Abstract | Vinogradarstvo u Hrvatskoj je jedna od najrazvijenijih gospodarska grana. U Hrvatskoj je upisano oko 41 000 gospodarstava koja posjeduju vinograd s ukupno oko 83500 parcela pod vinogradima. Najzastupljenije sorte su Graševina, Malvazija istarska i Plavac mali. Da bi uspješno gospodarili vinovom lozom, izuzetno je potrebno poznavati njenu morfološku građu kao i pojedine fenofaze. Morfološki razlikujemo njene generativne i vegetativne organe. Vinova loza godišnje prolazi kroz sedam fenofaza, a to su: suzenje ili plač, pupanje, rast i razvoj vegetacije, cvatnja i oplodnja, rast bobica, dozrijevanje grožđa, priprema za zimski odmor i zimski odmor. Što se tiče bolesti ističu se: plamenjača, pepelnica, siva plijesan i crna pjegavost dok se među štetnicima ističu grinje( uzročnicierinoza i akarinoza), crveni voćni pauk, i grozdovi moljci (pepeljasti i žuti grozdov moljac). U borbi protiv bolesti i štetnika nažalost najviše se koriste kemijska sredstva, ali zbog njihovih nepovoljnih utjecaja na zdravlje ljudi i okoliš danas veliki značaj dobivaju biološka sredstva. Zaštita od bolesti i štetnika u ekološkoj proizvodnji temelji se na upotrebi biopreparata i povećanju biološke razolikosti. Od biopreparata najčešće korišteni i najučinkovitijima u proizvodnji vinove loze smatramo bioinsekticide i biofungicide. |
Abstract (english) | Vine planting in Croatia is one of the most developed industries. In Croatia, there are about 41,000 farms that own a vineyard with a total of about 83,500 plots under vineyards. The most common varieties are Graševina, Malvazija istarska and Plavac mali. In order to successfully manage a vine, it is extremely necessary to know its morphological structure as well as individual phenophases. We morphologically distinguish its generative and vegetative organs. The vine goes through seven phenophases a year, namely: tearing or weeping, budding, growth and development of vegetation, flowering and fertilization, berry growth, grape ripening, preparation for winter rest and winter rest. As for the disease, the following stand out: powdery mildew, powdery mildew, gray mold and black spot, while the pests include mites (causative agents of cirrhosis and acarinosis), red fruit spider, and cluster moths (ash and yellow grape moth). Unfortunately, chemical agents are mostly used in the fight against diseases and pests, but due to their adverse effects on human health and the environment, biological agents are gaining great importance today. Protection against diseases and pests in organic production is based on the use of biological products and increasing biodiversity. Of the biopreparations most commonly used and most effective in the production of grapes, we consider bioinsecticides and biofungicides. |