Title Rehabilitacija kod MB Osgood Schlatter
Author Antonia Lučić
Mentor Dinko Pivalica (mentor)
Committee member Frane Mihanović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sandra Kuzmičić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dinko Pivalica (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2020-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Morbus Osgood Schlatter juvenilna je osteohondroza koju karatkerizira trakcija apofize patelarne tetive. Bolest zahvaća djecu i adolescente. Češće zahvaća muški u odnosu na ženski spol. Najveća prevalencija jest među sportski aktivnom djecom. Sportovi kod kojih je rizik nastanka povećan jesu nogomet, odbojka i košaraka te svi sportovi koji podrazumjevaju pokrete s učestalom aktivacijom m. kvadricepsa. U svezi s razlogom nastanka postoji više hipoteza, no najprihvaćenija je teorija prema kojoj Morbus Osgood Schlatter pogađa djecu kod koje je zabilježen brz rast kostiju u dužinu, a bave se nekim od navedenih sportova.
Uz anamnezu i fizikalni pregled postoji niz dijagnostičkih procedura koje se primjenjuju za dijegnosticiranje Osgood Schlattera. Zlatni standard je ultrazvučna pretraga zahvaljujući pouzdanim rezultatim i finom prikazu mekotkivnih struktura i lakom primjenom.
Modaliteti fizikalne terapije koji se koriste u rehabilitaciji Osgood Schlattera su malobrojni. Razlog tomu je osjetljivo područije zona rasta na kojima je kontraindicirana primjena elektroprocedura i magnetoterapije. U akutnoj fazi, s obzirom na aktivnu upalu, primjenjuje se krioterapija (toplina kontraindicirana kod upala!). Zlatni standard predstavlja RICE terapija. Redukcija tjelesne aktivnosti preporučena je svim pacijentima. Povratak treninzima i sportskom životu indiviualan je. Najveća posljedica terapije je skraćenost te hipotrofija i naposlijetku atrofija inaktivne muskulature. Stoga je, unatoč smanjenoj dozi treninga, ključno provoditi vježbe istezanja muskulature. Kad se povrati dužina mišića započnje se s vježbama jačanja, ponajviše m. kvadricepsa s naglaskom na glavu m. vastus medialisa, ali i ostatka muskulature donjeg ekstremiteta.
Prognoza bolesti je dobra. Liječenje je uglavnom uvijek konzervativno. U manje od 2% slučajeva pacijenti se podvrgavaju operacijskom liječenju. Bolest se postepeno formira, izazivanjem mikrotrauma na apofizi, no nakon finalne eskalacije simptoma i trakcije tetive stanje se dalje ne pogoršava, preostaje bolnost i upala. Smatra se da je konačan kraj simptoma bolesti nastupa završavanjem rasta.
Abstract (english) Morbus Osgood Schlatter is a juvenile osteochondria that is caratkerized by the traction of the apophytal tendon. The disease affects children and adolescents. It affects the male more often than the female sex. The prevalence is highest among sports active children. The sports where the risk of origin is increased are football, volleyball and basketball, and all sports that mean movements with frequent activation of the m. quadriceps. There are several hypotheses in relation to the reason for the occurrence, but the most accepted theory is that Morbus Osgood Schlatter affects children who have seen rapid bone growth in length, and are engaged in some of these sports.
In addition to a anamnesis and physical examination, there are a number of diagnostic procedures that are used to dissester Osgood Schlatter. The gold standard is ultrasonic testing thanks to reliable results and a fine display of soft structures and easy application.
The modalists of physical therapy used in the rehabilitation of Osgood Schlatter are few. This is due to sensitive areas of growth zones where the use of electroprocedures and magnetotherapy is contraindicated. In the acute stage, with regard to active inflammation, cryotherapy is applied (heat contraindicated in inflammation!). The gold standard is RICE therapy. The reduction of physical activity is recommended for all patients. The return to training and sporting life is indiviualan. The greatest consequence of therapy is abbreviation and hypotrophy and finally atrophy of inactive musculature. Therefore, despite the reduced dose of training, it is crucial to carry out stretching exercises of musculature. When the length of the muscle returns, it begins with strengthening exercises, mainly the m. quadriceps with an emphasis on the head of m. vastus medialis, but also the rest of the musculature of the lower extremity.
The disease prognosis is good. The treatment is generally always conservative. In less than 2% of cases, patients undergo surgery. The disease is gradually formed, causing microtrauma on the apofizi, but after the final escalation of symptoms and stripration of the tendon the condition is further deteriorated, pain and inflammation remains. It is thought that the end of the symptoms of the disease occurs by ending the growth.
Osgood Schlatter
Keywords (english)
Osgood Schlatter
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:803575
Study programme Title: Physiotherapy (university/undergraduate) Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) fizioterapije (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) fizioterapije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-02-03 08:48:35