Title Razumijevanje pojma bolesti u male djece
Author Mia Plenković
Mentor Slavica Kozina (mentor)
Committee member Mario Marendić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Rahela Orlandini (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Slavica Kozina (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2020-07-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Svako dijete tijekom razvoja prolazi kroz četiri faze kognitivnog razvoja koje je definirao švicarski psiholog Jean Piaget. To su senzomotorička, predoperativna, konkretno operativna i formalno operativna faza. Svaku fazu karakterizira različito shvaćanje pojma bolesti, način sučeljavanja s bolesti i prilagodba na boravak u bolnici. Razumijevanje pojma bolesti u male djece pobliže su objasnili istraživači Bibace i Walsh (1980.) koji su svaku Piagetovu fazu podijelili u još dvije čiji nazivi opisuju vodeću karakteristiku pojedine faze. Prema njima postoje fenomenizam, zaraza, kontaminacija, internalizacija te fiziološka i psihofiziološka faza. Nadalje, nizozemski i švedski znanstvenici osmislili su TEC model u kojem se baziraju na ideje djece o uzrocima bolesti, a sami model je u korelaciji s teorijom Bibacea i Walsha (1980.).
Usporedbom istraživačkih radova različitih autora o razumijevanju pojma bolesti u male djece dolazi se do zaključka da djeca predoperativne faze bolest tumače uz pomoć magije i praznovjerja. Djeca konkretne operativne faze poznaju niz pravila za očuvanje zdravlja i izbjegavanje bolesti, no ne razumiju kako ista djeluju. Predstavnici formalne operativne faze najbliže su razini razumijevanja pojma bolesti odraslima. Posljednju fazu od ostalih izdvaja to što djeca odvajaju tjelesno od mentalnog zdravlja te koriste osjećaje prilikom opisivanja bolesti.
Pseudozrelost i regradacija na ranije ponašanje česte su promjene koje se događaju u bolesne djece, stoga je važno prepoznati znakove takvog ponašanja da bi se s djetetom pravilno postupalo. Većina djece ulaskom u bolnicu proživljava tri faze prilagodbe na bolničku sredinu: fazu prosvjeda, fazu očajanja i fazu prividne prilagodbe. Pravilna priprema na hospitalizaciju, omogućena igra i kvalitetna komunikacija znatno smanjuju tjeskobu djeteta i pozitivno utječu na ishod liječenja.
Ključ uspješnog liječenja leži u medicinskom osoblju koje se služi kvalitetnom komunikacijom i holističkim pristupom. Bogato znanje, pravovremeno prepoznavanje promjena ponašanja bolesnog djeteta, provođenje edukacije roditelja i djeteta, pružanje utjehe i još mnogo toga su vještine pedijatrijske sestre koja pridonosi povećanju kvalitete života bolesnog djeteta i njegove okoline.
Abstract (english) Every child while growing up goes through four stages of cognitive development which were defined by the Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget. Those stages are sensorimotorical, preoperational, concrete operational and formal operational phase. Each phase is characterized by different understandings of the concept of the disease, the ways of coping with the disease and the adjustment to the hospitalization. The understanding of the concept of disease in small children was explained in detail by researchers Bibace and Walsh (1980.) who divided each Piaget phase into two more phases whose names describe the leading characteristic of each phase. According to them, there are: phenomenism, contagion, contamination, internalisation, the physiological and psychophysiological phase. Furthermore, Dutch and Swedish scientists created a TEC model in which they are focused on children’s ideas about the causes of the disease and the model itself is correlated with the Bibace and Walsh theory (1980.).
A comparison of results in various researchers by different authors on the understanding of the concept of disease in small children leads to the conclusion that children in the preoperative phase interpret the disease with the help of magic and superstition. Children in a specific operative phase know a number of rules for maintaining health and avoiding disease, but do not understand how they work. Representatives of the formal operative phase are closest to the adult level of understanding the concept of disease. The last phase is distinguished from the others by the fact that children separate the physical from the mental health and use their feelings when describing the disease.
Pseudo-maturity and regradation to earlier behavior are common changes that occur among ill children, so it is important to recognize the signs of such behavior in order to treat the child properly. Most children go through three phases of adjustment to the hospital environment upon entering the hospital: the protest phase, the despair phase and the apparent adjustment phase. Proper preparation for hospitalization, enabled play and quality communication significantly reduce the childs anxiety and have a positive effect the outcome of treatment.
The key to successful treatments is in the medical staff who have quality communication skills and who use a holistic approach. Extensive knowledge, the ability to recognise the changes in an ill childs behavior, educating both the parent and the child, providing comfort and lots more are just some of the skills a pediatric nurse posseses which contributes to increasing the childs quality of life and his environment.
Piagetova teorija kognitivnog razvoja
razumijevanje bolesti
Keywords (english)
Piaget’s theory of cognitive development
understanding of illness
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:441077
Study programme Title: Nursing (university/undergraduate) Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
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Created on 2021-02-03 12:34:37