Title Primaljska skrb kod poroda mrtvorođenčeta
Author Tonina Jurković
Mentor Marko Vulić (mentor)
Committee member Marko Vulić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Rahela Orlandini (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Diana Aranza (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2020-06-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Mrtvorođenje (fetalna smrt) jest smrt prije potpuna istiskivanja ili vađenja ploda začeća iz majke u 28.tjednu gestacije. Uzroci mogu biti komplikacije u trudnoći kao problemi s posteljicom ili pupčanom vrpcom, urođene nakaznosti, infekcije ili komplikacije pri rađanju kao asfiksija, ali u većini slučajeva uzrok je nepoznat. Na mrtvorođenje upućuje izostanak fetalnih pokreta, a potvrđuje se ultrazvukom. Ako porođaj ne nastupi spontano u roku od dva tjedna inducira se vaginalno, kako bi se spriječile komplikacije vezane uz retenciju mrtvog fetusa. Uloga primalje je vrlo važna kod poroda mrtvorođenčeta. Primalja cijelo vrijeme pruža trudnici psihološku i emocionalnu potporu kako bi porod prošao što lakše za nju. Razgovor u takvim trenutcima s rodiljom nije moguć, teško ga je pratiti, iracionalan je i zatvoren. Bez obzira na to, primalja mora biti strpljiva i imati razumijevanja prema rodilji koja se rastaje s djetetom. Ako rodilja iskaže želju vidjeti i dodirnuti mrtvorođenče primalja joj ga prinosi omotano u pelenu i osigura joj dovoljno vremena da se oprosti s djetetom. Primalja poštuje majčine odluke i želje, komunicira s njom na verbalni i neverbalni prihvatljiviji način takvoj situaciji. Mrtvorođenče se zamata u pelenu te ostaje u rađaonici 2 sata nakon poroda i zatim se šalje na odjel patologije na obdukciju zajedno s posteljicom. Obdukcija je važna za prognozu sljedeće trudnoće, jer pomaže u određivanju utjecaja bolesti majke i poremećaja u trudnoći na rast, razvoj i smrt ploda. Rodilja se nakon dva sata od poroda premješta na odjel gdje primalja nastavlja pružati djelotvornu podršku, osigurava emocionalnu potporu i savjetovanje nakon gubitka djeteta kao prevencija postporođajne depresije ili dugoročnog stanja neprihvaćanja smrti.
Abstract (english) Stillbirth (fetal death) is death before complete extrusion or extraction of the fetus at the 28th week of gestation. Causes may include pregnancy complications such as problems with the placenta or umbilical cord, congenital malformations, infections or birth complications such as asphyxiation, but most of the time the cause is unknown. Stillbirth may be suspected when no fetal movement is felt, and it is confirmed by ultrasound. If labour doesn't occur spontaneously after two weeks, it is induced vaginally to prevent complications related to retention of a dead fetus. The role of the midwife is very important in the stillbirth. The midwife is constantley supporting the pregnant woman psychologicaly and emotionaly to help her go through birth as easily as possible. Talking to mother at such moments is impossible, difficult to follow, irrational and closed. Nonetheless, the midwife must be patient and have an understanding of the childbearing mother. If the mother expresses her desire to see and touch the stillborn, the midwife brings her wrapped in a diaper and gives her plenty of time to say goodbye to the baby. The midwife respects mother's decisions and desires, communicates with her in a verbally and non-verbally acceptable manner at such situation. The stillborn is wrapped in a diaper and remains in the maternity ward for 2 hours after delivery and it is then sent to the pathology department for autopsy along with the placenta. Autopsy is important for the prognosis of the next pregnancy because it helps determine the impact of maternal disease and pregnancy disorders on fetal growth, development and death. After two hours from delivery, the mother is placed in a ward where the midwife continues to provide effective support, provide emotional support and counseling after the loss of child as a prevention of postnatal depression or long-term failure to accept the reality of death.
emocionalna potpora
uloga primalje
Keywords (english)
emotional support
midwife role
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:813271
Study programme Title: Midwifery (university/undergraduate) Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) primaljstva (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) primaljstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-02-03 10:31:17