Title Kakvoća sirovine i Baranjskog kulena (OZP) iz različitih proizvodnih lanaca
Title (english) Quality of meat and Baranja kulen (OZP) originated from different production chains
Author Miodrag Komlenić
Mentor Ivona Djurkin Kušec (mentor)
Committee member Goran Kušec (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vladimir Margeta (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Krvavica (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek (Department of Animal Production and Biotechnology) Osijek
Defense date and country 2022-12-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy Production and Processing of Animal Products
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 636/637 - Animal husbandry and breeding. Produce of domestic animals and game
Thesaurus (NSK Kontrolirani rječnik)
Production processes
Abstract Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi razlike u fizikalno-kemijskim i senzornim svojstvima Baranjskog kulena proizvedenim od mesa svinja uzgojenim u tri proizvodna lanca koja su se međusobno razlikovala prema pasmini svinja držanih u uvjetima optimalnim za svaku od njih. U prvom proizvodnom lancu (CS) tovile su se svinje pasmine Crna slavonska svinja, uzgajane pašnjački do prosječne žive težine od 135 kg, odnosno dobi od 18 mjeseci. Drugi lanac (DU) predstavljao je križance Durok x Veliki Jorkšir uzgajane na dubokoj stelji i zaklane s približno 180 kg žive težine i u dobi od 12 mjeseci. Posljednji proizvodni lanac (PIC) odnosio se na hibridne svinje uzgojene u intenzivnom tovu do dobi 6 mjeseci, odnosno 160 kg prosječne žive mase. Iz svakog od proizvodnih lanaca odabrano je 8 nazimica i 8 kastrata za istraživanje svojstava kakvoće te kemijskog sastava sirovog mesa. Od dobivene sirovine proizvedene su nadalje tri serije Baranjskog kulena u istovjetnim uvjetima i po jednakoj recepturi. Iz svake serije odabrano je 6 kulena te su analizirana njihova kemijsko-fizikalna i senzorska svojstva. Meso svinja iz tri proizvodna lanca međusobno se razlikovalo u kemijskom sastavu, kao i gotovo svim istraživanim svojstvima kakvoće, s iznimkom u nježnosti i otkapavanju vode iz mesa. Nadalje, u Baranjskom kulenu proizvedenom od mesa svinja iz tri proizvodna lanca utvrđene su značajne razlike u udjelu proteina, masti, te njegovoj boji i teksturi (osim parametra elastičnosti) obzirom na podrijetlo sirovine. Statistički značajne razlike također su utvrđene u većini identificiranih masnih kiselina pojedinačno, a sve skupine međusobno su se značajno razlikovale u sadržaju zasićenih, mononezasićenih i polinezasićenih masnih kiselina. Analizom vršnih para kulena detektirana su ukupno 133 različita hlapiva spoja arome. Glede oksidativnog statusa Baranjskog kulena značajne razlike su utvrđene u pokazateljima oksidacije masti, dok su udjeli proteinskih karbonila bili slični u sve tri skupine. Rezultati senzorne analize Baranjskog kulena pokazuju statistički značajne razlike u opisnim svojstvima i svojstvima dopadljivosti osim u aromama i konzistenciji. Prikazana istraživanja ukazuju na važnost kakvoće sirovine u proizvodnji Baranjskog kulena i njezinom utjecaju na najvažnija svojstva proizvoda. Uporaba mesa podrijetlom iz proizvodnog lanca Crne slavonske svinje iz tradicionalnog uzgoja utječe na kakvoću Baranjskog kulena, a posebno povoljan utjecaj vidljiv je u poboljšanju kemijskog sastava s obzirom na masne kiseline i senzorički profil.
Abstract (english) The aim of the thesis was to investigate the differences in physical-chemical and sensory traits of Baranjski kulen produced from the meat of pigs reared in three different production systems which differed in pig breed that was used and reared under specific conditions optimal for each of the breeds. In the first production chain Crna slavonska (CS) breed was raised on pasture until 135 kg live weight, i.e., 18 months of age; in the second production chain crosses of Duroc x Large White (DU) were raised on deep litter up to approximately 180 kg live weight, i.e. 12 months of age; and in the third production chain PIC hybrids were fattened in an intensive system to approximately 6 months of age or 160 kg live weight. When the designated age/live weight was achieved, from each of the production chains 8 gilts and 8 barrows were randomly chosen and sacrificed. Meat quality parameters according to their origin was determined and three batches of Baranjski kulen was produced using the same recipe and production technology. From each of the batches, 6 commodities were randomly chosen and their physical-chemical properties were analysed. The meat of pigs from three production chains differed significantly in chemical composition and almost all investigated meat quality traits, except for tenderness and drip measures. Significant differences were observed in the share of protein and fat and also colour and texture (except elasticity parameter) of Baranjski kulen depending on the meat origin. Differences were observed in most of the fatty acids individually and all investigated groups statistically differed in content of saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The analysis of overhead vapour identified 133 aroma vapour compounds. Significant differences between groups of Baranjski kulen in fat oxidation parameters were observed. The results of sensory analysis of Baranjski kulen showed significant differences in descriptive and likingness traits, except in aroma and consistency. The results of the study point to the importance of the raw material used for the production of Baranjski kulen and its influence on the most important product traits. The use of meat from the CS production chain influences the quality of Baranjski kulen; its advantageous influence is especially visible in the improvement of chemical composition regarding fatty acids and the sensory profile of the product.
proizvodni lanac
kvaliteta mesa
autohtona pasmina
Keywords (english)
production chain
meat quality
autochthonous breed
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:151:794596
Promotion 2022
Study programme Title: agricultural science Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biotehničkih znanosti, polje poljoprivreda (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biotehničkih znanosti, polje poljoprivreda)
Type of resource Text
Extent 135 str.; graf. prikazi i tablice; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Public note disertacija
Created on 2022-05-12 07:54:26