Abstract | Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj kalcizacije i mineralne gnojidbe fosforom na koncentraciju ukupnih i raspoloživih količina Zn i Cd u tlu, na koncentraciju u listu pšenice tijekom vegetacije, na ukupnu koncentraciju Zn i Cd u zrnu pšenice, te na odnos Zn i Cd u listu i zrnu pšenice. Poljski pokusi postavljeni su 2003. godine na dva različita tipa tla, distričnom luvisolu i karbonatnom regosolu. Kalcizacija distričnog luvisola provedena je u tri razine: bez kalcizacije, 10, te 20 t ha-1 karbokalka. Mineralna gnojidba provedena je svake godine u tri razine: bez gnojidbe, standardna (140-200:150:300) i dvostruka gnojidba fosforom (140-200:300:300) za usjeve u plodoredu: kupus, kukuruz, pšenica. Ukupno je analizirano 108 uzorka tla, 36 prije provođenja kalcizacije (proljeće 2003.) i 36 prije gnojidbe za pšenicu (2004.), te 36 nakon žetve pšenice (2005.). ICP-OES-om je nakon mikrovalne digestije utvrđena koncentracija Zn i Cd u 72 uzorka pšenice prikupljenih tijekom vegetacije (36 list) i nakon žetve (36 zrno). Koncentracije ukupnog Zn i Cd veće su u karbonatnom regosolu nego u luvisolu, a raspoloživog Cd i Zn veće su u kiselijem tlu. Analizom tla nije utvrđen značajan utjecaj kalcizacije i gnojidbe na koncentracije ukupnih Zn i Cd, a jedino je utvrđeno značajno povećanje Cd ekstrahiranog s EDTA kao posljedica provedene gnojidbe. Koncentracija Cd i Zn veća je u zrnu nego u listu pšenice, ali su odnosi Zn i Cd u zrnu i listu vrlo slični (349,98 i 346,56). Mineralna gnojidba i kalcizacija nisu znatno utjecale na koncentraciju Zn u listu pšenice, ali je mineralna gnojidba značajno smanjila koncentraciju Zn u zrnu pšenice. Nasuprot tome, povećana gnojidba fosforomrezulirala je povećanjem koncentracije Cd u zrnu, dok je kalcizacija značajno utjecala na njegovo smanjenje. Sve utvrđene koncentracije Zn i Cd bile su u dopuštenim koncentracijama, odnosno ispod koncentracija propisanih Pravilnikom. |
Abstract (english) | The research goal was to determine the influence of liming and mineral phosphorus fertilization on the total and available concentration of Zn and Cd in the soil, the concentration in the wheat leaf during vegetation, the total concentration of Zn and Cd in the wheat grain, and on the relationship between Zn and CD in the leaf and wheat grain. Field experiments were setup in 2003. on two different types of soils, distric luvisol and calcaric regosol. The liming of distric luvisol was administered on three levels: without liming, 10, and 20 t ha-1 of carbocalk. The mineral fertilization was administered each year on three levels: without fertilization, standard fertilization (140-200:150:300) and double phosphorus fertilization (140-200:300:300) for crops in crop rotation: cabbage, corn, wheat. In total, 108 soil samples were analyzed, of which 36 before liming (spring of 2003.), 36 before fertilization for wheat (2004.), and 36 after harvesting the wheat (2005.). Using ICP-OES after microwave digestion, concentrations of Zn and Cd were established in 72 wheat samples collected during vegetation (36 in the leaf) and after harvest (36 in the grain). Concentrations of total Zn and Cd are higher in calcaric regosol as opposed to the luvisol, and the concentrations of available Zn and Cd are higher in more acidic soil. Soil analysis did not determine any noteworthy effect of liming and fertilization on the total concentrations of Zn and Cd, but there was a notable increase of EDTA extractable Cd as a result of fertilization. The concentration of Zn and Cd is higher in the wheat grain as opposed to the leaf, but the relations of Zn and Cd in the grain and leaf are similar (349,98 and 346,56). Mineral fertilization and liming did not notably effect the concentration of Zn in the wheat leaf, but mineral fertilization however notably reduced the concentration of Zn in wheat grain. Unlike this, increased phosphorus fertilization resulted in an increase in the concentration of Cd in the grain, while the liming process notably affected its decrease. All noted concentrations of Zn and Cd were in allowed measurements according to the Regulations guidebook. |