Abstract | Cilj ovog rada je bio odrediti polifenolni sastav, senzorska i teksturna svojstva suhih smokava prikupljenih s hrvatskog tržišta. Od ukupno 8 uzoraka, 4 su bila porijeklom iz Turske, a preostala 4 porijeklom iz Hrvatske. Analize ukupnih fenola, flavonoida, flavan-3-ola, hidroksicimetnih kiselina te antioksidacijske aktivnosti (FRAP) provedene su spektrofotometrijski. Ekstrakcija je provedena uz 50%-tni metanol primjenom Ubrzane ekstrakcije otapalima (Accelerated Solvent Extraction, ASE) uz statičko vrijeme 15 min, 2 ekstrakcijska ciklusa, pri 80 °C. Uzorcima suhih smokava određena je suha tvar sušenjem, teksturna svojstva primjenom analizatora teksture te senzorska svojstva metodom kvantitativne deskriptivne analize (QDA). Dobiveni rezultati upućuju da su općenito veći udjeli fenolnih spojeva određeni u turskim smokvama (90,72 vs. 75,39 mg GAE 100 g-1), dok su u uzorcima smokava s hrvatskog tržišta određene veće vrijednosti antioksidacijskog kapaciteta (110,71 vs. 86,10±0,12 mg AAE 100 g-1). Nadalje, rezultati teksturalne analize pokazuju kako turski uzorci imaju veću tvrdoću i čvrstoću u usporedbi s hrvatskim, dok je razlika u elastičnosti među uzorcima hrvatskih i turskih smokava mala. Senzorskom analizom je utvrđeno da su uzorci hrvatskih smokava općenito za poželjne senzorske desriptore imali veće ocjene u usporedbi s turskim smokvama. Ove rezultate potkrijepila je i provedena PCA analiza. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this study was to determine the polyphenols, sensory and texture properties in dried figs collected from the Croatian market. Total of eight samples was collected from which four were imported from Turkey and four were domestic. The analysis of total phenols, flavonoids, flavan-3-ols, hydroxycinnamic acids and antioxidant capacity (FRAP) were performed spectrophotometrically whereas the extraction procedure was performed by using Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE) under the static time 15 min, 2 extraction cycles at 80 ° C and 50% methanol as extraction solvent. Total dry matter was determined by oven drying, textural properties by using the texture analyzer and sensory properties by quantitative descriptive analysis (QDA). The obtained results indicated that the higher proportion of phenolic compounds was found in Turkish figs (90,72 vs. 75.39 mg GAE 100 g-1), while for the Croatian figs, a higher value of antioxidant capacity was observed (110.71 vs. 86,10±0.12 mg AAE 100 g-1). Furthermore, the results for the textural analysis showed that Turkish samples have higher hardness and firmness compared to Croatian figs, while elasticity was almost similar for both samples. The results of sensory analysis showed that the Croatian figs generally had higher desirable sensory attributes than those of Turkish figs. These results have been also supported by PCA analysis. |