Title Ekonomska učinkovitost daljinske detekcije zlatne žutice vinove loze
Title (english) Economic efficiency of flavescence doree remote sensing
Author Pavao Matić
Mentor Mato Drenjančević (mentor)
Committee member Krunoslav Zmaić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vladimir Jukić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek (Department of Plant Production and Biotechnology) Osijek
Defense date and country 2019-04-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy Economics
Abstract Zlatna žutica karantenska je bolest vinove loze koju uzrokuje fitoplazma. Smatra se jednom od najopasnijih bolesti vinove loze u Europi koja je sredinom 20. st. došla iz Amerike. Širi se vektorom američkim cvrčkom, ukoliko se brzo ne poduzmu odgovarajuće mjere tretiranja i suzbijanja bolesti, poprima razmjere epidemije. Bolest zlatne žutice u Hrvatskoj se pojavila 2009. godine u Karlovačkoj županiji, a u posljednjih desetak godina raširila se na šire vinogradarsko područje. Najveću opasnost predstavlja u Istarskoj županiji. Da bi kontrolirali ovu vrlo zaraznu bolest bitno je otkriti bilo kakve simptome i pojave što je ranije moguće. Tijekom razdoblja otkrivanja – koje se podudara sa berbom i vrlo je kratko, teško je ručno provjeriti cijeli vinograd i utvrditi simptome bolesti. Stoga smo vođeni iskustvima i istraživanjima u Francuskoj te upoznati mnogobrojnim mogućnostima koje pružaju bespilotne letjelice (dronovi) odlučili za daljinsku detekciju zlatne žutice. Prednosti snimanja su brojne; u vrlo kratkom vremenu doći do stvarnog stanja područja, brzo i jednostavno zaražene trsove prepoznati u cijelom vinogradu. Bespilotna letjelica Sensefly eBee Plus leti samostalno uz pomoć integriranog GPS prijamnika i navigacijskog sustava te autopilota za upravljanje letom. Softverima Emotion3, Pix4D i Globall Mapper uvelike nam je olakšano kreiranje misija, obavljanje zadatka, obrada podataka te detektiranje željene bolesti. Za snimanje je odabran vinograd u Istri, Općina Vižinada kod vinogradara Eliđa Pilata. Eliđo obrađuje oko 18ha vinograda, a posljednjih nekoliko godina sve veći problem predstavlja mu bolest zlatna žutica zbog koje je osjetno smanjen prinos grožđa. Najveća opasnost dolazi mu iz okolnih zapuštenih i neobrađivanih vinograda u kojem vlada bolest. Snimljeno je šire područje oko vinograda - 67 ha te je utvrĎeno: 10 potpuno zapuštenih vinograda i 58 različitih lokacija sa pojedinačnim zaraženim trsovima. Multispektralnom kamerom SEQUIO-a i kalibracijom zaraženih trsova na području cijelog vinograda veličine oko 2 ha pronađeno je ukupno 103 zaražena trsa. Zaraženi trsovi većinom su na rubnim dijelovima nasuprot kojeg se nalazi zapušteni vinograd. Trošak cjelokupnog snimanja: S.O.D.A. kamera - šire područja vinograda, multispektralna SEQUIO-a kamera – vinograd, obrada podataka, putni trošak i ostalo košta 11 112 kn. Ukoliko bi se pravilno iskoristili snimljeni podaci, te sukladno zakonu pridržavali mjera opreza utrošeni novac višestruko bi se uzvratio vrijednim vinogradarima koji žive od ove grane poljoprivrede u Istri.
Abstract (english) Grapevine yellows a quarantine disease of grape vine caused by phytoplasm. It is considered one of the most dangerous diseases of grape vines in Europe, which came from America in the mid-20th century. It is widespread with the American cricket, if it does not take appropriate measures to treat and control the disease quickly, it takes on the scale of the epidemic. The disease of grapevine yellow in Croatia appeared in 2009 in Karlovac County, and in the last decade it spread to a wider wine-growing area. The greatest danger is in the Istrian County. To control this highly contagious disease, it is important to detect any symptoms and occur as early as possible. During the discovery period - which coincides with the vintage and is very short, it is difficult to manually check the entire vineyard and determine the symptoms of the disease. Therefore, we have been guided by experience and research in France and acquainted with the many possibilities offered by drones to opt for remote detection of grapevine yellows . The benefits of recording are numerous; in a very short time to reach the actual condition of the area, quickly and easily infected vines recognized in the whole vineyard. The drone Sensefly eBee Plus flies independently with the help of an integrated GPS receiver and navigation system and a flying flight autopilot. The Emotion3, Pix4D and Globall Mapper software greatly facilitates the creation of missions, task execution, data processing and detecting the desired disease. The vineyard selected for the recording was in Istria, Municipality of Vizinada by the wine-maker EliĎa Pilata. Family vineyard is about 18 hectares, and in the last couple of years an ever greater problem is its FD because of its dramatically reduced yield of grapes. The greatest danger comes from the surrounding neglected and unprocessed vineyards in which the disease prevails. A wider area around the vineyards was recorded - 67 ha and it was found: 10 completely abandoned vineyards and 58 different locations with individual infected plants. A total of 103 infected cans were found with SEQUIO's multi-spectrum camera in the entire vineyard area of about 2 ha. Infected plantes are mostly at the edges, opposite to which there is an abandoned and grazed vineyard. Total recording cost: S.O.D.A. camera – wider area of vineyard, multi-spectrum SEQUIO camera - vineyard, data processing, travel cost and other costs 11 112 kn. If properly used the recorded data and kept the precautionary measure in accordance with the law, the money spent would be returned to hard working wine growers living in this branch of agriculture in Istria.
zlatna žutica
američki cvrčak
daljinska detekcija
bespilotna letjelica
multispektralna kamera
Keywords (english)
grapevine yellows
American grapevine leafhopper
remote detection
multispectral camera
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:151:217495
Study programme Title: Agroeconomics Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magista/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka agroekonomika (magista/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka agroekonomika)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Public note Diplomski rad
Created on 2019-05-21 07:38:33