Abstract | Postoji više od četiristo posebnih psećih pasmina, a njihov različit izgled rezultat je
ljudske intervencije. Prva udruženja uzgajivača i ljubitelja pojedinih pasmina pojavljuju se
početkom devetnaestog stoljeća. Stvaraju se klubovi kojima je cilj provoditi planski i sustavni
uzgoj pasa, selekcionirati ih i stvarati standarde. Danas Kinološki savez ima standarde
pasmina za šest glavnih skupina pasa: goniče, terijere, lovačke pse, pse za pratnju, patuljaste
psiće i radne pse. FCI dijeli pasmine u 10 grupa, a jazavčari su IV. grupa. Jazavčar se uzgaja u
tri veličine (standard, patuljasti i kunićar) i s tri različite vrste dlake (kratkodlaki, dugodlaki i
oštrodlaki). Jazavčar je ozbiljan, staložen, uvijek budan, oštar i pouzdan pas. Njemački naziv
'dachshund' prevodi se kao 'pas za jazavce', što opisuje prvobitnu ulogu psa, otkrivanje
jazavaca njuhom i istjerivanje onih koji su se zavukli pod zemlju. Psi se ocjenjuju na
kinološkim priredbama, a to su smotre, savezne, međunarodne i svjetske izložbe. |
Abstract (english) | There are more than four hundred specific dog breeds and their different
look is entirely made as the result of human intervention. The first association of breeders and
lovers of specific dog breeds begin to appear at the beginning of 19th century. First clubs
were created whose aim was to implement a planned and systematic breeding of dogs,
selection and creating standards. Today Kennel Association has standards for the breed of the
six major groups of dogs: hounds, terriers, hunting dogs, companion dogs, toy puppies and
working dogs. FCI divides breeds into 10 groups, the dachshund is in IV. group. Dachshund
is bred in three sizes with three different types of hair (smooth, longhaired and wirehaired).
Dachshund is a serious, calm, always alert, sharp and reliable dog. The German name
"Dachshund" is translated as 'dog for badgers', which describes the original role of the dog -
to detect badgers using flair and expel those who had crawled under the ground. Dogs are
evaluated on the kennel events, such as festivals, federal, international and world exhibitions. |