Title Modaliteti fizikalne terapije u gerontološkoj populaciji koja gravitira u KBC-u Split
Author Nikolina Jurić
Mentor Jure Aljinović (mentor)
Committee member Jure Aljinović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Poljičanin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivanka Marinović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2019-09-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Cilj istraživanja: Cilj ovog rada jest ispitati najzastupljenije modalitete fizikalne terapije u gerontološkoj populaciji s uputnim dijagnozama koje su stacionarno i ambulantno bile provedene na Zavodu za fizikalnu medicinu i rehabilitaciju s reumatologijom Kliničkog bolničkog centra Split.
Ispitanici i metode: U razdoblju od 1. siječnja 2019. do 1. travnja 2019. godine uključeni su ispitanici stariji od 65 godina, koji su stacionarno i ambulantno obrađeni na Zavodu za fizikalnu medicinu i
... More rehabilitaciju s reumatologijom Kliničkog bolničkog centra Split. Prikupljeni su podatci 4029 ambulantnih pacijenata i 280 stacionarnih pacijenata. U skladu s tim, na osnovu medicinske dokumentacije stacionarno zabilježenih ispitanika, zabilježeni su parametri: spol,dob, prijemna dijagnoza te broj dana provedenih u bolnici. Kod ispitanika koji su ambulantno liječeni zabilježeni su parametri: spol, dob te prijemna dijagnoza.
Rezultati: U Kliničkom bolničkom centru Split, na Zavodu za fizikalnu medicinu i rehabilitaciju s reumatologijom, ambulantno i stacionarno zabilježen je veći broj žena u odnosu na broj muškaraca. U stacionarnom liječenju zabilježeno je 27% muškaraca te 73% žena. U ambulantnom liječenju zabilježeno je 30% muškaraca te 70% žena. Kod stacionarno evidentiranih bolesnika utvrđen je veći broj žena u odnosu na broj muškaraca od ukupnog broja pacijenata koji iznosi 280. Broj muškaraca iznosi 73 (26,07%), a broj žena iznosi 207 (73,92%). Kod ambulantno evidentiranih bolesnika utvrđen je također veći broj žena u odnosu na broj muškaraca od ukupnog broja pacijenata koji iznosi 4029. Broj muškaraca iznosi 1213 ( 30,11%), a broj žena iznosi 2815 (69,86%). Kod stacionarno liječenih pacijenata vidljiv je najveći broj muških pacijenata liječen pod šifrom I60-I69 (19%), zatim pod šifrom M40-M54 (13%) te jednak postotak učestalosti pacijenata pod šifrom M15-M19 (8%) i S70-S79 (8%). Kod istih, najveći broj žena liječen je pod šifrom M40-M54 (20%), zatim S70-S79 (16%) i M05-M14 (14%). U ukupnom broju pacijenata najčešće prijemne dijagnoze otpadaju na šifre M40-M54 (19%). Najveći broj dana liječenja imali su pacijenti s prijemnom dijagnozom S60-S69 (21%), M30-M36 (15%), I42 (12%), M00-M04 (9%) i M05-M14 (8%). Znatno je veći broj žena u svakoj prijemnoj dijagnozi. Kod ambulantno liječenih pacijenata vidljiv je najveći broj muških pacijenata liječen pod šifrom M40-M54 (33%) te M15-M19 (9%) i M60-M79 (7%). Od ostalih dijagnoza za istaknuti su G50-G59 (5%) i R42-47 (5%). Kod žena najveći je broj liječen je pod šifrom M40-M54 (40%), M15-M19 (9%) te M60-M79 (7%). Od ostalih dijagnoza za istaknuti su S40-S49 (4%), G50-G59 (3%) i Z80-Z99 (3%).
