Abstract | Fusarium vrste su mnogobrojne i neke od njih su poznate kao iznimno važni biljni patogeni. U ovom radu su opisane
bolesti pšenice, kukuruza, soje, suncokreta, šećerne repe, krumpira, rajčice i tikvenjača uzrokovane vrstama roda
Fusarium. Neke od bolesti uzrokovane Fusarium vrstama su palež klijanaca, palež klasa, trulež korijena, trulež
stabljike i klipa te venuće. Kao najvažnije vrste koje izazivaju ove bolesti su navedene Fusarium graminearum,
Fusarium oxysporum, Fusarium culmorum, Fusarium solani i Fusarium verticillioides. Alternativni domaćini za ove
gljive su korovi koji svojom otpornošću na nepovoljne uvjete daju sposobnost patogenu da preživi i nekoliko godina.
Kako bi spriječili širenje ove bolesti vrlo je važno sijati zdravo i dezinficirano sjeme te provoditi pravilan plodored |
Abstract (english) | The genus Fusarium belongs to the class Hypomycetes, order Hyphale, and the species of the genus are numerous and
known as plant pathogens. This paper describes diseases of wheat, corn, soybeans, sunflowers, sugar beets, potatoes,
tomatoes and squash caused by species of the genus Fusarium. Some of the diseases caused by Fusarium species are
seedling blight, ear blight, snow mold, root rot, stem and cob rot, and loss of turgor, chlorosis, and necrosis of entire
plants. The most important species that cause these diseases are Fusarium graminearum, Fusarium oxysporum,
Fusarium culmorum, Fusarium solani and Fusarium verticilioides. Important vectors of these diseases are weeds
which, with their resistance to adverse conditions, give the pathogen the ability to survive for several years. In order
to prevent the spread of this disease, it is very important to sow healthy and disinfected seeds and to carry out proper
crop rotation. |