Abstract | Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi bioraznolikost rodova i strukturu trofičkih grupa nematoda u pšenici i
začinskoj paprici. Uzeta su četiri uzorka, dva iz usjeva pšenice i dva iz usjeva začinske paprike, na lokaciji
Široko Polje u 2021. godini. Utvrđen je ukupan broj nematoda, broj i bioraznolikost rodova, trofičke grupe
nematoda te su izračunati nematološki indeksi (MI, PPI, PPI/MI). Uzorci su uzeti pomoću ašova te je iz svakog
uzorka izdvojeno 100 g tla. Iz pripremljenog uzorka nematode su izdvojene Baermannovom metodom lijevka,
zatim su prebrojene i determinirane pod mikroskopom. Ukupna brojnost nematoda kretala se od 106 – 165, što
ukazuje na malu brojnost. Ukupno je utvrđeno 18 rodova nematoda, od čega je osam rodova pripadalo
bakterivorama, tri fungivorama, pet biljnim parazitima, jedan omnivorama i jedan predatorima. Rodovi
Acrobeloides, Eucephalobus, Rhabditis, Aphelenchoides, Pratylenchus, Tylenchorhynchus i Tylenchus bili su
prisutni u sva četiri uzorka. U uzorcima pšenice najdominantnije su bile nematode trofičke grupe bakterivora,
a u začinskoj paprici biljnih parazita. Najmanje su bile zastupljene nematode trofičke grupe omnivora te
predatora, koje nisu bile utvrđene u pšenici niti sa jednom jedinkom,a predatori su utvrđeni samo u jednom
uzorku začinske paprike. MI vrijednosti kretale su se od 1,63 do 1,96 što ukazuje na prisutnost kolonizera, tj.
c-p grupa 1 i 2. Vrijednosti PPI kretale su se od 2,60 do 2,83, a PPI/MI u rasponu od 1,44 do 1,60. Izračunati
indeksi ukazuju na uznemirenu sredinu i nestabilan ekosustav u tretmanu pšenice u odnosu na tretman paprike |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this study was to determine the biodiversity of nematode genera and the structure of
trophic groups of nematodes in soil under wheat and spicy pepper. Four samples were taken, two from wheat
and two from pepper crops, at Široko Polje in 2021. The study determined the total number of nematodes, the
number and biodiversity of genera, trophic groups of nematodes and calculated nematological indexes (MI,
PPI, PPI / MI). Samples were taken using ashes and 100 g of soil was extracted from each sample. From the
prepared sample, the nematodes were isolated by the Baermann funnel method, then counted and determined
under a microscope. The total number of nematodes ranged from 106 - 165, which indicates a low-abundances.
A total of 18 nematode genera were identified, of which eight genera belonged to bacterivorous, three to
fungivorous, five to plant parasitic nematodes, one to omnivorous and one to predators. The genera
Acrobeloides, Eucephalobus, Rhabditis, Aphelenchoides, Pratylenchus, Tylenchorhynchus and Tylenchus were
present in all four samples. In wheat samples, the most dominant were nematodes of the trophic group of
bacterivorous and in the pepper of plant parasitic nematodes. Nematodes of the trophic group of omnivorous
and predators were represented the least and were not found in wheat with any individual and predators were
found in only one sample of pepper. MI values ranged from 1,63 to 1,96 indicating the presence of colonizers,
i.e. c-p groups 1 and 2. PPI values ranged from 2,60 to 2,83 and PPI / MI ranged from 1,44 to 1,60. The
calculated indexes indicate a disturbed environment and an unstable ecosystem in the treatment of wheat in
relation to the treatment of pepper. |