Abstract | Tjelesna aktivnost predisponirajući je faktor za zdravlje koji donosi mnoge benefite za odrasle, ali i za djecu. Kroz tjelovježbu, dijete raste fizički i psihički te se razvija u mnogo zdravijoj okolini nego li u sedentarnom okruženju. Tjelesna aktivnost kroz sport donosi jedan mnogo zanimljivi način za dijete u kojem osim zainteresiranosti za takav tip tjelovježbe dolazi do izloženosti raznoraznim društvenim izazovima. Kroz te faktore dijete se samoostvaruje i raste kao osoba što se može, uz zdravlje, postaviti kao jedan od glavnih doprinosa sporta. Za cilj rada postavljena je hipoteza u kojoj se želi odgonetnuti postoje li razlike u tjelesnim prilagodbama djece koja treniraju različite sportove. Za istražiti takvo nešto provedena su razna mjerenja i testova poput mjerenja visine i težine, potkožnog masnog tkiva, obujma nadlaktice, obujma natkoljenice i taping testa ruku i nogu. Nakon odrađenog testiranja dobiveni rezultati pokazali su razlike između djece u različitim sportovima kroz više segmenata. Npr. odbojkaši su bili viši od ostalih skupina, a rukometaši su imali znatno bolje rezultate u tapingu rukom. Promatrajući te rezultate se može reći da su djeca kroz sport razvila specifične osobine kao što je npr. brzina ruku u rukometaša koja je bila iznimno velika u odnosu na druge sportove. Međutim, zbog malog broja ispitanika i ostalih nemogućnosti istraživanja ne može se sa sigurnošću reći da su te promjene nastale uslijed sporta ili su predisponirane. Postoje pokazatelji da se događaju određene oscilacije te ovaj rad ukazuje na to da je potrebno veće istraživanje kako bi se hipoteza potvrdila. |
Abstract (english) | Physical activity is a predisposing factor for health that brings many benefits for adults as well as children. Through exercise, children not only grow physically and mentally, but also develop in a much healthier environment than in a sedentary climate. Physical activity, through sport, provides a fascinating way for children in which he or she is exposed to a variety of social challenges. It is through these factors that the child grows as a person, who with a focus on health, can be placed as one of the main contributors to a sport. The aim of this report is to hypothesize that there are differences in the physical fitness of children who practice different sports. To investigate this, various metrics and tests were performed, such as height and weight measurements, subcutaneous adipose tissue, upper arm circumference, thigh circumference, and arm and leg taping tests. After testing, the obtained results showed differences between children in different sports across multiple segments. For example; volleyball players were taller than other groups. Also, handball players had significantly better results in hand-taping. We can conclude after analyzing the results that children developed specific characteristics in direct correlation to sport. An example of a trait obtained during the study include the speed of the handball players, which was significantly higher compared to other sports. However, due to the small number of respondents and other inability to research, it cannot be said with certainty that these changes are due to sport or are predisposed. There are indications that certain oscillations occur, and this report suggests that more research is needed to confirm the hypothesis. |