Abstract | Ovim završnim radom se objašnjava utjecaj različitih sastojaka na specifična svojstva zanatskog sladoleda na bazi mlijeka. Zanatski sladoled ili gelato, sladoled je s manjim udjelom masti, većim udjelom šećera i smanjenim volumenom inkorporiranog zraka, u usporedbi s industrijski proizvedenim sladoledom, a zadnjih nekoliko godina postaje sve popularniji među potrošačima. Naglasak istraživanja je na upotrebi različitih emulgatora (monoglicerida i diglicerida) i stabilizatora (ksantan guma, guar guma, karboksimetil celuloza i alfa karagenan) s ciljem postizanja optimalne recepture za stabilni sladoled glatke teksture, punog okusa i visoke kvalitete. Eksperimentalni dio uključuje sastavljanje i optimiranje recepture, vaganje sastojaka, homogenizaciju suhe i tekuće smjese te izradu sladoleda. Provedene analize sladoleda su mjerenje temperature, specifičnog volumena, brzine topljivosti te senzorske analize. Rezultati ukazuju na međusobni povoljan utjecaj ispravno doziranih emulgatora i stabilizatora na kvalitetu konačnog proizvoda. |
Abstract (english) | This thesis explains the impact of various ingredients on the specific properties of artisanal milk-based ice cream. Artisanal ice cream, or gelato, has a lower fat content, higher sugar content, and reduced volume of incorporated air compared to industrially produced ice cream, and in recent years, it has become increasingly popular among consumers. The research emphasizes the use of different emulsifiers (monoglycerides and diglycerides) and stabilizers (xanthan gum, guar gum, carboxymethyl cellulose, and alpha carrageenan) with the aim of achieving an optimal formula for stable ice cream with a smooth texture, rich flavor, and high quality. The experimental part includes formulating and op timizing the recipe, weighing the ingredients, homogenizing the dry and liquid mixture, and making the ice cream. The conducted analyses of the ice cream involve measuring temperature, specific volume, melting rate, and sensory analyses. The results indicate the mutually beneficial impact of correctly dosed emulsifiers and stabilizers on the quality of the final product. |