Title Učestalost korištenja alternativne terapije kod osoba starije životne dobi na Imotskom području
Author Dijana Rebić
Mentor Ivana Mudnić (mentor)
Committee member Rahela Orlandini (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Jerončić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Mudnić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2016-06-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Cilj istraživanja:
Istraživanje ima nekoliko ciljeva. Primarni cilj je utvrditi koriste li se i u kojoj mjeri metode KAM-a u starijoj populaciji imotskog područja koje posjećuje patronažna sestra. Sekundarni ciljevi su: utvrditi vrstu primijenjene KAM-a; te zadovoljstvo primijenjenom vrstom tretmana; utvrditi postoji li povezanost korištenja metoda KAM-a sa spolom, obrazovanjem i obiteljskim statusom; utvrditi uzimaju li ispitanici lijekove propisane od obiteljskog liječnika i da li su
... More zadovoljni s učincima provedene terapije; utvrditi koliko se koriste bezreceptni lijekovi i/ ili dodatci prehrani, te ocijeniti zadovoljstvo učincima tih proizvoda i utvrditi koliko se često lijekovi posuđuju među ispitanicima.
Ispitanici i metode:
U istraživanje su bili uključeni svi pacijenti koji žive na imotskom području, a stariji su od 50 godina. Patronažna sestra je obavila razgovor s 453 ispitanika (317 žena, 136 muškaraca). Istraživanje se provelo na prigodnom uzorku koji predstavlja populaciju starijih stanovnika imotskog područja koje patronažna sestra posjećuje u njihovim domovima tijekom radnog vremena.
Gotovo svi ispitanici (99,3 %) primjenjuju lijekove konvencionalne medicine koje im je propisao liječnik. Većina se ispitanika(93,6 %) pridržava uputa o uzimanju lijeka te je vrlo zadovoljno terapijom (medijan zadovoljstva je 8). U ljekarni 21,6 % ispitanika kupuje bezreceptne lijekove; većinom vitaminske preparate, s kojima je medijan vrijednosti zadovoljstva 7. Lijekove posuđuje 7,5 % ispitanika.
Usluge alternativne medicine koristi 27,5% ispitanika; većinom žene (68%), s osnovnoškolskim obrazovanjem (52,2 %) i troje djece. Najzastupljenije metode KAM-a su: biljna medicina, kiropraktika, molitva i narodna medicina- medijan zadovoljstva tretmanom je 7. Međuusporedba zadovoljstva ostvarenog pri liječenju konvencionalnom i alternativnom medicinom pokazala je da su ispitanici zadovoljniji liječenjem kod liječnika obiteljske medicine (p<0,001). Nije pokazano da ispitanici koji su nezadovoljni liječenjem metodama konvencionalne medicine posežu za liječenjem metodama alternativne medicine (p=0,986).
Postoji povezanost između korištenja bezreceptnih lijekova i metoda alternativne medicine; gotovo polovica bolesnika koji su u ljekarni kupili bezreceptni lijek su ujedno i posjetili praktičara KAM-a (48,4 %).
Primjena metoda alternativne medicine u starijoj populaciji bolesnika Imotske krajine koje posjećuje patronažna sestra razmjerno je mala (~28 %). U starijoj populaciji alternativnu medicinu češće koriste žene i osobe s većim brojem djece. Najčešće korištena metoda alternativne medicine je primjena ljekovitog bilja. Zadovoljstvo liječenjem metodama alternativne medicine je visoko ocijenjeno, ali slabije od zadovoljstva liječenjem lijekovima ordiniranim od obiteljskog liječnika. Uočena je povezanost između primjene bezreceptnih lijekova i alternativne medicine što upućuje na to da je određeni dio starije populacije unatoč nižim primanjima spreman investirati u poboljšanje zdravlja. Less
Abstract (english) Objectives:
Main goal was to determine the prevalence of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) use by the elderly visited by a nurse in Imotski region. Additional objectives were: to determine the type of applied CAM; the satisfaction of the applied treatment, whether there is an association between the methods of CAM andgender, education and family status; whether the subjects are taking medication prescribed by a family physician and; the satisfaction with the effects of this
... More therapy; the use of non-prescription drugs and/or dietary supplements, and satisfaction with the effects of these products. The last goal was to determine how often the medications are borrowed among patients.
Participants and methodology:
The study involved patients who live in the area of Imotski region, and are older than 50. The interview was conducted with 453 patients (317 women, 136 men). The performed research included occasional sample that represents the older population of Imotski region visited by the nurse in their homes during working hours.
Almost every patient (99.3%) uses drugs of conventional medicine that are prescribed by a family physician. Majority of them (93.6%) follows the instructions how to use the drugs from their family physicians; median of the satisfaction with the therapy is 8. In the pharmacy, 21.6% of patients buy OTC (over the counter) drugs; mostly vitamin preparations - median of satisfaction is 7. Medication sare borrowed by 7.5 % of the patients.
Minority of patients uses CAM (27.5%); mostly women (68%), with primary education (52.2%) and three children. Herbal medicine, chiropractic, prayer and traditional medicine are the methods mostly used - median of satisfaction with treatment is 7.Comparison between the satisfaction achieved in the treatment of conventional medicine and CAM has shown that the patients are more satisfied with the treatment of family physician (p<0.001). The study did not show that patients who were dissatisfied with the treatment of conventional medicine more often use the methods of CAM (p=0.986).
There is a correlation between the use of OTC drugs and methods of CAM. Almost half of the patients who buy a non-prescription medicine also visited CAM–practitioners (48,4 %).
Elderly population of Imotski region that is visited by a nurse does not use CAM so often (~ 28%). CAM is more often used by women and people with more than one child. The most commonly used method of CAM is herbal medicine. Satisfaction with CAM is highly rated, but lower than satisfaction with the drugs administered by the family physician. We observed the association between the use of OTCdrugs and CAM, which may indicate that certain part of the elderly population is, despite of the lower financial situation, ready to invest in the improvement of health. Less
metode KAM-a
starija populacija
patronažna sestra
Keywords (english)
Alternative Medicine (CAM)
the elderly
a nurse
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:618106
Study programme Title: Nursing (university/graduate) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-06-05 08:51:15