Abstract | Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi prinos zelene mase i suhe tvari engleskog ljulja u uvjetima
sjeveroistočne Hrvatske. Istraživanje je provedeno putem poljskog pokusa pokraj Tenje. Engleski ljulj je
zasijan 27. rujna 2021., a prinos je utvrđivan u četiri roka (3. svibnja, 8. lipnja, 13. srpnja i 7. rujna 2022.)
putem ručne košnje srpom ili kosom. Na temelju provedenog istraživanja može se zaključiti da je ostvareni
godišnji prinos suhe tvari engleskog ljulja od 7.352 kg/ha bio nizak, niži negoli u prethodnim istraživanjima
drugih autora u raznim dijelovima svijeta. Glavni uzrok niskoga prinosa je u iznimno sušnim prilikama
tijekom vegetacije engleskog ljulja, te u rijetkom sklopu usjeva nakon prezimljenja, što je bilo povezano s
vrlo niskim prinosom prvoga porasta (samo 910 kg/ha suhe tvari), koji bi uobičajeno trebao biti najprinosniji.
Tijekom porasta ljulja nakon prve košnje, ljulj je nabusao i uspio ostvariti zadovoljavajući prinos drugoga
porasta od 5.997 kg/ha suhe tvari. Pod pretpostavkom da bi u normalnim uvjetima prinos prvog porasta
trebao biti sličan prinosu drugoga porasta (pa čak i veći), engleski ljulj bi unatoč sušnim prilikama ostvario
godišnji prinos od oko 13 t/ha suhe tvari, što je više nego zadovoljavajuće u polusušnom klimatu istočne
Hrvatske, za krmnu kulturu osjetljvu na sušu, a kakva je engleski ljulj. |
Abstract (english) | The goal of the research was to determine the yield of green mass and of dry matter of perennial
ryegrass under the conditions of northeastern Croatia. The research was conducted through a field experiment
near Tenja. Perennial ryegrass was seeded on September 27, 2021, and the yield was determined in four
terms (May 3, June 8, July 13, and September 7, 2022) by hand mowing with a sickle or scythe. Based on the
conducted research, it can be concluded that the achieved annual dry matter yield of perennial ryegrass of
7,352 kg/ha was low, lower than in previous researches by other authors in various parts of the world. The
main cause of the low yield was extremely dry weather during the growing season of perennial ryegrass, as
well as a thin stand of ryegrass crop after overwintering, which was connected with the very low yield of the
first spring growth (only 910 kg/ha of dry matter), which should normally be the most productive. During the
growth of ryegrass after the first mowing, thanks to tillering, ryegrass managed to achieve a satisfactory yield
of the second growth of 5,997 kg/ha of dry matter. Assuming that under normal conditions the yield of the
first growth should be similar to the yield of the second growth (and even higher), perennial ryegrass would
achieve an annual yield of about 13 t/ha of dry matter despite the dry conditions, what would be more than
satisfactory in the semi-arid climate of the East Croatia, for forage crop that is sensitive to drought (what
perennial ryegrass is). |