Abstract | Cilj ovoga rada bio je odrediti aromatični sastav lišća 9 sorata smokve s područja Istre: Fico della Madonna, Bjelica, Zimica, Miljska figa, Tiger, Šaraguja, Sušioka, Petrovača bijela i Petrovača crna. Hlapljivi aromatični spojevi u lišću smokve izolirani su vodenom destilacijom po Clevengeru, a zatim su identificirani plinskom kromatografijom uz masenu spektrometriju. Ukupno je detektirano 46 spojeva, od kojih su 8 neidentificirana. Identificirana su 3 alkana, 6 aldehida, 3 estera, 2 fenola, 1 monoterpenoid, 5 norizoprenoida, 14 seskviterpenoida, 1 diterpenoid, te 3 spoja ostalih skupina. U svim uzorcima, detektirani su spojevi: kariofilen oksid, β-kariofilen, β-ionon, 2,4-ditert-butilfenol, heksahidrofarnesilaceton i fitol. Najveći udio aromatičnih spojeva detektiran je u uzorku sorte Tiger, dok je najveći udio spoja kariofilen oksida detektiran u uzorku sorte Fico della Madonna. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this study was to determine the aromatic composition of leaves of 9 varieties of figs from Istria: Fico della Madonna, Bjelica, Zimica, Miljska Figa, Tiger, Saraguja, Susioka, Petrovaca white and Petrovaca black. The volatile aromatic compounds in the fig leaves were isolated by hydrodistillation according to Clevenger and then identified by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. A total of 46 compounds were detected, of which 8 were unidentified. 3 alkanes, 6 aldehydes, 3 esters, 2 phenols, 1 monoterpenoid, 5 norisoprenoids, 14 sesquiterpenoids, 1 diterpenoid and 3 compounds of other groups were identified. In all samples the following compounds were detected: caryophyllene oxide, β-caryophyllene, β-ionone, 2,4-ditert-butylphenol, hexahydropharnesilacetone and phytol. The highest content of aromatic compounds was detected in the sample of the Tiger variety, while the highest content of caryophyllene oxide was detected in the sample of Fico della Madonna variety. |