Zaključak: Na Zavodu za fizikalnu medicinu i rehabilitaciju s reumatologijom Kliničkog bolničkog centra Split veći broj pacijenata liječi se ambulantno. U oba načina liječenja i provođenja fizikalne terapije prisutan je veći broj žena. Kod stacionarno liječenih pacijenata vidljiv je najveći broj muških pacijenata liječen radi cerebrovaskularnih bolesti, a žena zbog različitih dorzopatija. Kod ambulantno liječenih pacijenata i muškarci i žene čine najveći postotak liječenja pod prijemnom dijagnozom dorzopatije. Najveći broj dana u stacionarnom liječenju imali su pacijenti s ozljedama ručnog zgloba i šake, uzrokovanu padom. Less
Abstract (english) Research aim: The aim of this research is to evaluate the most common physical therapy modalities used in the gerontological population with referral diagnoses that were performed in both a stationary and ambulatory manner at the Department for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation with Rheumatology.
Subjects and methods: In the time period ranging from the 1st of January 2019 until the 1st of April 2019, we included all the subjects older than 65 years of age who were treated in both a
... More stationary and ambulatory manner at the Department for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation with Rheumatology at the Split Clinical Hospital Centre. We collected data from 4029 ambulatory and 280 stationary patients. As follows, the parameters of gender, age, diagnosis upon admission, and length of hospitalization were recorded based on the medical documentation of stationary patients. For ambulatory patients, we also recorded the parameters of gender, age, and diagnosis upon admission.
Results: At the Split Clinical Hospital Centre Department for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation with Rheumatology, there was a larger number of women in both the stationary and ambulatory patient populations. The stationary patient group consisted of 27% men and 73% women. The ambulatory patient group consisted of 30% men and 70% women. In the stationary patient group, a higher female-to-male ratio compared to the total number of patients, which amounted to 280, was found. The number of male patients was 73 (26,07%), while the number of female patients was 207 (73,92%). The ambulatory patient group also included a higher female-to-male ratio compared to the total number of patients, which amounted to 4029. The number of male patients was 1213 ( 30,11%), while the number of female patients was 2815 (69,86%). Within the stationary patient group, the largest number of male patients was treated under the I60-I69 (19%) codes, followed by the M40-M54 (13%) codes, while an equal frequency percentage was found under the M15-M19 (8%) and S70-S79 (8%) diagnosis codes. In the same group, the largest number of female patients was treated under the M40-M54 (20%) codes, followed by S70-S79 (16%) and M05-M14 (14%). The total number of patients has the codes M40-M54 (19%) as their most common diagnosis upon admission. The patients with diagnoses upon admission belonging to the codes S60-S69 (21%), M30-M36 (15%), I42 (12%), M00-M04 (9%), and M05-M14 (8%) had the longest hospital stay. There was a significantly larger number of female patients falling under each diagnosis upon admission. In the ambulatory patient group, the largest number of male patients was treated under the M40-M54 (33%), te M15-M19 (9%), and M60-M79 (7%) codes. Among other notable diagnoses, one can mention G50-G59 (5%) i R42-47 (5%). Among the female patients, the largest number treated in an ambulatory manner fell under the M40-M54 (40%), M15-M19 (9%), and M60-M79 (7%) codes. Among other notable diagnoses, one can mention S40-S49 (4%), G50-G59 (3%), and Z80-Z99 (3%).
Conclusion: The Department for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation with Rheumatology has a larger proportion of patients in ambulatory treatment. Both the stationary and ambulatory treatment modalities include a larger proportion of female patients. The highest number of male patients is evident in the stationary patient group due to cerebrovascular disease, and the largest number of women due to various dorsopathies. In the ambulatory patients group, both male and female patients account for the highest percentage of patients with an admission diagnosis of dorsopathy. The patients with the longest hospital stay during stationary treatment were those with wrist and hand falling injuries. Less
gerontološka populacija
gravitacija (ključne riječi unio urednik)
Keywords (english)
gerontological population
gravitating (ključne riječi unio urednik)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:152609
Study programme Title: Physiotherapy (university/graduate) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra fizioterapije (magistar/magistra fizioterapije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-06-24 07:31:50