Abstract | Monilinia fructigena značajan je uzročnik smeđe truleži plodova jezgričavoga voća.
Cilj rada bio je utvrditi dinamiku razvoja smeđe truleži na umjetno inokuliranim plodovima izolatom gljive Monilina fructigena izoliranog s dunje. Od plodova za potrebe istraživanja inokulirano je 5 sorti jabuka (Grenny Smith, Idared, Chrisp Pink, Jonagold, Golden Delicious), dok je za ispitivanje na kruškama inokulirano svega dvije sorte krušaka (Wiliams, Naši). Treći dan od inokulacije svi plodovi su pokazali tipične simptome smeđe truleži. Trideset i osmi dan, ujedno i posljednji dan mjerenja prosječnih vrijednosti promjera kolonije, najmanji promjer zabilježen je na sorti jabuke Jonagold (37,25 mm). Tek jedan uzorak sorte Grenny Smith imao je trulež na više od polovice ploda. Promjeri kolonija na ostalim sortama bili su: sorta Idared 39,75 mm, Golden Delicious 47,25 mm, Cripps pink 61,25 mm, te na kruškama sorte Naši 70 mm.
Osim dinamike razvoja smeđe truleži na umjetno inokuliranim plodovima jabuka i krušaka u radu je provedeno ispitivanje utjecaja dvije temperature od 15 ºC i 22 ºC i tri hranjive podloge ( PDA, Čapek, V8) na porast micelija, a na osnovi LSD testa, između pojedinih tretmana utvrđene su razlike. |
Abstract (english) | Monilinia fructigena is important plant pathogen witch cause firut rot of pome.
The aim of the study was to determine the dynamics of firut rot on artificially inoculated fruit Monilinafructigena isolate fungi isolated from quince. For this research it was inoculated five varieties of apples(Grenny Smith, Idared, Chrisp Pink, Jonagold, Golden Delicious), and two varieties of pears (Wiliams, Naši). The third day of inoculation all fruits showed typical symptoms of brown rot. Thirty-eighth day which was also the last day of measurement, average values colony diameter, the minimum diameter was recorded on apple Jonagold (37.25 mm). Only one sample of the variety Grenny Smith had rot on more than half of the fruit. The diameters of colonies on other varieties were: 39.75 mm Idared, Golden Delicious 47.25 mm, 61.25 mm Cripps Pink, and pears Our 70 mm.
In addition to the dynamics of the development of brown rot on artificially inoculated fruits apples and pears, the work has been carried out examining the impact of two temperatures of 15 ºC and 22 ºC and three culture media ( PDA, Čapek, V8) on mycelial growth, based on LSD test between individual treatments were differences |