Title Agromorfološka različitost germplazme soje
Title (english) Agromorphological diversity of soybean germplasm
Author Ivan Varnica
Mentor Sonja Petrović (mentor)
Committee member Sonja Vila (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Andrijana Rebekić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tihomir Čupić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek (Department of Plant Production and Biotechnology) Osijek
Defense date and country 2021-01-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy Genetics and Breeding of Plants, Animals and Microorganisms
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 631/632 - Agriculture. Plant diseases. Plant protection
Thesaurus (NSK Kontrolirani rječnik)
Plant breeding
Abstract U ovom je istraživanju ispitana genetska različitost germplazme soje na temelju agronomskih i morfoloških svojstava te je utvrđena genetska udaljenost između 74 ispitivana genotipa. Ciljevi ovog istraživanja su bili utvrditi: (1) vrijednosti morfoloških svojstava za utvrđivanje kriterija različitosti genotipova u postupku DUS ispitivanja za priznavanje i zaštitu novih sorti, (2) procijeniti genetsku varijabilnost germplazme soje na temelju morfoloških i agronomskih svojstava, (3) identificirati genotipove nositelje određenih agronomskih svojstava i izabrati superiorne za buduća križanja. Tijekom dvije vegetacijske sezone na pokusnom polju Hrvatske agencije za poljoprivredu i hranu, Centra za sjemenarstvo i rasadničarstvo postavljen je poljski pokus u dva ponavljanja prema slučajnom bloknom rasporedu. Tijekom svake godine analizirano je 19 morfoloških svojstava prema UPOV-om vodiču za ispitivanje soje i sedam agronomskih. Analizom dobivenih podataka najveći doprinos utvrđivanju različitosti i najbolje diferenciranje genotipova utvrđen je za svojstva početak cvatnje, vrijeme dozrijevanja, boja dlačica stabljike, boja cvijeta odnosno obojenje hipokotila antocijanom te visina biljaka. Provedenom diskriminantnom analizom vidljivo je da u sušnim godinama proporcije rasporeda dozrijevanja za kasnije grupe bivaju narušene, dok u vremenski umjerenijim godinama razina diferenciranosti za ranije grupe zriobe biva slabije određena. Prosječan indeks raznolikosti za ispitivana morfološka svojstava na promatranoj populaciji iznosio je 0,77, što ukazuje na visok stupanj morfološke raznolikosti. Za sva ispitivana agronomska svojstva je utvrđen statistički značajan utjecaj genotipa, godine te njihove interakcije. Analizom agromorfoloških svojstava za utvrđivanje genetske udaljenosti grupiranje genotipova nije pratilo obrazac geografskog porijekla, a najveća genetska udaljenost utvrđena je za parove genotipova Paradis i Sapporo te je korištenjem ove kombinacije najizglednije povećanje genetske varijabilnosti populacije soje.
Abstract (english) This research examined the genetic diversity of soybean germplasm based on agronomical and morphological characteristic on set of 74 genotypes. Main objectives were to determine: (1) values of morphological traits for determining genotype distinctness criteria in the DUS testing procedure for registration and protection of new varieties, (2) to assess genetic variability of soybean germplasm based on morphological and agronomical characteristics, and (3) identify genotypes with favourable agronomic traits and select superior ones for future breeding programs. Field trials were set up in randomized complete block design with two replications at the Croatian Agency for Agriculture and Food, Centre for Seed and Seedlings during two growing seasons. During each year of the study, 19 morphological characteristics were analysed according to the UPOV soybean test guideline and seven agronomical traits. Analysed data showed that the greatest contribution to the determination of distinctness and the best differentiation of genotypes have the characteristics of beginning of flowering, time of maturity, colour of hairs of stem, flower colour or anthocyanin coloration of hypocotyl and plant height. The discriminant analysis showed that in dry seasons the proportions of maturity for later groups were less determined, while in moderate seasons the level of differentiation for earlier groups was less determined. The average diversity index for the morphological traits on the observed population of 74 genotypes was 0.77, which indicates a high degree of morphological diversity. The analysis of variance showed that genotype, year, and genotype x year interaction had a significant effect on all studied traits. By analysing agromorphological characteristics for determining genetic distance, grouping of genotypes did not follow the pattern of geographical origin, and the largest genetic distance was determined for pairs Paradis and Sapporo, using these combinations is most likely to increase the overall genetic variability of the soybean population
morfološka svojstva
agronomska svojstva
genetska udaljenost
Keywords (english)
morphological characteristics
agronomical characteristics
getetic distance
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:151:828008
Promotion 2021
Study programme Title: agricultural science Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biotehničkih znanosti, polje poljoprivreda (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biotehničkih znanosti, polje poljoprivreda)
Type of resource Text
Extent 147 str.; ilustr.; graf. prikazi; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Public note doktorska disertacija
Created on 2021-09-07 09:54:16