Abstract | Cilj ovog rada bio je odrediti fizikalno-kemijske parametre: udio soli, proteina, boju i teksturu u uzorcima dimljenog pršuta, te stupanj proteolitiĉkih procesa što ukljuĉuje udio proteinskog i neproteinskog dušika, koncentraciju karbonila te indeks proteolize. Boja je odreĊena spektrofotometrom, tekstura teksturometrom, proteinski (N) i neproteinski dušik (NPN) metodom po Kjeldahlu, udio soli metodom po Mohru, koncentracija karbonila DNPH metodom, a indeks proteolize odreĊen je kao NPN/N omjer. Udio soli kretao se u rasponu od 6,64-9,63 %, udio ukupnih proteina 29,91-38,60%, udio proteinskog dušika 4,79-6,18% te udio neproteinskog dušika 1,10-2,71%. L* vrijednost iznosila je od 48,11-54,79, a* vrijednost 3,48-6,70 te b* vrijednost 5,49-8,58. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da dimljeni pršuti s višim indeksom proteolize imaju manju tvrdoću. TakoĊer uzorci s većim udjelom soli sadrţe manju koncentraciju karbonila tj. manji stupanj oksidacije proteina zbog konzervirajućeg djelovanja NaCl. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this paper was to determine the physico-chemical parameters: salt and protein content, color and texture and the level of proteolytic processes including protein and nonprotein nitrogen, concentration of carbonyls and the proteolysis index in samples of smoked dry-cured ham. The color was determined by a spectrophotometer, texture by texture analyzer, protein (N) and nonprotein nitrogen (NPN) by Kjeldahl method, salt content by Mohr method, concentration of carbonyls by DNPH method and the proteolysis index as the NPN/N ratio. Salt content ranged from 6,64 to 9,63%, total protein content from 29,91-38,60%, protein nitrogen content from 4,79-6,18% and non-protein nitrogen content from 1,10-2,71%. L * value ranges from 48,11 to 54,79, a* value from 3,48 to 6,70 and b* value from 5,49 to 8,58. Obtained results showed that samples of smoked dry-cured hams with higher proteolysis index had lower hardness. Also samples with higher salt content had lower concentration of carbonyls therfore lower protein oxidation due to the conservation effect of NaCl. |