Abstract | U svrhu pisanja diplomskog rada provedena je laboratorijska analiza uzoraka pčela na prisutnost i zarazu grinjom Varroa destructor s ciljem da se usporede razlike u zaraženosti između različitih metoda mjerenja. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 10 pčelinjih zajednica i ispitivala se zaraženost odraslih pčela, odraslih trutova, radiličkog i trutovskog legla, te se mjerio pad grinje na umetku u mrežastoj podnici nakon tretmana CheckMite-om. Zaraženost se mjerila i uspoređivala se razlika između zaraženosti prema broju pčela u uzorku i prema masi istih pčela. Provedbom analize mase pčela radilica prosječna težina iznosila je 0,118±0,004 g, dok je prosječna težina trutova iznosila 0,222±0,019 g. Prosječna zaraženost prema broju pčela u uzorku 1,436±1,463 %, dok je prosječna zaraženost trutova izračunata na istina način iznosila 3,077±4,585 %. Izračun prosječne zaraženosti uzorka po težini uzorka pokazala je nešto niže vrijednosti te je za radilice prosječna zaraženost iznosila 1,210±1,206, a za trutove 3,778±4,371. Zaraženost trutovskog legla (6,000±6,9920 %) bila je skoro četiri puta viša od zaraženosti radiličkog legla (1,600±2,9514 %). Pearsonov koeficijent korelacije pokazao je pozitivnu korelaciju između zaraženosti pčela izračunatu prema broju pčela u uzorku i težini uzorka. Vrlo visoka i pozitivna korelacija utvrđena je između zaraženosti uzorka pčela (mjerene brojem pčela i težinom uzorka) s padom grinja nakon tretmana. Utvrđena je i visoka pozitivna korelacija između zaraženosti trutova mjerenih po broju trutova u uzorku i težini uzorka. |
Abstract (english) | For the purpose of writing the master thesis, a laboratory analysis of bee samples was carried out for the presence and infection of the mite Varroa destructor with the aim of comparing the differences in infestation between different measurement methods. 10 honey bee colonies participated in the research and the infestation of adult bees, adult drones, worker and drone brood was examined, and the drop of mites on the insert in the screened bottom boards after the treatment with CheckMite was measured. Infestation was measured and the difference between infestation according to the number of bees in the sample and the mass of the same bees was compared. By analyzing the mass of worker bees, the average weight was 0.118±0.004 g, while the average weight of drones was 0.222±0.019 g. The average infection according to the number of bees in the sample was 1.436±1.463%, while the average infection of drones calculated in the same way was 3.077±4.585 %. The calculation of the average infestation of the sample by sample weight showed lower values, and for workers the average infestation was 1,210±1,206, and for drones 3,778±4,371. The infestation of drone brood (6.000±6.9920 %) was almost four times higher than the infestation of worker brood (1.600±2.9514 %). Pearson's correlation coefficient showed a positive correlation between bee infestation calculated according to the number of bees in the sample and the weight of the sample. A very high and positive correlation was found between the infestation of the bee sample (measured by the number of bees and the weight of the sample) with the fall of mites after treatment. A high positive correlation was also found between drone infestation measured by the number of drones in the sample and the weight of the sample. |