals who give blood, plasma and other blood components voluntarily, anonymously, without any compensation and purely as an act of solidarity. Blood cannot be produced artificially, so therefore blood donors are the sole source of blood. Various blood products may be produced from donated blood and must be safe for curing patients. That is why all blood products and blood doses must be tested for causes of transmitted diseases. ABO and Rh (D) blood type are
... More also determined and the presence of irregular anti erythrocyte antibodies.
Blood types have hereditary characteristics which are important to define in transfusion medicine. ABO system of blood types is the most important and it is composed of four blood types: A, B, O and AB. The Rh system is the largest and the antigen that is most important is antigen D. Individuals who have antigen D are Rh (D) positive and those who do not possess it are Rh (D) negative. Rh (D) negative individuals may have a weaker expression of antigen D and therefore Du must be defined in order to determine if it is due to weak D antigen.
The objective of this thesis is to show the importance of conducting the Du variant test properly and the sensitivity of this test in blood donors.
Data sources and methods
Mandatory immunohematology testing is performed before each donation of blood and blood products. Medical instructions and recommendations must exist in the laboratory and be available to all medical staff who conduct immunohematology testing. Samples for immunohematology testing must be conducted in test tubes which have anticoagulant EDTA solution. Blood samples may be from new or repeat donors. With new blood donors it is mandatory to determine ABO and Rh (D) blood type, Rh phenotype, Kell antigen and IAT. Repeat blood donors are tested for ABO and Rh (D) blood type. IAT, Rh phenotype and Kell antigen are only tested if the results are not recorded. For donors who are Rh (D) negative, weak antigen (Du test) is determined. Weak D antigen is determined in a microcard by IAT. Results are based on the principle of agglutination and are recorded in the e-Delphyn program.
In this discussion the cases of Du positive and Du negative blood donors are shown.
D antigen is highly immunogenic and may elicit the production of antibodies and a strong immune response. Because of this, it is extremely important to detect the existence of weak D antigen expression in blood donors and resolve whether it is a weak or partial D. Conducting the Du test properly and interpreting the results correctly prevents Rh immunization in Rh negative recipients. Less
dobrovoljni darivatelji krvi
krvne grupe
D antigen
Keywords (english)
blood donors
blood types
D antigen
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:598268
Study programme Title: Medical Laboratory Diagnostics (university/undergraduate) Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) medicinska laboratorijska dijagnostika (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) medicinska laboratorijska dijagnostika)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-06-01 08:53:33