Abstract | Agrarni ekonomisti su kroz povijest doprinijeli razvoju i općem prihvaćanju agrarne ekonomike kao interdisciplinarne nastavne i znanstvene discipline. Cilj ovog rada je analiza pripremljenosti studenata Agroekonomike za tržište rada, te analiza njihovih stavova u svezi kvalitete studiranja na smjeru Agroekonomika. Studenti Agroekonomike imaju relativno nizak stav o stečenom znanju na studiju, dok s druge strane bolje ocjenjuju svoje vještine stečene tijekom studija. Očekivanja od studija su im osrednja, te očigledno da postoji prostor za poboljšanje njihovih očekivanja. Opća ocjena studija im je iznad prosjeka, a razlog tome se pronalazi u općenitoj kvaliteti studija, visokoj ponudi i kvaliteti izbornih kolegija, te prilagođenosti zahtjeva i težine kolegija predznanjima. Usporedivši ove tri generacije agroekonomista uočilo se kako studenti druge godine diplomskog studija smatraju da je agroekonomistima najlakše dobiti posao u struci u odnosu na ostale struke na Poljoprivrednom fakultetu. Tako 19% studenata smatra da je lakše dobiti posao, dok 0% prve godine diplomskog, te samo 4% studenata druge godine preddiplomskog smatra kako je lakše dobiti posao u struci u odnosu na ostale smjerova Poljoprivrednog fakulteta. 57% studenata druge godine diplomskog studija smatra da je jednako teško dobiti posao, dok 53% prve godine diplomskog, te 50% studenata druge godine preddiplomskog studija smatra da su u jednako teškoj situaciji za zaposlenje u odnosu na ostale smjerove na fakultetu.
Ukupna nezaposlenost agroekonomista prvostupnika porasla je u promatranom razdoblju od 15.04.2014. do 15.04.2015. za 28,57%, dok je nezaposlenost za one bez radnog iskustva povećana za 20%. Ukupna nezaposlenost agroekonomista s završenim diplomskim sveučilišnim studijem u promatranom razdoblju od 15.04.2014. do 15.04.2015. smanjila se za 22,58%, dok se nezaposlenost onih bez radnog iskustva smanjila za 36,84%. Važno je za uvidjeti kako je nezaposlenost agroekonomista s završenim diplomskim sveučilišnim studijem, bez radnog iskustva smanjena za 14,26 postotnih poena više od ukupne nezaposlenosti agroekonomista s istim stupnjem obrazovanja. Očigledno je da postoji puno veća potražnja za agroekonomistima s završenim diplomskim sveučilišnim studijem, u usporedbi s prvostupnicima Agroekonomike. |
Abstract (english) | Agricultural economists have historically contributed to the development and general acceptance of Agricultural Economics as an interdisciplinary teaching and science discipline. The goal of this thesis is to analyze the preparedness of students of Agricultural Economics for the labor market, and analyze their perspectives on study quality on the course Agricultural Economics. Students of Agricultural Economics have relatively low attitude and knowledge gained in the study, while on the other side they better evaluate their skills acquired during their studies. They have mediocre expectations of the studies, and obviously there is a space for improvement of their expectations. General grade of course Agricultural Economics is above average, and the reason is found in the general quality of the study, high offer and quality of elective courses, and in adaptation of requirements and difficulty of the course prior to the knowledge. Comparing three genenerations of Agricultural Economists it has been noticed how students in the second year of graduate studies find that the Agricultural Economists can easier find job in this profession, in relation to other professions at the Faculty of Agriculture. So 19% of them believed that it's easier to get a job, while 0% the first year of graduate study, and only 4% of students in the second year of undergraduate studies thinks that it's easier to get a job in the profession Agricultural Economics, in relation to other professions on Faculty of Agriculture. 57% of students in the second year of graduate study considers that it is equally difficult to get a job, while 53% of the first year of graduate study, and 50% of students in the second year of undergraduate study believed to be in equally difficult situation of employment in relation to other courses at the Faculty of Agriculture.
Overall unemployment of Agricultural Economist with bachelor degree, rose in the period from 15th April of 2014 to 15th April of 2015 to 28.57%, while the unemployment rate for those with no work experience increased by 20%. Overall unemployment of Agricultural Economists with completed graduate university study in the period from 15th April of 2014 to 15th April of 2015 decreased by 22.58%, while the unemployment rate of those without work experience decreased by 36.84%. It is important to realize that te unemployment of Agricultural Economists with a graduate diplomas without work experience has reduction of 14.26 percentage points more than the total unemployment of Agricultural Economists with the same level of education. It is obvious that there is a much greater demand for Agricultural Economists with a graduate diplomas, compared with udergraduates in Agricultural Economics. |