Abstract | Svrha ovog rada je istražiti djelotvornost postupka ozoniranja za razgradnju diuretika furosemida te odrediti kinetiku njegovog uklanjanja iz modelne otopine kod različitih uvjeta, kao što su koncentracija ozona, pH otopine i vrsta matrice. Nadalje, cilj je pokušati identificirati transformacijske produkte nastale razgradnjom matičnog spoja nakon tretmana ozonom. Uzorak furosemida tretiran je u demineraliziranoj vodi pri 4 doze ozona (0,02 mg L-1, 0,05 mg L-1, 0,1 mg L-1, 0,2 mg L-1) te pri 4 različite pH-vrijednosti otopina (5, 7, 8, 9), kao i u otpadnoj vodi, koja je prethodno obrađena biološkom metodom. Modelni uzorci analizirani su vezanim sustavom tekućinske kromatografije ultravisoke djelotvornosti i spektrometrije masa (UHPLC-MS). Koncentracija ozona od 0,05 mg L-1 učinkovito uklanja furosemid iz modelne otopine tijekom 10 minuta tretmana. Pri dozi ozona od 0,1 mg L-1 postignuto je najučinkovitije uklanjanje furosemida unutar 2 minute od početka tretmana ozonom. Analizom alikvota modelnih uzoraka nisu uočeni nikakvi transformacijski produkti furosemida. |
Abstract (english) | The purpose of this paper was to investigate the efficiency of the ozone treatment for degradation of diuretic furosemide and to determine the kinetics of its removal from the model solution under various conditions such as ozone concentration, pH of model solution, and matrix types. Furthermore, the aim was to try to identify the transformation products resulting from the degradation of the parent compound after ozone treatment. The furosemide sample was treated in demineralised water at 4 ozone doses (0,02 mg L-1, 0,05 mg L-1, 0,1 mg L-1, 0,2 mg L-1) and at 4 different pH values of the solution (5, 7, 8, 9) as well as in waste water, previously treated by a biological method. Model samples were analyzed by ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS). The ozone concentration of 0.05 mg L-1 effectively removes furosemide from the model solution during 10 minutes of treatment. At 0.1 mg L-1 ozone dose, the most effective removal of furosemide was achieved within 2 minutes of ozone treatment. No transformation products of furosemide were observed by model samples aliquot analysis. |