Abstract | Sastav tijela i antropometrijska obilježja su pokazatelj stanja tijela, stoga je u ovom radu korišten uređaj koji se temelji na bioelektričnoj impedanciji, medicinski analizator sastava tijela. U sklopu projekta Mjerenja sastava tijela (De Haagse Hogeschool), mjerene su studentice iz Europe i Azije (n=9), tijekom studentskog boravka u inozemstvu,. Mjerenja su provedena 3 puta, s razmakom od mjesec dana. Ispitanice su trebale korigirati svoj plan prehrane prema nutritivnim smjernicama i vježbati, s ciljem redukcije masne mase i povećanju nemasne mase. Praćene su promjene (i) osnovnih antropometrijskih pokazatelja: tjelesna masa, tjelesna visina te opseg struka) i (ii) parametara sastava tijela (masna masa i nemasna masa (mišićna masa, koštana masa, masa ostalih organa, fazni kut te ukupna masa vode u tijelu)). Podaci su uspoređeni međusobno te s dostupnim prosječnim podacima za mongoloide i kavkazoide. Rezultati mjerenja sastav tijela upućuje na očekivane razlike u tjelesnoj masi (p=0,036), indeksu tjelesne mase (p=0,031), indeksu masne mase (p=0,046) te opsegu struka (p=0,034), ovisno o pripadnosti ispitanica jednoj od dvije promatrane etničke skupine. Fazni kut je praćen u percentilima te nije pokazao pozitivnu korelaciju s indeksom tjelesne mase. |
Abstract (english) | Body composition and anthropometric characteristics are the indicator of the state of the body, so in this paper a device used is based on the bioelectrical impedance, the medical body composition analyzer. As part of the Body Composition Measurement project (De Haagse Hogeschool), female students from Europe and Asia (n=9) were measured during their student stay abroad. The measurements were carried out 3 times, with an interval of one month. The test subjects had to correct their diet plan according to nutritional guidelines and exercise, with the aim of reducing fat mass and increasing lean mass. Changes in (i) basic anthropometric indicators: body mass, body height and waist circumference) and (ii) body composition parameters (fat mass and lean mass (muscle mass, bone mass, mass of other organs, phase angle and total water mass in body)). The data were compared with each other and with the available average data for Mongoloids and Caucasoids. The results of measuring body composition indicate the expected differences in body mass (p=0.036), body mass index (p=0.031), fat mass index (p=0.046) and waist circumference (p=0.034), depending on whether the subjects belonged to one of the two observed ethnic groups. The phase angle was monitored in percentiles and did not show a positive correlation with body mass index. |