Abstract | Prijateljstvo psa i čovjeka traje već tisućama godina, a danas psi imaju važnu ulogu u životima ljudi. Hranidba je jedan od najznačajnijih čimbenika za pravilan razvoj, rast i zdravstveno stanje psa. Pravilna hranidba za psa je ona koja psu osigurava podmirenje svih potreba za hranom i energijom. Odabir načina hranidbe najviše ovisi o vlasniku i njegovim uvjerenjima, a najvažnije je da pruža psu uravnotežen i kvalitetan obrok, te da odgovara njegovim potrebama. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi obilježja hranidbe pasa među uzgajivačima i vlasnicima u Osječko-baranjskoj i Brodsko-posavskoj županiji. U istraživanju su korišteni anonimni anketni upitnici koje su ispunili uzgajivači i vlasnici pasa s područja Osječko-baranjske i Brodsko-posavske županije u razdoblju od kraja siječnja do početka svibnja 2019. godine. Podijeljeno je 280 upitnika, a vraćeno je 216 što je odaziv od 77,1%. U statističku obradu je ušlo 197 upitnika koji su bili cjelovito popunjeni prema uputama. Kombinirana hranidba najzastupljenija je vrsta hrane među uzgajivačima ili vlasnicima pasa (84,8%). U hranjenju psa najčešće sudjeluju svi članovi kućanstva (53,3%). Istraživanje je pokazalo kako je izvor pitke vode psu dostupan po volji u većini slučajeva (94,9). Istraživanje je pokazalo kako većina ispitanika ne koristi dodatke hranidbi u obroku psa (54,8%). Među svim ispitanicima bilo je 93,4% onih koji psa hrane gotovom hranom za pse. Suha gotova hrana za pse je izbor za najveći broj anketiranih uzgajivača ili vlasnika pasa (47,7%). Prilikom kupovine gotove hrane za psa, ispitanici najčešće biraju robnu marku (67,4%). Među svim ispitanicima bilo je 59,4% onih koji psa hrane ostacima hrane iz kućanstva. Među svim ispitanicima bilo je 61,9% onih koji psa hrane kostima, te je većina koristila kuhane ili pečene kosti (63,2%). Uvidom u rezultate ankete možemo zaključiti kako je hranidba pasa na području Osječko-baranjske i Brodsko-posavske županije zadovoljavajuća, iako ima mjesta za napredak i poboljšanje. Razumijevanje hranjivih tvari je ključno za primjenu kvalitetnije hranidbe. Veterinari te nutricionisti bi trebali biti više uključeni u hranidbu pasa, te svoje znanje prenositi na uzgajivače ili vlasnike pasa. |
Abstract (english) | Friendship between the dog and human has been around for thousands of years, and today dogs play an important role in people's lives. Feeding is one of the most important factors for the proper development, growth and health of a dog. Proper feeding for the dog is one that ensures the dog meets all the food and energy needs. The choice of feeding method depends most on the owner and his beliefs, but most importantly it that feeding provides the dog with a balanced and quality meal which suits his needs. The aim of the study is to determine the characteristics of dog feeding among breeders and owners in Osijek-Baranja and Brod-Posavina counties. The survey used anonymous survey questionnaires completed by breeders and dog owners from the Osijek-Baranja and Brod-Posavina counties between late January and early May 2019. 280 questionnaires were distributed and 216 returned, which is a 77.1% response rate. Statistical analysis included 197 questionnaires, which were completely completed according to the instructions. Combined feeding is the most prevalent type of food among breeders or dog owners (84.8%). The majority of household members participate in dog feeding (53.3%). Research has shown that drinking water is available to the dog ad libitum in most cases (94.9%). The study found that the majority of respondents did not use nutritional supplements in their dog meal (54.8%). Among all respondents, there were 93.4% of those who fed dogs with commercial dog food. Dry commercial dog food is the choice for the largest number of breeders or dog owners (47.7%). When buying commercial dog food, the respondents most often choose the brand (67.4%). Among all respondents, there were 59.4% of those who feed the dog with household leftovers. Among all respondents, there were 61.9% of those who fed their dogs with bones, and the majority of them used cooked or baked bones (63.2%). Looking at the results of the survey, we can conclude that dog feeding in the Osijek-Baranja and Brod-Posavina county is satisfactory, although there is certainly space for improvement. Understanding nutrients is key to applying better nutrition. Veterinarians and nutritionists should be more involved in dogs feeding and pass on their knowledge to breeders or dog owners. |