Abstract | Tuna je jedna od najcjenjenijih morskih riba. Zbog svoje brzine i građe tijela izvrstan je lovac koji se hrani drugom sitnijom ribom, rakovima i glavonošcima. Osam je poznatih vrsta ove životinje od kojih je najveća i najcjenjenija vrsta tune plavih peraja ''Thunnus Thynnus''. Meso tune je iznimno nutritivno bogato, sadrži visok postotak proteina i vrlo malo masti zbog čega je omiljen obrok sportaša i svih osoba pojačane fizičke aktivnosti, te odličan izbor za zdravu prehranu i prevenciju raznih bolesti. Predstavlja jedan od najvažnijih hrvatskih izvoznih proizvoda, koji je usmjeren prema Japanskom tržištu. U Hrvatskoj se tuna najčešće uzgaja i dohranjuje u posebnim kavezima kako bi dosegla veličinu potrebnu za izvoz. Kavezni uzgoj kod nas je relativno nova djelatnost nastala unazad desetak godina, ali predstavlja svojevrstan preporod našeg ribarstva. Od vrsta se najviše uzgaja tuna plavih peraja ''Thunnus Thynnus'' koja zbog visoke kvalitete mesa na japanskom tržištu doseže zavidne cijene. Godine nekontroliranog izlova tune pogodovale su nastanku crnog tržišta koje je dovelo u pitanje opstanak vrste. U svrhu toga osnovana je Međunarodna komisija za očuvanje i zaštitu atlantskih tuna (ICCAT) čiji je osnovni cilj praćenje stanja biozaliha tuna i njima sličnih vrsta. Na temelju procjene stanja biozaliha, državama članicama određuju se godišnje mjere zaštite i kvote. Hrvatska je punopravni član ICCAT-a od 1997. godine. Hrvatska najviše izvozi svježe, rashlađeno ili smrznuto meso atlantske plavorepe tune, a uvozi pripremljenu i konzerviranu tunu različitih vrsta. Količinski gledano uvoz i izvoz su podjednaki, ali se izvozom zbog visoke kvalitete proizvoda ostvaruju višestruki prihodi i održava pozitivna vanjskotrgovinska bilanca. Prema istraživanju Hrvatska je vodeća zemlja u Europi u količini uzgojene atlantske plavoperajne tune. Uzgoj tune u Hrvatskoj predstavlja relativno mladu, no bez obzira na to vrlo važnu djelatnost koju treba poticati i promovirati jer ima veliku važnosti za hrvatsko gospodarstvo i vanjskotrgovinsku politiku. |
Abstract (english) | The tuna is one of the most appreciated sea fish. Because of it's body shape, speed and agility, the tuna is an excellent hunter and feeds itself with other smaller fish, crabs and cephalopods. There are eight types of this fish, but the biggest and most valued one is the blue fin tuna ''Thunnus Thynnus''. Tuna meat is extremely nutritive since it contains a high percentage of protein and very few fats. This makes it a perfect meal for sportsmen or people with high phisical acivity, also an excellent choice for a healthy diet and prevention of various diseases.It represents one of Croatia most important export products which is targeted towards the Japanese market. In Croatia, the tuna is most commonly breeded and fed in special cages so it can meet the requirements needed for export. The cage breeding is a relatively new activity in Croatia, started about ten years ago, but it represents sort of a revival of the croatian fishing industry. The blue fin tuna ''Thunnus Thynnus'' is the most breeded one and because of it's high quality meat it reaches high prices on the Japanese market.The years of uncontrolled fishing of tunas' have helped the development of the black market which brough to question the survival of the species. In that regard, the International comission for the preservation and protection of the atlantic tuna (ICCAT) was established and it's core function is monitoring the state of the resources of tuna and similar species. Based on the evaluation of resources, yearly safety measures and quotas are determined for each member state. Croatia is a full member of the ICCAT since 1997.Croatia mostly exports fresh, chilled or frozen meat of the atlantic bluefin tuna and imports processed and canned tuna of different sorts. Quantitatively speaking, the export and the import are quite the same, but, because of the high quality of the products, exports bring more revenue and keeps a positive foreign trade balance. According to research, Croatia is the leading country in Europe in the quantity of breeded Atlantic blue fin tuna. Tuna farming in croatia represents a relatively young activity, regardless a very important one which needs to be encouraged and promoted because of it's importance to the Croatian economy and foreign trade policy. |