Title Ekološka proizvodnja hrane za životinje
Title (english) Organic production in animal feed
Author Antonija Mitoš
Mentor Matija Domaćinović (mentor)
Committee member Danijela Samac (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Prakatur (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek (Department of Animal Production and Biotechnology) Osijek
Defense date and country 2023-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy Feeding Animals
Abstract Ekološka poljoprivreda, ratarska proizvodnja temelji se na prirodnim ciklusima i procesima, koristeći stare sorte sjemena, genetski nemodificiranog sjemena, a u stočarstvu na uzgoju autohtonih pasmina. Cilj ekološke proizvodnje posvećuje se prirodnim svojstvima biljaka, životinja i krajobraza, povećanju otpornosti bilja na prirodan način uz propisanu uporabu gnojiva i sredstva za zaštitu bilja. Mehaničko uništavanje korova, plodored, među usjevi, primjena komposta i biološka fiksacija dušika samo su dio obaveznih postupaka u načelima ekološke proizvodnje. Početak razvoja ekološke poljoprivredne proizvodnje u Hrvatskoj započinje 1980. godine osnutkom udruge “Društvo za unaprjeđenje kvalitete življenja” u Zagrebu. Dok se nisu zakonski propisi ustalili, odvijala se u tri faze do 1991. godine: od 1991. do 2001. i od 2001. godine nadalje. Savez za biološko organsko gospodarenje (BIOS) ima bitnu ulogu u kreiranju smislene smjernice za razvoj ekološke poljoprivrede. U tom razdoblju bitno je osnivanje Hrvatskog zavoda za poljoprivredu savjetodavnu službu (HZPSS) u cilju davanja potpore obiteljskim poljoprivrednim gospodarstvima u ruralnom prostoru. Polemika i međusobna uvjeravanja pojedinih stručnjaka kako bez mineralnih gnojiva i pesticida nije moguće proizvesti dovoljne količine hrane i ostalih poljoprivrednih proizvoda. Tu tvrdnju demantiraju rezultati pokusa koji traje već od 1981. godine, uspoređuje se konvencionalni i ekološki način uzgoja. Uspostava prirodne ravnoteže, uspostavom sustava kojem nije potrebna uporaba pesticida i mineralnih gnojiva otklanjaju se negativni utjecaji. Elemenata iz okruženja koji utječu na razvoj ekološke poljoprivrede su: uređeni zakonski okvir za ekološku proizvodnju, uređeni sustav nadzora, poticaji u ekološkoj poljoprivredi te trend povećanja potražnje ekoloških proizvoda.
Abstract (english) Ecological agriculture, agricultural production is based on natural cycles and processes, by using old sorts of seeds, genetically non-modified seeds, and in cattle-and-stock breeding; it is based on breeding native sorts/breeds. The purpose of an ecological production is aimed at the natural characteristics of plants, animals and landscapes, and to increase the resistance of plants in a natural way by using the prescribed compost/ or manure and products for protection of plants. Mechanical destruction of weeds, crop rotation, mid-season crops, application of compost and a biological fixing of usage of nitrogen are just some of the compulsory treatments and principles in ecological production. The very beginning of the ecological agricultural production in Croatia started in Zagreb in 1980 with the founding of the ‘ Association for Improvement of Quality of Life’. Until the legal regulations of the association were firmly established, the association worked in three phases until 1991: from 1991 to 2001 and from 2001 onwards. The association for biological organic agriculture (BIOS) has an important role in creating directions for the development of ecological agriculture. It was significant for this period that the Croatian Institution for Agricultural Advisory Service (HZPPS) was founded with the aim to help rural family agriculture. Discussions and mutual persuasions from various experts that it was impossible to produce sufficient amount of food and other agricultural products without mineral compost and pesticides, were challenged and repudiated by results of various experiments that started in 1981. Conventional and ecological productions were being compared. All negative effects can be removed by establishing a natural equilibrium, by putting in place a system with no usage of pesticides and/or mineral compost. The purpose of ecological production is aimed at the natural characteristics of plants, animals, and landscapes to increase the resistance of plants in a natural way by using the prescribed compost and products for the protection of plants. Mechanical destruction of weeds, crop rotation, inter-cropping, application of compost, and biological fixation of nitrogen are only part of the mandatory procedures in the principles of ecological production. Elements from the environment that affect the development of ecological agriculture are: established legal framework for ecological production, a legally binding system of control sponsoring of ecological agriculture as well as establishing a trend to increase demand for ecological products.
biljna i životinjska ekološka poljoprivredna proizvodnja
zakonski okviri
Keywords (english)
plant and animal ecological agricultural production
legal framework
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:151:839826
Study programme Title: Zootechnique; specializations in: The Nutrition of Domestic Animals, Hunting and Beekeeping, Special Zootechnique Course: The Nutrition of Domestic Animals Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka zootehnike (magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka zootehnike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Public note diplomski rad
Created on 2023-11-07 08:30:48