Title Fizioterapijski pristup u habilitaciji prirođenog oštećenja plexusa brachialisa
Author Paula Marić
Mentor Ana Poljičanin (mentor)
Committee member Ana Poljičanin (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sandra Kuzmičić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Asja Rota Čeprnja (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2019-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Oštećenje plexusa brachialisa stanje je koje najčešće nastaje kao posljedica mehaničkog oštećenja nastalog najčešće u toku porođaja. Ovo stanje kod novorođenčeta nije česta pojava, ali može dovesti do trajne onesposobljneosti i invaliditeta.
Plexus brachialis tvore korijenovi C5- Th1, a oštećenje se klasificira po zahvaćenosti moždinskih živaca o čemu ovisi i klinička slika. Razlikuju se: Erb-Duchenne pareza ili oštećenje gonjih korjenova C5, C6, srednja ili proširena pareza ili oštećenje
... More korjena C7, Klumpke pareza ili oštećenje donjih korjenova C8 i Th1 i miješani tip lezije ili oštećenje C5, C6, C7, C8 i Th1 korjenova. Zbog oštećenja navedenih korjenova, uz ovo stanje veže se nemogućnost izvođenja abdukcije i vanjske rotacije, a unutrašnji rotatori su očuvani pa se ruka nalazi u unutarnjoj rotaciji. Također, zbog paralize lakat je ekstendiran, a podlaktica se nalazi u pronaciji, dok je pomičnost prstiju očuvana.
Habilitacijski postupak provodi se nakon objektivne evaluacije stanja, te izrađenog individualnog plana i programa uz pomoć svih članova habilitacijskog tima.
Fizioterapijsku intervenciju potrebno je započeti što ranije kako bi se spriječile brojne posljedice kao što su npr. kontrakture zahvaćenih zglobova i razvoj abnormalnih obrazaca pokreta.
Početna terapija uključuje zaštitu zglobova i ruke od daljnjih povreda. Pozicioniranje i pravilan baby handling su vrlo bitni jer osiguravaju da zahvaćeni ekstremitet bude uvijek u svim položajima podržan i zaštićen. Intenzivna fizioterapija je neophodna, a poseban naglasak u daljnjem procesu habilitacije stavlja se na facilitaciju normalnog pokreta, očuvanje normalnog opsega kretnji u zglobovima te snaženje zahvaćene muskulature. U fizioterapijsku intervenciju uključuju se i ostali postupci kao što su: senzorno osvješćivanje, elektroterapija, hidroterapija, radna terapija te terapijske vježbe koje uključuju i pasivne i aktivne oblike terapije, te neke fizioterapijske koncepte kao što su Vojta, Bobath i PNF.
Fizioterapeut, kao član tima u provođenju cjelokupnog postupka, kroz fizioterapijski proces procjenjuje, evaluira, postavlja fizioterapijsku dijagnozu i provodi intervenciju na razini funkcionalnog ograničenja i onesposobljenja, te educira djetetove roditelje.
Terapija se provodi toliko dugo koliko funkcionalno onesposobljenje to zahtijeva, a ukoliko se ovakvim, konzervativnim načinom liječenja ne postignu željeni rezultati u određeno vrijeme, prelazi se na neurokirurško liječenje. Less
Abstract (english) Brachial plexus palsy is the condition that is most commonly resulting from the mechanical damage occurring during childbirth. This condition in a newborn is not a common occurrence, but can lead to permanent disability.
Plexus brachialis forms the roots of C5-Th1, and the damage is classified by the involvement of the brain nerve, which also depends on the clinical picture. The condition can be categorised into four types: Erb-Duchenne paresis or damage to the roots C5, C6, medium or
... More extended paresis or root damage C7, Klumpke paresis or damage to the lower roots C8 and Th1 and mixed type lesions or damage to C5, C6, C7, C8 and Th1 roots. Due to the damage of the mentioned roots, this condition is associated with the inability to perform abduction and external rotation, and the internal rotators are preserved so the hand is in the inner rotation. Also, due to paralysis, the elbow is in a position of extension, and the forearm is in the pronation, while the fingers movements are preserved.
The habilitation procedure is carried out after an objective evaluation of the condition, and created individual plan and program with the help of all the members of the habilitation team.
Physiotherapeutic intervention should be started as early as possible to prevent numerous consequences such as contractures of the affected joints and the development of abnormal movement patterns.
In the first days the therapy is focused on the protection of joints and hands from further injuries. Positioning and proper baby handling are very important because they ensure that the affected extremity is always supported and protected. Intensive physiotherapy is necessary, with special emphasis in the further process of habilitation being placed on the facilitation of normal movement, the preservation of the normal range of movement in the joints and the strengthening of the affected musculature. Physiotherapeutic interventions also include other procedures such as sensory awareness, electrotherapy, hydrotherapy, work therapy and kinesitherapy, including passive and active therapeutic forms, and some physiotherapeutic concepts such as Vojta, Bobath and PNF.
Pysiotherapist, as a member of the team in conducting the whole procedure- evaluates the process, sets physiotherapeutic diagnosis and performs intervention at the functional restriction and disability level, and educates the child's parents.
Therapy is performed as long as functional disability requires it, and if such a conservative treatment does not achieve the desired results at a given time, neurosurgical treatment will be done. Less
plexus brachialis
fizioterapijska intervencija
Keywords (english)
brachial plexus
physiotherapeutic intervention
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:873079
Study programme Title: Physiotherapy (university/undergraduate) Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) fizioterapije (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) fizioterapije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-06-24 10:36:53